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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of August 9, 2011 at 06:00

Word find
Word played
1 ?EGILST GLISTE(N) H4 68   68 1/3 LEGIST(S) H2   68 1/3
2 EFIKORU FORE 1E 45 -21 113 1/4 KIORE 1D 66 134 1/4
3 ?ACDRRZ CRAZED 3D 30 -8 143 3/4 RAZ(O)RED 3C 38 172 1/5
4 ACEIOST ZEST E3 26 -54 169 2/4 (S)OCIATES 8H 80 252 1/5
5 DEILMNW MILDEW 5G 24 -4 193 2/4 MEW 4B 28 280 1/5
6 BINOPRU PROBE N4 11 -15 204 4/4 UPBORNE N2 26 306 1/5
7 AFNTUWX TAXI K5 22 -18 226 6/6 FAUX 5C 40 346 1/6
8 ADDEEIS DICED J6 17 -17 243 2/4 SIDED A4 34 380 1/6
9 GHHILNO THIGH M8 16 -14 259 3/5 THOLING M8 30 410 1/6
10 AAFIORV FAVOR 10J 21 -13 280 1/5 VIRGA 14J 34 444 1/6
11 ABFINOT FAB 4L 16 -20 296 6/6 BARF L12 36 480 1/6
12 CDEHILP XI F5 11 -66 307 3/3 DELPHIC B7 77 557 1/6
13 AAEGNOV COVEN 13B 20 -24 327 2/5 VAGINAE K5 44 601 1/6
14 AEELNOR CLEANER 13B 20 -42 347 1/4 PERONEAL 10B 62 663 1/7
15 AEMNTUY ACUMEN 13A 20 -15 367 1/4 YUCA J6 35 698 1/7
16 EIMOSTW WEST O12 43 -43 410 1/4 WORMIEST D8 86 784 1/7
17 ENNOQTY TENTY 15D 24 -15 434 1/4 ANYONE H10 39 823 1/7
18 EIOQTTU QUITE 15A 42   476 1/4       865 1/7

Total: 476/865 or -389 for 55.02%
Rank: 5737

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