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Game of August 9, 2011 at 04:21, 9 players
1. 555 pts Kenpachi
2. 508 pts shaylag
3. 455 pts ELCEE

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deehls   H3    78    78   sheeled
 2. ?aeensw   4B    76   154   enswathe
 3. abhiort   G8    72   226   bothria
 4. degltuy   5B    40   266   lyted
 5. adeintv   J4    86   352   deviant
 6. aeikrrs   8J    45   397   askari
 7. abdfjno  F14    50   447   ja
 8. aaentuu   3B    24   471   tae
 9. aelnqrt  10J    34   505   tranq
10. abegimn  12F    78   583   breaming
11. acdestu  O10    45   628   sauced
12. fioprtw   A5    46   674   forpit
13. eeginov  15A    33   707   geneva
14. ceiioop  11E    28   735   cohoe
15. glmnouw  14B    31   766   mow
16. giooruu  13C    22   788   gor
17. iinoxyz   7M    44   832   zo
18. fiilnop  14J    28   860   pinole
19. iilrtux   5H    33   893   exert
20. fiiluuu  H14    25   918   if
21. iiluuuy  D12    20   938   yowe

Remaining tiles: iiluuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6293 FileKenpachi    5 21:29  -383  555     1.7241 kellybelly  5  7:16  -684  254 
  2.6413 Fileshaylag     2 25:04  -430  508            Group: intermediate
  3.5625 FileELCEE       2 22:44  -483  455     1.6293 Kenpachi    5 21:29  -383  555 
  4.4849 Filedragons11   1 18:43  -484  454     2.6413 shaylag     2 25:04  -430  508 
  5.7241 Filekellybelly  5  7:16  -684  254            Group: novice
  6.5290 Filejimbo       1  6:59  -786  152     1.5625 ELCEE       2 22:44  -483  455 
  7.5153 Fileayoba       1  7:02  -797  141     2.5290 jimbo       1  6:59  -786  152 
  8.3563 Filedenbay      0 12:02  -820  118     3.5153 ayoba       1  7:02  -797  141 
  9.3732 Filestrykyster  0  6:11  -829  109            Group: not rated
                                             1.4849 dragons11   1 18:43  -484  454 
                                             2.3563 denbay      0 12:02  -820  118 
                                             3.3732 strykyster  0  6:11  -829  109 

On 1st draw, SHE(E)LED H3 78 --- SHEEL to shell [v]
Other tops: HED(D)LES H4 78, HE(D)DLES H4 78, LE(A)SHED H8 78, SHEEL(E)D H3 78, SHEL(F)ED H3 78, SHEL(L)ED H3 78, SHEL(V)ED H3 78, SHE(A)LED H3 78, SHE(L)LED H3 78, SH(E)ELED H3 78, SH(I)ELED H3 78, (F)LESHED H8 78, (W)ELSHED H8 78
Other moves: HED(D)LES H2 74, LE(A)SHED H6 74, SHEEL(E)D H6 74, SHEL(F)ED H6 74, SHEL(L)ED H6 74
SHEL(L)ED H3 28 shaylag, Kenpachi
SHE(A)LED H8 22 dragons11
HEEDS H5 18 strykyster

On 2nd draw, ENSWA(T)HE 4B 76 --- ENSWATHE to wrap around [v]
Other tops: WAENES(S) G5 76, WAENE(S)S G5 76, WEANE(L)S G5 76, WEANE(R)S G5 76, WHAN(G)EES 4G 76, WHEA(T)ENS 4G 76
Other moves: (D)EEWANS G5 75, WEA(K)NESS 3B 74, WEA(K)NESS 3A 72, WAENES(S) G8 70, WEA(K)ENS G8 70
SHAWE(D) 4G 22 Kenpachi
WAS(H)ED 9C 14 dragons11
SWANS 3H 12 strykyster
WASHE(D) 4E 11 shaylag

On 3rd draw, BOTHRIA G8 72 --- BOTHRIUM a groove on a tapeworm [n]
Other moves: SHORTIA 3H 37, OBEAH B2 36, HOB 5D 35, ISOBATH 3G 33, BASHO 3F 30
HOB 5D 35 shaylag
OH 5E 25 Kenpachi, ELCEE
HOE B2 12 strykyster
HABIT F3 12 dragons11

On 4th draw, LYTED 5B 40 --- LYTE to dismount [v]
Other moves: EDGY H12 39, GLEETY B1 36, LEDGY J2 35, DEELY B2 34, ELEGY B2 34
DYE F13 31 Kenpachi
DYE H13 29 shaylag
DEWY E2 22 dragons11
LEDGY B3 14 strykyster

On 5th draw, DEVIANT J4 86 --- DEVIANT one who deviates from the norm [n]
Other moves: VANITIED 13B 78, DEVIANT I8 74, DEVIANT I9 71, VANITIED 13D 63, DAVEN J4 32
DIVAN J4 32 dragons11
AVID J1 31 ELCEE, shaylag
DEV H13 26 Kenpachi
VINY C2 20 strykyster

On 6th draw, ASKARI 8J 45 --- ASKARI an African soldier [n]
Other moves: AKE 6A 40, ASK F12 37, AKE F13 35, SKA F13 35, SKI F13 35
SAKER 11J 30 dragons11
SKIER 11J 30 shaylag
SAKE 11J 28 Kenpachi
ELKS B4 18 strykyster

On 7th draw, JA F14 50 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JO F14 50
Other moves: JAB 7M 43, JOB 7M 43, FJELD B2 40, FONDA A5 40, FADO A5 37
JO F14 50 ELCEE, Kenpachi
JA F14 50 shaylag
JAB 14F 28 dragons11
FAB M7 15 strykyster

On 8th draw, TAE 3B 24 --- TAE to [prep] --- TAE to toe the line [v]
Other moves: ETA 3A 21, TEA 3A 21, UTA 3A 21, AE 3C 19, EA 3B 19
UTA 3A 21 shaylag
ANE 9L 15 Kenpachi
AA F10 13 dragons11

On 9th draw, TRANQ 10J 34 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QANAT M7 25, TALAQ M5 25, QAT M7 23, RELATA 15A 21, ANTHER 11D 18
QAT M7 23 shaylag, Kenpachi
RE H14 16 dragons11, ELCEE

On 10th draw, BREAMING 12F 78 --- BREAM to clean a ship's bottom [v]
Other moves: GAMBIA 15A 42, ANEMIA 15A 33, ENIGMA 15A 33, MENG H11 31, EMBANK L3 28
BREAMING 12F 78 jimbo
NIM H13 27 shaylag
ME H14 24 Kenpachi
BESTING D2 12 dragons11

On 11th draw, SAUCED O10 45 --- SAUCE to season with sauce (a flavorful liquid dressing) [v]
Other moves: SUDATE O10 42, SAUTED O10 39, CUESTA 15A 27, SED 6D 27, DAUTIES O4 25
SAUCED O10 45 Kenpachi
SAUTED O10 39 dragons11
TAD 13I 15 shaylag
ACUTER N3 10 jimbo

On 12th draw, FORPIT A5 46 --- FORPIT a measure of grain [n]
Other moves: FROW A5 43, FROWIE 14J 40, FORT A5 34, FRIT A5 34, WOF 13I 31
WOF 13I 31 kellybelly, shaylag
WO H14 28 Kenpachi, dragons11
GROW M12 16 jimbo
WEFT E4 10 denbay

On 13th draw, GENEVA 15A 33 --- GENEVA a liquor [n]
Other moves: EVOHE 11D 28, GENEVA M3 28, OGIVE B10 26, ENVOI B10 24, OVINE B10 24
SERVING K8 24 shaylag
GO H14 20 kellybelly, dragons11, Kenpachi
ENVIED 15J 14 denbay
EVO 5J 12 jimbo

On 14th draw, COHOE 11E 28 --- COHOE a type of salmon [n]
Other moves: COPE F7 25, COHO 11E 24, PE H14 24, PI H14 24, PO H14 24
PO H14 24 dragons11, kellybelly
PE H14 24 Kenpachi
PIC 2D 19 shaylag
PIECE D11 18 denbay
COOPER N3 16 jimbo

On 15th draw, MOW 14B 31 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other moves: WO H14 28, OW 9L 26, WON 14B 26, MO H14 24, MU H14 24
MOW 14B 31 kellybelly, Kenpachi
WO H14 28 dragons11
GLOW M12 16 denbay
LAWN M7 12 shaylag

On 16th draw, GOR 13C 22 --- GOR used as a mild oath [interj]
Other tops: GOO 13C 22, GOORIE 14J 22
Other moves: GI H14 20, GO 13C 20, GO H14 20, GU H14 20, OOR 13C 18
GOO 13C 22 kellybelly, Kenpachi
GOR 13C 22 ELCEE, shaylag
GO H14 20 ayoba, jimbo
GAIN M7 8 dragons11
TOUR 10A 6 denbay

On 17th draw, ZO 7M 44 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: IONIZE 14J 34, MIZ J12 34, MOZ J12 34, NIXY 2D 34, ADZ F4 33
ZO 7M 44 kellybelly, ayoba
ADZ F4 33 Kenpachi
YO H14 28 shaylag
ZESTY D2 17 dragons11
ZEST D2 13 denbay

On 18th draw, PINOLE 14J 28 --- PINOLE a finely ground flour [n]
Other moves: IF H14 25, PI H14 24, PO H14 24, LISP 3F 23, FOP 2D 21
PI H14 24 dragons11, kellybelly, ELCEE
PO H14 24 Kenpachi, ayoba
NOP(E) 6E 19 shaylag
PEST D2 6 denbay

On 19th draw, EXERT 5H 33 --- EXERT to put into action [v]
Other moves: LUX 2D 30, TIX 2D 30, TUX 2D 30, ELIXIR 5J 26, TUX 15K 25
TUX 15K 25 shaylag, ayoba
EXULT 5J 24 dragons11
EXIT 5J 22 Kenpachi, denbay
XI 15I 13 kellybelly

On 20th draw, IF H14 25 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: FIL B9 17, FIL 2D 15, FLU 2D 15, FID 15M 14, FLIT L2 14
IF H14 25 dragons11, kellybelly
IF 15J 14 shaylag
FOR N6 14 Kenpachi
FLIT L2 14 ayoba
FAD F3 7 denbay

On 21th draw, YOWE D12 20 --- YOWE a ewe [n]
Other tops: YU 15L 20
Other moves: LADY F3 16, YUS 3F 16, LI O7 14, LOWE D12 14, Y*D 15M 14
YOWE D12 20 Kenpachi, kellybelly
LADY F3 16 dragons11
Y*D 15M 14 shaylag
LI O7 14 ayoba
LIT L3 6 denbay

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