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Game sheet of luna1841 (file), Game of August 10, 2011 at 17:44

Word find
Word played
1 ABORSTU             ROBUSTA H2 74 74  
2 ?ACEIPW             WIC(K)APE I8 72 146  
3 ADEEJNX JAWED 8G 16 -43 16 6/6 DEX J12 59 205 6/6
4 DEIORTZ             ROZITED K6 89 294 7/7
5 AEIORRV             ZAIRE 8K 45 339 7/8
6 ?GINOPU             EPIGONU(S) O8 83 422 7/8
7 AEINNSY             EASY 15G 50 472 7/8
8 CEEINOT             ERECTION 2G 82 554 7/8
9 AEIMNOR             ROMAINE 1A 82 636 7/8
10 ADHILRY             HARDILY 14A 87 723 8/9
11 ABDEJSU             JEHU A12 66 789 8/9
12 EFKMOST             KEF 1M 38 827 9/10
13 AEFLNSU             FLANEURS C8 74 901 10/11
14 ABEHRST             BRASHEST 6B 77 978 10/11
15 AGLMNOV             VAGROM N5 34 1012 10/11
16 DGILNOV             INFOLD 8A 33 1045 10/11
17 ILNOQTT             QAT 10B 32 1077 10/11
18 GILNOTW             WINO 2B 32 1109 11/12

Total: 16/1109 or -1093 for 1.442%
Rank: -

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