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Game of August 10, 2011 at 02:29, 8 players
1. 440 pts raggedy01
2. 407 pts tonikay
3. 355 pts coffeeman

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cehorty   H7    36    36   ochrey
 2. ?eenoov  10E    70   106   overtone
 3. eelrrsu  M10    21   127   serre
 4. giimstu   K4    94   221   muisting
 5. aceemru   L1    36   257   cream
 6. ailnorw   4E    65   322   railwoman
 7. addeflp  15J    46   368   faddle
 8. adeiist   1F    30   398   deistic
 9. ?adoruw   2B    84   482   outward
10. aeinpty   1A    39   521   pyne
11. aflnotz  14K    44   565   zoea
12. abfgiot   2J    29   594   afrit
13. begnotx  11C    42   636   box
14. ainostu   8H    33   669   cautions
15. aehjlpv  12A    38   707   heap
16. eijnttu   C9    46   753   jubate
17. aeglnnt   A6    33   786   alength
18. biiklnt  12L    30   816   brik
19. gilnqtv   6J    31   847   qi

Remaining tiles: gilntv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5493 Fileraggedy01   2 27:22  -407  440     1.6114 iwhist      3  6:20  -638  209 
  2.5051 Filetonikay     2 21:43  -440  407     2.6257 shaylag     1  4:09  -661  186 
  3.4774 Filecoffeeman   1 18:46  -492  355     3.6032 immy        0  1:17  -787   60 
  4.6114 Fileiwhist      3  6:20  -638  209            Group: novice
  5.6257 Fileshaylag     1  4:09  -661  186     1.5493 raggedy01   2 27:22  -407  440 
  6.4662 FileBiddy       1  9:03  -708  139     2.5051 tonikay     2 21:43  -440  407 
  7.4660 Filenaneru      1  3:10  -763   84            Group: not rated
  8.6032 Fileimmy        0  1:17  -787   60     1.4774 coffeeman   1 18:46  -492  355 
                                             2.4662 Biddy       1  9:03  -708  139 
                                             3.4660 naneru      1  3:10  -763   84 

On 1st draw, OCHREY H7 36 --- OCHREY resembling ochre [adj]
Other tops: CHERTY H3 36, CHERTY H7 36, OCHERY H7 36, TORCHY H7 36, TORCHY H8 36
Other moves: CHERTY H4 34, OCHERY H3 34, OCHREY H3 34, OCHRY H8 34, TECHY H8 34
TORCHY H7 36 raggedy01
HOY H6 18 tonikay

On 2nd draw, OVER(T)ONE 10E 70 --- OVERTONE a higher partial tone [n]
Other tops: OVER(D)ONE 10E 70, OVER(G)ONE 10E 70
Other moves: EN(G)ROOVE 10E 64, ENVOY 12D 22, ENVOY(S) 12D 22, EVEN(L)Y 12C 22, VENEY 12D 22
NOVE(L) I11 18 raggedy01
(H)OVEN G11 17 tonikay

On 3rd draw, SERRE M10 21 --- SERRE to press close [v]
Other tops: SERER M10 21, SLEER M10 21, SURER M10 21
Other moves: RULERS 11J 20, LEESE 11G 19, LURERS M5 19, RULERS M5 19, SEEL M10 19
SLUR M10 19 coffeeman
REELS 11J 18 tonikay
SURLY 12D 16 raggedy01

On 4th draw, MUISTING K4 94 --- MUIST to powder [v]
Other moves: MISTING K5 40, MUSTING K5 40, SMITING K5 40, STIMING K5 40, SUITING K5 32
MUISTING K4 44 raggedy01
MISTING K5 40 coffeeman
SUM 15M 21 tonikay, naneru

On 5th draw, CREAM L1 36 --- CREAM to select the best from a group [v]
Other moves: CAUM L1 34, CRAM L1 34, CREM L1 34, MACER L1 34, CAREME 14J 32
CREAM L1 36 naneru
CAME L1 30 tonikay
CUMMER 4I 24 raggedy01
CRAM 4H 11 coffeeman

On 6th draw, RAILWOMAN 4E 65 --- RAILWOMAN
Other moves: LAWNIER 14H 36, TWAIN 8K 36, TWIRL 8K 36, AWNIER 14I 34, OWLIER 14I 34
CRAW 1L 27 tonikay, raggedy01
CROW 1L 27 naneru

On 7th draw, FADDLE 15J 46 --- FADDLE to trifle [v]
Other moves: PADDLE 15J 43, FADED 15K 40, FARDED 2J 38, FADED 14J 36, FARDEL 2J 36
FLAP 11B 26 tonikay
PALED 5B 23 raggedy01
DRAPED E3 20 coffeeman

On 8th draw, DEISTIC 1F 30 --- DEIST an adherent of deism [adj] --- DEISTIC relating to deist [adj]
Other moves: DACITE 1J 27, DICAST 1J 27, STEAD 3C 25, ACIDS 1K 24, ACTED 1K 24
DICAST 1J 27 coffeeman
ACTED 1K 24 raggedy01
DAIS 6I 17 tonikay

On 9th draw, OU(T)WARD 2B 84 --- OUTWARD towards the outside [adv]
Other moves: TWO(E)R 8K 33, WI(S)ARD 6J 28, WOA(L)D 3C 28, WOU(L)D 3C 28, WOU(N)D 3C 28
TOW(E)R 8K 24 coffeeman
WAD 2E 17 tonikay
DRAW(S) E3 16 raggedy01

On 10th draw, PYNE 1A 39 --- PYNE to pine [v]
Other moves: TYNE 1A 33, PEAT 3C 32, TYPE 3A 32, PANTY 11A 30, PEATY 11A 30
YIN 1A 22 tonikay
WARP E2 18 coffeeman
PANTRY 13I 14 raggedy01

On 11th draw, ZOEA 14K 44 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZLOTY 12D 34, AZLON 11A 32, AFRONT 2J 31, AZON 11B 30, LAZO 11B 30
ZOOT E9 26 tonikay
ZO 11D 26 raggedy01
ZOO E9 24 coffeeman

On 12th draw, AFRIT 2J 29 --- AFRIT an evil spirit in Arabic mythology [n]
Other moves: BIGFOOT E6 26, FOOTBAG E8 26, FOOTBAG E9 26, GOAF 11B 26, BOA J6 25
BIGFOOT E6 26 coffeeman
FAGOT E7 18 tonikay
BIGOT E7 16 raggedy01

On 13th draw, BOX 11C 42 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: GOX 11C 40, GREX 12L 40, NOX 11C 38, TEX 11C 38, NEXT 5D 37
BOX 11C 42 iwhist, tonikay
TEX 11C 38 shaylag
EX 1N 29 coffeeman, raggedy01
BOX E9 24 Biddy

On 14th draw, CAUTIONS 8H 33 --- CAUTION to warn [v]
Other moves: NOISY 12D 30, USTION O1 30, TAUON 12B 28, ASTUN O1 27, OSTIA O1 27
NO 12D 18 shaylag
TAINT 8K 18 coffeeman
STUN 9B 15 Biddy
AS O1 15 raggedy01
CREAMS L1 12 tonikay
OXO E10 10 iwhist

On 15th draw, HEAP 12A 38 --- HEAP to pile up [v]
Other moves: JA 7M 36, JAP 12B 36, JAVEL 5B 36, JAP 9C 32, LAPJE 5A 32
JA 7M 36 iwhist, immy
JAP 9C 32 shaylag
JAVEL 9A 29 raggedy01
JAB C9 20 coffeeman
ALPHA F4 16 Biddy
HOX E9 13 tonikay

On 16th draw, JUBATE C9 46 --- JUBATE maned [adj]
Other moves: JEU 7M 39, JUN 3A 32, JUT 3A 32, JIN 9C 28, JUN 9C 28
JEU 7M 39 iwhist
JINN N6 27 Biddy
JET 5D 26 shaylag
TENTH A8 24 raggedy01
THINE A11 24 immy
JUTES O4 20 coffeeman
JO 7G 17 tonikay

On 17th draw, ALENGTH A6 33 --- ALENGTH at full length [adv]
Other moves: LENGTH A7 30, THEGN A11 27, AHENT A11 24, HANG A12 24, NEATH A8 24
HANG A12 24 shaylag
HATE A12 21 iwhist
REGAL E4 12 coffeeman
GLEAN 14A 12 Biddy
LA D8 12 raggedy01
GOX E9 11 tonikay

On 18th draw, BRIK 12L 30 --- BRIK a Tunisian filled pastry [n]
Other moves: BOK 7G 28, BIN B6 25, BIT B6 25, TINKLE O10 25, INKLE O11 24
BRIK 12L 30 iwhist
KI 7M 24 tonikay
KIN N6 17 shaylag
RINK E4 16 coffeeman, raggedy01
KILNS O4 14 Biddy

On 19th draw, QI 6J 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: JIG 9C 22, VENTIL 14B 22, JIN 9C 20, LEVIN 14B 20, GIN B6 19
QI 6J 31 shaylag, iwhist, Biddy, coffeeman, tonikay, raggedy01

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