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Game of August 9, 2011 at 07:27, 8 players
1. 486 pts jimbo
2. 470 pts Stranger
3. 441 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegmptt   H4    20    20   patte
 2. ?aeflow   4H    80   100   peafowls
 3. ddeeorr   K4   102   202   fodderer
 4. aeilnpv   O4    30   232   spavie
 5. aeelost  12E    72   304   oleates
 6. ?aginrs  13C    81   385   seringa
 7. deginoz  14B    52   437   zoned
 8. agilnoy  15A    49   486   yang
 9. agiloqu  H10    51   537   quagga
10. aciinst   8A    83   620   anticise
11. abcelou   C1    76   696   bluecoat
12. dehhmoo   1C    39   735   boohed
13. eilnrsy  15F    67   802   snailery
14. inortuw   J8    31   833   row
15. efijnrv   4A    38   871   jeer
16. bfhintu   N3    29   900   flub
17. immntux   2G    36   936   minx
18. hiimttu  11C    28   964   him
19. iikttuv  M11    24   988   kitty

Remaining tiles: iuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5300 Filejimbo       2 23:51  -502  486     1.6961 Stranger    3 14:16  -518  470 
  2.6961 FileStranger    3 14:16  -518  470     2.6077 iwhist      0  0:37  -979    9 
  3.5431 Filecharmz      0 23:44  -547  441            Group: novice
  4.4881 Filedragons11   2 19:32  -646  342     1.5300 jimbo       2 23:51  -502  486 
  5.5789 FileLucylulu    2 10:11  -680  308     2.5431 charmz      0 23:44  -547  441 
  6.  -  Fileskunky      0 13:30  -836  152     3.5789 Lucylulu    2 10:11  -680  308 
  7.3379 FileZEHAVARON   0  0:46  -970   18            Group: not rated
  8.6077 Fileiwhist      0  0:37  -979    9     1.4881 dragons11   2 19:32  -646  342 
                                             2.  -  skunky      0 13:30  -836  152 
                                             3.3379 ZEHAVARON   0  0:46  -970   18 

On 1st draw, PATTE H4 20 --- PATTE a narrow band keeping a belt in place [n]
Other tops: MATTE H4 20, TEMPT H4 20, TEMPT H8 20
Other moves: GAMP H5 18, GAMP H6 18, GAMP H7 18, GAMP H8 18, TEMPT H5 18
TEMPT H4 20 jimbo
GAME H5 14 charmz
PAGE H5 14 dragons11

On 2nd draw, PEAFOWL(S) 4H 80 --- PEAFOWL a large pheasant [n]
Other moves: (P)EAFOWL G5 75, (S)EAFOWL I5 75, (S)EAFOWL 9H 74, (S)EAFOWL G6 73, (P)EAFOWL 9G 72
FLOWE(D) 9C 23 dragons11
FLOW(S) 9D 21 jimbo
WOLF(S) 9D 21 charmz

On 3rd draw, FODDERER K4 102 --- FODDERER someone who supplies fodder [n]
Other moves: REWORDED M2 84, ORDERED 9G 72, ORDERED 9C 71, ORDERED 9B 70, ORDERED 9E 70
ORDERED I7 69 jimbo
DEE 5J 23 charmz
ERODED 9G 18 dragons11
DETER 6F 12 skunky
PATTED H4 9 iwhist

On 4th draw, (S)PAVIE O4 30 --- SPAVIE a disease of horses [n]
Other tops: LEAVEN 8J 30, PAVEN J10 30, PAVIN J10 30, VEINAL 8J 30, VENIAL 8J 30, (S)PAVIN O4 30
Other moves: NAPE J8 28, PENIAL J10 28, ELVAN 8K 27, PANEL J10 27, PAVE J10 27
(S)LIVEN O4 24 Stranger
(S)PEIL O4 18 charmz
VIE(S) O1 18 dragons11
(S)PAIN O4 18 jimbo
VEIN 10J 15 skunky

On 5th draw, OLEATES 12E 72 --- OLEATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: OLEATES N9 70, OLEASTER 9D 68, OLEATES 9C 68, OLEATES 9B 67, OLEASTER 11D 66
LEAST 12H 26 Stranger
STALE 12K 26 jimbo
STEAL 12K 26 dragons11
SATE 12K 22 charmz
TOE 3L 20 Lucylulu
ROAST 11K 5 skunky

On 6th draw, S(E)RINGA 13C 81 --- SERINGA a Brazilian tree [n]
Other tops: S(A)RANGI 13C 81, S(Y)RINGA 13C 81
Other moves: SAR(A)NGI 13C 80, ARGIN(A)SE 8A 77, AS(T)RINGE 8A 77, (A)RGINASE 8A 77, (O)RGANISE 8A 77
A(I)RINGS 9B 67 jimbo
GRAINS H10 21 Stranger
GRAINS 9C 18 charmz
SARG(E) H11 15 dragons11
GEARS 10J 12 skunky

On 7th draw, ZONED 14B 52 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: ZO 3L 43, DOZING 14I 42, DOZING N8 42, DOZING N9 41, GENIZOT 6B 41
ZO 3L 43 Stranger, Lucylulu
ZINGED 9C 37 jimbo
ZIT 6F 32 skunky, dragons11
ZEE 10J 32 charmz

On 8th draw, YANG 15A 49 --- YANG the masculine active principle in Chinese cosmology [n]
Other tops: ALLOY N2 49
Other moves: LANG 15A 40, LOGY 11E 40, LONG 15A 40, GAY 15A 38, G*Y 15A 38
GAY 15A 38 Stranger, charmz
YAG 15A 36 dragons11
LOY 15A 35 Lucylulu
YANG 11B 26 jimbo
AGILE 8D 7 skunky

On 9th draw, QUAGGA H10 51 --- QUAGGA an extinct South African wild ass [n]
Other moves: QUALIA J2 47, QUAG 11B 38, QUAG J2 37, QUAIL 11A 36, QUAI J2 35
QUA J2 32 Stranger
QAT 6F 32 charmz
QUILT 6D 16 jimbo
QUIT 6E 15 dragons11

On 10th draw, ANTICISE 8A 83 --- ANTICISE to play antics [v]
Other tops: ACTINIAS 15H 83
Other moves: ACTINIAS 5B 72, CANITIES 8B 61, ANTICS 11A 33, ACTINS N9 30, TICS 11C 29
CENTAS 10J 27 Stranger
CATS 11B 20 jimbo
CAWS M2 18 charmz
TIS 10M 16 dragons11
SCORE E10 14 skunky

On 11th draw, BLUECOAT C1 76 --- BLUECOAT a police officer [n]
Other moves: BLUECOAT 6A 66, LEUCO 11B 31, ALCO 11C 29, BLOC 11B 28, BOUCLE N9 28
CLUB 11B 28 Stranger
BOA 3L 26 Lucylulu, charmz
COWAL M2 20 dragons11
LANCE B6 11 jimbo

On 12th draw, BOOHED 1C 39 --- BOOH to show disapproval by making this sound [v]
Other tops: HOBOED 1A 39
Other moves: HEH J8 37, HOH J8 37, OOHED J6 37, BOOMED 1C 36, HOMO 11C 35
BOOHED 1C 39 dragons11
HOBOED 1A 39 jimbo
BOOMED 1C 36 charmz, Stranger
MOBE 1A 27 Lucylulu
HEM I3 16 skunky

On 13th draw, SNAILERY 15F 67 --- SNAILERY a place where snails are bred [n]
Other moves: INLAYERS A5 62, SNAILERY A6 62, SWINERY M3 36, LEYS 11C 33, RESINY 2E 33
SLEY 11B 28 Stranger
YES 9A 28 dragons11
SWINE M3 18 charmz
WIRY M4 14 jimbo

On 14th draw, ROW J8 31 --- ROW to propel by means of oars [v]
Other tops: NOW J8 31, TOW J8 31
Other moves: WOE J10 29, OW J9 28, TROW 11B 28, NOW 11C 26, ROW 11C 26
TOW J8 31 Lucylulu
WOE J10 29 Stranger
WO 3L 25 charmz
OUTWIN M1 18 jimbo
NEW 4B 12 skunky

On 15th draw, JEER 4A 38 --- JEER to mock [v]
Other tops: JIVER 11A 38
Other moves: JIVEY M11 36, JIVY M12 34, FIVER 11A 30, VERIFY M10 30, FEN L8 29
JEER 4A 38 Stranger
JIVEY M11 36 jimbo
JOIN 6B 27 skunky
J*W M2 26 Lucylulu
JET 6F 26 charmz

On 16th draw, FLUB N3 29 --- FLUB to bungle [v]
Other moves: FIB 11C 28, FUB 11C 28, HUB 11C 28, FOUTH 6B 27, BHUT 11B 26
FLUB N3 29 Stranger
HUB 11C 28 Lucylulu
FOUNT 6B 18 jimbo
FORE E11 14 charmz

On 17th draw, MINX 2G 36 --- MINX a pert girl [n]
Other moves: MIX 2E 34, MIXT 11B 34, UNTAX 5E 33, MIXY M12 32, UMM 2E 32
NIX B8 26 charmz
MUM 11C 26 Stranger
MAX 5G 21 Lucylulu
MIX F7 12 jimbo

On 18th draw, HIM 11C 28 --- HIM a male [n] --- HIM the objective case of the pronoun HE [pron]
Other tops: HUM 11C 28
Other moves: HILUM 2A 26, HM 11D 26, MITCH E5 24, MOUTH 6B 24, MUTCH E5 24
HUM 11C 28 Stranger, Lucylulu
TUM 11C 22 charmz
THY M13 18 dragons11
MITT F7 8 jimbo

On 19th draw, KITTY M11 24 --- KITTY a kitten or cat [n]
Other moves: KIT 14M 23, KIVA 5E 22, VUTTY M11 22, KI 14M 21, KIT 10M 20
KITTY M11 24 dragons11
KIT 14M 23 Lucylulu
KIT 6F 17 Stranger
KOR 9I 12 charmz
TICK E6 10 jimbo

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