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Game of August 10, 2011 at 13:56, 10 players
1. 484 pts una
2. 465 pts pandora1._
3. 391 pts margalang

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ailnruy   H8    26    26   uranyl
 2. ?deinsu  11E    82   108   dunniest
 3. aejmors  10B    49   157   joram
 4. ?diprtv   C7    38   195   pivoted
 5. aeilsuy  10J    31   226   yeas
 6. eghnost   8F    63   289   toughens
 7. eenorrw   M3    26   315   renews
 8. bmoostu   L1    32   347   boom
 9. eegiprs   6H    65   412   perigees
10. adeiotx   D1    86   498   oxidate
11. defikor   O4    54   552   fisked
12. agilltw   C1    35   587   wali
13. aeilrtt   1G    80   667   titrable
14. abcefor  D12    35   702   forb
15. aaintuz  15D    51   753   banzai
16. acenoou   2B    32   785   caxon
17. ceilouv   B4    24   809   levo
18. acghtuu  13G    34   843   claught

Remaining tiles: eiqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6468 Fileuna         2 12:42  -359  484     1.6468 una         2 12:42  -359  484 
  2.5919 Filepandora1._  0 20:31  -378  465     2.6229 margalang   2 13:36  -452  391 
  3.6229 Filemargalang   2 13:36  -452  391     3.6992 jeff        0  7:40  -699  144 
  4.6992 Filejeff        0  7:40  -699  144            Group: novice
  5.5500 Filebriz2408    0  3:25  -716  127     1.5919 pandora1._  0 20:31  -378  465 
  6.4102 Fileginalee     0  7:55  -717  126     2.5500 briz2408    0  3:25  -716  127 
  7.5663 Fileneyetifu    0  3:54  -766   77     3.5663 neyetifu    0  3:54  -766   77 
  8.4660 Fileleobill     0  2:27  -798   45     4.5899 sandy914    0  1:25  -813   30 
  9.5899 Filesandy914    0  1:25  -813   30     5.5848 JennyB      0  1:47  -827   16 
 10.5848 FileJennyB      0  1:47  -827   16            Group: not rated
                                             1.4102 ginalee     0  7:55  -717  126 
                                             2.4660 leobill     0  2:27  -798   45 

On 1st draw, URANYL H8 26 --- URANYL a bivalent radical [n]
Other tops: LUNARY H7 26
Other moves: INLAY H8 24, LAIRY H8 24, NIRLY H8 24, RAINY H8 24, UNARY H8 24
RAINY H8 24 briz2408, jeff
LAIRY H8 24 pandora1._

On 2nd draw, DUNNIES(T) 11E 82 --- DUNNY stupid [adj]
Other tops: DUNNI(T)ES 11E 82, IN(C)UDES 14B 82, UN(R)INSED 11D 82
Other moves: DUN(N)IES 14B 78, DU(N)NIES 14B 78, NUD(D)IES 14B 78, NU(D)DIES 14B 78, SUEDIN(G) 14H 78
SIDE 14H 19 briz2408
D(O)SE 14F 18 pandora1._
SIN(N)ED 14H 18 jeff

On 3rd draw, JORAM 10B 49 --- JORAM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other moves: JEA(T)S L8 38, RAJES 14D 38, JASEY 12D 37, SOJA 14H 37, RAMJE(T)S L6 36
JEA(T)S L8 38 briz2408
MAJOR 12B 33 jeff
MAJORS 14C 27 una
ME 10J 22 pandora1._

On 4th draw, PIVOT(E)D C7 38 --- PIVOT to turn on a shaft or rod [v]
Other moves: PIVOT(E)R C7 36, V(A)PID 12A 33, P(A)VID 12A 31, JIV(E)D B10 30, URANYLI(C) H8 30
JIV(E)D B10 30 briz2408, jeff
JIV(E)R B10 28 una
PRI(E)D 12A 25 pandora1._

On 5th draw, YEAS 10J 31 --- YEA an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: YAE 10J 30, YEA 10J 30, YES 10J 30, YUS 10J 30, YA 10J 28
YEAS 10J 31 una
YEA 10J 30 jeff
YA 10J 28 margalang
SAY 14H 24 pandora1._
SAL(T)Y L8 16 briz2408

On 6th draw, TOUGHENS 8F 63 --- TOUGHEN to make tough [v]
Other moves: NEIGHS 8A 36, THEGNS N10 34, THONGS N10 34, NEIGH 8A 33, THIGS 8A 33
THONGS N10 34 pandora1._
SHITE 8A 27 margalang
HOIST 8A 27 leobill
GHOST N6 25 una

On 7th draw, RENEWS M3 26 --- RENEW to make new or as if new again [v]
Other tops: ENEW 12L 26, ENOW 12L 26
Other moves: REWON D4 25, ROWEN D4 25, WEIR 8A 24, R(E)WON 12B 23, REWORE D2 22
RENEWS M3 26 margalang
WEIR 8A 24 una
WORN B12 21 pandora1._
WORE D4 18 leobill
WO G7 9 jeff

On 8th draw, BOOM L1 32 --- BOOM to make a deep, resonant sound [v]
Other tops: TOMBS N10 32
Other moves: BOSOM 14F 31, MUTON L4 31, SUMO N4 31, TOMO N4 31, BUM L4 28
TOMBS N10 32 una
BOOM L1 32 margalang
T*M N4 25 pandora1._

On 9th draw, PERIGEES 6H 65 --- PERIGEE the point in the orbit of a celestial body which is nearest to the earth [n]
Other tops: PERIGEES 6G 65
Other moves: SIEGER N1 33, REGES N2 31, GRIP 8A 30, GIBERS 1J 27, GRIPES D3 27
GRIP 8A 30 margalang
PRIG 8A 27 pandora1._
BEEP 1L 24 una

On 10th draw, OXIDATE D1 86 --- OXIDATE to oxidize [v]
Other moves: AXISED O3 66, EXODIST O1 51, OXIDASE O1 51, OXIDES O1 48, AXOIDS O1 45
AXISED O3 66 una
SIX O6 30 pandora1._, margalang
(E)X 12C 16 JennyB

On 11th draw, FISKED O4 54 --- FISK to frisk [v]
Other moves: FOID 8A 49, DIRKES O1 48, FRISKED O3 48, FIRK D12 43, FORK D12 43
FOID 8A 49 pandora1._
FORKED 1C 42 una
DIKERS O1 36 margalang

On 12th draw, WALI C1 35 --- WALI a governor [n]
Other moves: WAG C1 34, WAG E5 32, WIG E5 32, TWILL N10 30, WAT C1 30
WAG C1 34 una
BLAW 1L 27 pandora1._, margalang

On 13th draw, TITRABLE 1G 80 --- TITRABLE capable of being titrated [adj]
Other moves: TAXITE 2B 30, ATTIRE N9 29, LAXER 2B 28, TAXER 2B 28, TELIA E3 28
TAXER 2B 28 ginalee, margalang, una
JAR B10 13 pandora1._

On 14th draw, FORB D12 35 --- FORB any herb which is not grass [n]
Other moves: COAXER 2A 34, BAC E5 31, FAB 5I 31, FACE D12 31, FOB 5I 31
FAX 2B 26 margalang, pandora1._, una, neyetifu, ginalee

On 15th draw, BANZAI 15D 51 --- BANZAI a Japanese battle cry [n]
Other moves: BAIZA 15D 48, ZATI 2F 39, ZAX 2B 38, ZA B6 36, ZIN 2F 36
ZAX 2B 38 margalang, pandora1._
ZA B6 36 una
ZIP H4 24 ginalee
ZO G7 21 neyetifu

On 16th draw, CAXON 2B 32 --- CAXON a type of wig [n]
Other moves: COAX 2A 26, CANOE 2F 25, ANCE K1 18, CANE 2F 18, CONE 2F 18
NE E1 18 una, margalang, pandora1._
ACE 5D 10 ginalee

On 17th draw, LEVO B4 24 --- LEVO turning towards the left [adj]
Other moves: VOL B6 21, A(T)ELIC L10 20, EVIL 12L 20, EVO B5 19, CIVE K5 18
EVE N1 15 margalang
VOID 4A 12 pandora1._
LOVE 14I 11 una
ACE 5D 10 ginalee

On 18th draw, CLAUGHT 13G 34 --- CLAUGHT to clutch [v]
Other moves: CHA A7 32, HAG A7 30, HUG A7 30, TACH 12L 30, CH A7 29
CHA A7 32 pandora1._, una
HUG A7 30 margalang, sandy914
HAG A7 30 neyetifu
A(T)TACH L10 28 ginalee

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