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Game of August 10, 2011 at 12:24, 9 players
1. 594 pts una
2. 554 pts yab
3. 505 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bimortu   H4    20    20   timbo
 2. ?aaelot   G6    68    88   oatmeal
 3. ?amntuy   4H    80   168   tautonym
 4. aeflprw  H11    44   212   wafer
 5. dehlnot   F2    37   249   doeth
 6. einopvx   O4    42   291   moxie
 7. aeruvvw   3B    32   323   reavow
 8. ceerssu  15H    83   406   rescuers
 9. agnnrtu   5H    22   428   ingan
10. eeenruz  13H    38   466   freeze
11. adegorv   C1    64   530   overaged
12. chinnoy   3I    50   580   chino
13. deiilns   D6    77   657   inisled
14. giklstu  N10    37   694   kits
15. abjlnor  C11    35   729   banjo
16. dpprtuy   1A    33   762   prop
17. adfloty  15A    42   804   yoof
18. adiilqu  L10    44   848   quiz
19. adgiilt   A8    95   943   algidity

Remaining tiles: lu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6465 Fileuna         4 17:15  -349  594     1.6465 una         4 17:15  -349  594 
  2.6752 Fileyab         3 24:09  -389  554     2.6752 yab         3 24:09  -389  554 
  3.5761 FileGrace_Tjie  1 14:43  -438  505     3.6323 shaylag     3 12:43  -655  288 
  4.5730 Filenaomiari    2 23:34  -479  464            Group: novice
  5.3819 Filestrykyster  1 18:36  -639  304     1.5761 Grace_Tjie  1 14:43  -438  505 
  6.6323 Fileshaylag     3 12:43  -655  288     2.5730 naomiari    2 23:34  -479  464 
  7.5900 Filesandy914    1 19:11  -688  255     3.5900 sandy914    1 19:11  -688  255 
  8.5507 Filecharmz      1  7:17  -765  178     4.5507 charmz      1  7:17  -765  178 
  9.5311 Filejimbo       0  3:24  -897   46     5.5311 jimbo       0  3:24  -897   46 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3819 strykyster  1 18:36  -639  304 

On 1st draw, TIMBO H4 20 --- TIMBO a South American plant [n]
Other tops: BITOU H4 20, BRUIT H4 20, MURTI H4 20, RUMBO H4 20, RUMBO H8 20, TIMBO H8 20
Other moves: RUMBO H5 18, RUMBO H6 18, RUMBO H7 18, TIMBO H5 18, TIMBO H6 18
RUMBO H4 20 yab
BRIM H8 16 Grace_Tjie
BRIM H5 16 strykyster, naomiari, jimbo
ORBIT H4 16 sandy914
MORT H5 12 una

On 2nd draw, OAT(M)EAL G6 68 --- OATMEAL meal made from oats [n]
Other moves: O(X)ALATE I7 65, MALO(N)ATE 6H 63, MEATLOA(F) 6H 63, META(Z)OAL 6H 63, OATMEAL(S) 6E 63
LA(B)IATE 5E 24 yab
(S)TEAL G4 19 una
LEAT(S) G5 18 sandy914
TOE(S) I5 16 Grace_Tjie
TEA(R) I5 16 naomiari
(S)LATE 9H 14 jimbo
TILE(S) 5G 8 strykyster

On 3rd draw, TAUT(O)NYM 4H 80 --- TAUTONYM a taxonomic name in which the specific name repeats the generic [n]
Other moves: TAUT(O)NYM 4E 74, (B)UTTYMAN 4E 74, (B)UTTYMAN 4F 74, TAUTON(Y)MY 8D 68, UNTAMAB(L)Y 7B 66
M(E)ANY F2 39 Grace_Tjie
TU(M)MY F2 35 una
MAY F4 32 yab
Y(E)A F10 29 naomiari
MY F10 28 sandy914
MANLY 12D 28 strykyster
AUNTY 11G 16 jimbo

On 4th draw, WAFER H11 44 --- WAFER to fasten with an adhesive strip [v]
Other moves: FLARE F10 35, FLAW F10 35, FLEW F10 35, WALER H11 35, FLAP F10 34
WAFER H11 44 una
FLAMER O1 33 Grace_Tjie, yab
WEAR F10 32 naomiari
WARM O1 27 strykyster
MAPLE O4 27 sandy914

On 5th draw, DOETH F2 37 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other moves: HODMEN O1 36, MENTHOL O4 36, METHOD O4 36, MOTHED O4 36, HOLDEN I9 33
MOTHED O4 36 una, Grace_Tjie
MENTHOL O4 36 yab
THEM O1 27 naomiari
MODEL O4 24 sandy914

On 6th draw, MOXIE O4 42 --- MOXIE spirit or courage [n]
Other tops: MIXEN O4 42, OXIME O1 42
Other moves: VEX G1 41, VOX G1 41, PIX 5J 40, PIX G1 40, POX 5J 40
MOXIE O4 42 yab, shaylag
MIXEN O4 42 sandy914
VOX G1 41 una
VEX G1 41 Grace_Tjie
EXPO 14H 19 naomiari
LAX 12G 10 strykyster

On 7th draw, REAVOW 3B 32 --- AVOW to declare openly [v] --- REAVOW to vow again [v]
Other tops: WAVER I10 32
Other moves: VARVE F11 31, RAW E4 30, REW E4 30, WAVE I10 29, AVER I11 28
WAVED 2B 24 shaylag
RAW G1 22 una
WE E4 19 yab, Grace_Tjie
WAY N2 18 naomiari
AWARE 11G 16 strykyster
WAX 6M 15 sandy914

On 8th draw, RESCUERS 15H 83 --- RESCUER one that rescues [n]
Other moves: RECUSES N8 82, CERUSES 9I 78, CESURES 9I 78, RECUSES 9I 76, RESCUES 9I 76
RESCUERS 15H 33 yab, una
RESCUES 9I 26 sandy914
CURES 9K 23 naomiari
SAUCERS D2 20 shaylag
CRUES B2 18 Grace_Tjie
HOMERS 6F 13 strykyster

On 9th draw, INGAN 5H 22 --- INGAN Scots form of ONION [n]
Other moves: GAUNT I8 20, GRANT I8 20, GRUNT I8 20, TUNNAGE 14B 20, AG N6 19
GRUNT I8 20 una
AG N6 19 yab
AT N6 17 shaylag, sandy914
GNAW 11E 16 strykyster
GRANT D1 16 Grace_Tjie
GRANTS J10 13 naomiari

On 10th draw, FREEZE 13H 38 --- FREEZE to turn into a solid by lowering the temperature, pa p FROZEN [v]
Other moves: NEEZE 10C 34, REZ N8 34, ZEE 14F 32, ZEE 2A 30, AZURE D3 28
REZ N8 34 una
ZEE 14F 32 Grace_Tjie, naomiari
ZEE 2A 30 charmz, yab
RAZE D2 26 shaylag
FEZ 13H 16 strykyster
Z(O)NE L3 12 sandy914

On 11th draw, OVERAGED C1 64 --- OVERAGED too old to be useful [adj]
Other moves: GRYDE N2 38, ADORER N10 37, DOGEAR N8 34, VERD 4A 34, VOAR N10 34
DOVER N9 30 una
DEAR N10 28 Grace_Tjie
ADZ L11 26 yab
GRAVED B2 26 shaylag
AD N6 19 naomiari
FREEZER 13H 19 strykyster
VERD B1 16 charmz
EX 6N 11 sandy914

On 12th draw, CHINO 3I 50 --- CHINO a strong fabric [n]
Other moves: YODH 8A 45, HOY 6J 40, CANYON I3 36, CHIZ L10 36, CHIN 3I 32
CHON 1A 30 una, yab
HOON 1A 24 Grace_Tjie
OH N6 23 naomiari
HID 8A 21 strykyster

On 13th draw, INISLED D6 77 --- INISLE to put onto an island [v]
Other moves: LINDIES 9I 75, LINDIES D7 74, INISLED B8 73, INISLED D8 72, SIDELINE 14A 72
SYNED N3 38 una
SER N13 25 yab
LIDS 9L 21 naomiari
ED N6 19 sandy914
LIDS 8A 18 Grace_Tjie
DID 8A 15 strykyster

On 14th draw, KITS N10 37 --- KIT to equip [v]
Other moves: KLUTZ L9 36, GLITZ L9 30, KILTS N9 30, KUTIS N9 30, IGLUS N9 29
KITS N10 37 una
KILTS 9K 25 naomiari, yab
SILK E11 23 Grace_Tjie
TIKE K10 16 charmz
KOIS 1B 9 strykyster

On 15th draw, BANJO C11 35 --- BANJO a musical instrument [n]
Other moves: JABERS J10 33, BRAN F10 31, BORAL I7 30, BORNA I7 30, BRA F10 30
JAB F11 28 una, yab
JOLE J10 27 Grace_Tjie
JAR F11 26 naomiari
JOE K11 20 strykyster

On 16th draw, PROP 1A 33 --- PROP to keep from falling [v]
Other tops: DROPT 15A 33, DROPT 1A 33, PROP 15A 33, TROY 15A 33, TROY 1A 33
Other moves: YUTZ L10 32, DROP 15A 30, DROP 1A 30, PUTZ L10 30, PYOT 15A 30
PROP 15A 33 una, naomiari, shaylag
DROPT 15A 33 yab
TROY 15A 33 strykyster
DROP 15A 30 Grace_Tjie
PROUD 15A 27 charmz

On 17th draw, YOOF 15A 42 --- YOOF a youth [n]
Other tops: FOODY 15A 42
Other moves: FLAY F10 40, FLOATY 15A 39, FY F10 38, FLAT F10 37, ALOFT 15A 36
FLOATY 15A 39 una, shaylag, yab, naomiari
AY D14 27 Grace_Tjie
FLOAT 15A 27 charmz
YAD 12B 7 strykyster

On 18th draw, QUIZ L10 44 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: QADI 8A 42, LIQUID 11J 32, DIAL E8 29, N(O)NLIQUID L3 28, QADI 11K 28
QUIZ L10 44 Grace_Tjie, charmz, una, naomiari, shaylag
QADI 8A 42 yab
QUID 11L 14 strykyster

On 19th draw, ALGIDITY A8 95 --- ALGIDITY coldness [n]
Other moves: DIAL E8 29, GADID 8A 24, TAD E9 24, TAG E9 24, TID E9 24
AD N6 19 una
GADI 8A 18 Grace_Tjie, yab, charmz
AL N6 17 shaylag
JIG 14C 16 strykyster
GLADE J9 9 naomiari

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