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Game of August 10, 2011 at 16:14, 7 players
1. 521 pts immy
2. 501 pts jeff
3. 443 pts Kenpachi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cdemqt   H8    24    24   medic
 2. afhissx   I7    46    70   fax
 3. aeepsuy   G6    38   108   upsy
 4. almorrs   H8    36   144   medicals
 5. eghnopw   H1    47   191   gowpen
 6. ?bdeirs  15H    89   280   sidebars
 7. aglorrt   F3    22   302   largo
 8. aeiostt   1H    80   382   goatiest
 9. ehimorr  12H    82   464   chromier
10. aenooru   2J    28   492   roneo
11. aeinttw  N10    34   526   wiener
12. cehintv   O6    44   570   chive
13. dgilruy   4H    28   598   pudgily
14. abelttz   4A    54   652   zabeta
15. aaeinnt   A4    45   697   zenana
16. aeejkot  11K    40   737   jo
17. aeikntv   E7    33   770   knive
18. adefrtu  14A    90   860   tradeful
19. iilottu  13C    22   882   loti

Remaining tiles: aiqtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6028 Fileimmy        3 14:08  -361  521     1.6028 immy        3 14:08  -361  521 
  2.6993 Filejeff        4 16:22  -381  501     2.6993 jeff        4 16:22  -381  501 
  3.6292 FileKenpachi    3 15:51  -439  443     3.6292 Kenpachi    3 15:51  -439  443 
  4.6241 Filemargalang   1  7:58  -713  169     4.6241 margalang   1  7:58  -713  169 
  5.5855 FileJennyB      0  8:27  -744  138            Group: novice
  6.5665 Fileneyetifu    0  4:33  -753  129     1.5855 JennyB      0  8:27  -744  138 
  7.5895 Filesandy914    0  2:12  -844   38     2.5665 neyetifu    0  4:33  -753  129 
                                             3.5895 sandy914    0  2:12  -844   38 

On 1st draw, MED(I)C H8 24 --- MEDIC one engaged in medical work [n]
Other tops: DEM(I)C H8 24, MED(I)C H4 24, M(A)CED H4 24
Other moves: C(O)MET H4 22, C(O)MTE H4 22, DEM(I)C H4 22, MET(I)C H4 22, MET(I)C H8 22
M(A)CED H4 24 immy, jeff

On 2nd draw, FAX I7 46 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other tops: FIX I7 46
Other moves: AXIS I8 44, FAIX I6 44, SAX I7 40, SIX I7 40, XIS I9 39
FAX I7 46 jeff, immy
HEX 9G 25 JennyB

On 3rd draw, UPSY G6 38 --- UPSY a carousall [n]
Other tops: SPAY G6 38
Other moves: AYES G8 37, PAY G7 37, AYE G8 35, SYE G8 35, YAP G9 35
PAY G7 37 jeff, immy
YAP J6 28 Kenpachi, JennyB

On 4th draw, MED(I)CALS H8 36 --- MEDICAL a physical examination [n]
Other moves: ARMORS H1 29, MARORS H1 29, MOLARS H1 29, MORALS H1 29, MORRAS H1 29
MOLARS H1 29 immy
MORALS 13C 28 JennyB, jeff
MO F6 24 Kenpachi

On 5th draw, GOWPEN H1 47 --- GOWPEN a double handful [n]
Other moves: WANHOPE 13G 40, HEW(I)NG 11E 24, WH(I)NGE 11F 24, HOGEN F2 23, HOWE J4 23
HOWE J4 23 Kenpachi
WHELP 14E 21 immy
HOPE J4 20 JennyB
HE G13 20 jeff

On 6th draw, SIDEB(A)RS 15H 89 --- SIDEBAR a short news story accompanying a major story [n]
Other tops: SE(A)BIRDS 15A 89
Other moves: DISR(O)BES 15A 83, SE(A)BIRDS 15H 83, SIDEB(A)RS 15A 83, S(U)BSIDER 15H 83, D(A)WBRIES 3F 82
DRIB F3 24 jeff
DIB F4 23 immy
DR(A)B F3 23 JennyB
FAXES I7 19 sandy914
BE I2 15 Kenpachi

On 7th draw, LARGO F3 22 --- LARGO a slow musical movement [n]
Other tops: GOLLAR 14F 22
Other moves: AGO F5 20, ROLAG F2 20, TARROW 3C 20, WORRAL 3H 20, GO F6 19
AGO F5 20 jeff
GO F6 19 immy
LAG F4 16 Kenpachi
GRAB L12 14 JennyB

On 8th draw, GOATIEST 1H 80 --- GOATY like a goat [adj]
Other moves: TOASTIES O8 77, OSCITATE 12F 70, TOASTIER N8 70, OSTIATE E7 69, TOASTIE E7 69
FAXES I7 19 sandy914
TATE 14K 19 jeff
YEXES 9G 15 immy, Kenpachi

On 9th draw, CHROMIER 12H 82 --- CHROMY decorated with chrome [adj]
Other moves: HOMIER N10 38, HOME 14K 34, MHO 2M 32, HOMIER E7 30, HORME 2G 30
HOME 14K 34 jeff
OOH 2H 29 immy
HAME 13G 16 Kenpachi

On 10th draw, RONEO 2J 28 --- RONEO to copy with a duplicator [v]
Other moves: RONEO 14K 23, EOAN 13J 20, NEAR 11K 20, RONE 13K 20, ROON 13K 20
RONE 13K 20 Kenpachi, jeff
LOAN 14H 15 immy

On 11th draw, WIENER N10 34 --- WIENER a frankfurter [n]
Other moves: WATE 11K 32, WATT 11K 32, WEAN 11K 32, WETA 11K 32, TAWNIER O6 30
WATE 11K 32 immy
TWINTER O6 30 jeff
WAT 11K 28 Kenpachi

On 12th draw, CHIVE O6 44 --- CHIVE an herb used as a seasoning [n] --- CHIVE to knife [v]
Other moves: TINCHEL 14B 40, CHEVIN E7 35, CHINE O6 35, HIVE O7 35, NICHE O6 35
CHIVE O6 44 jeff, Kenpachi
CHINE O6 35 neyetifu
HE 11K 24 immy

On 13th draw, PUDGILY 4H 28 --- PUDGILY in a pudgy manner [adv] --- PUDGY short and fat [adv]
Other moves: DURGY E7 26, DRILY E7 24, PUDGY 4H 24, YU 11K 24, LURGY E7 23
YU 11K 24 immy, Kenpachi, jeff
DRILL 3B 12 neyetifu

On 14th draw, ZABETA 4A 54 --- ZABETA a stated tariff [n]
Other tops: ZATI 11K 54
Other moves: ALTEZA 13C 50, BLAZE E1 49, ZA 11K 48, ZA G13 44, LAZE E2 43
ZA 11K 48 immy, neyetifu, Kenpachi, margalang
ZA G13 44 jeff

On 15th draw, ZENANA A4 45 --- ZENANA the section of a house in India reserved for women [n]
Other tops: ZEATIN A4 45
Other moves: ZANTE A4 42, NATAL 3B 24, ANAN 5A 23, NITER 5B 22, EINA 5J 21
ANAN 5A 23 jeff
ATE 5A 20 immy
ANA 5A 20 margalang
ANE 5A 20 Kenpachi

On 16th draw, JO 11K 40 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: JA 11K 40
Other moves: JOE 3B 39, JOT 3B 39, JA G13 36, JERKED J10 36, JA 3B 35
JA 11K 40 immy, jeff, margalang
JO 11K 40 Kenpachi
JOKE M7 34 neyetifu

On 17th draw, KNIVE E7 33 --- KNIVE to knife [v]
Other tops: KNAVE E7 33
Other moves: KAE 3B 30, KAT 3B 30, KENTIA E7 29, AVIATE B1 28, TALKIE 14F 27
KAT 3B 30 immy, Kenpachi
KA G13 24 jeff
DIKE J4 24 margalang

On 18th draw, TRADEFUL 14A 90 --- TRADEFUL busy in traffic [adj]
Other moves: FARED 12A 40, FATED 12A 40, FAURD 12A 40, FRAUD 12A 40, DAREFUL 14B 38
FAD 3B 30 Kenpachi
FAR 3B 27 immy
FADER D11 25 margalang

On 19th draw, LOTI 13C 22 --- LOTI a monetary unit of Lesotho [n]
Other tops: TITI 13C 22
Other moves: LOT 3B 18, TOT 3B 18, TUTTI A11 18, OUT 5J 17, OBIIT C3 16
TITI 13C 22 Kenpachi
TOT 3B 18 immy
GUILT K4 12 margalang

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