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Game of August 10, 2011 at 18:28, 13 players
1. 566 pts Joykor
2. 526 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 497 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eemssy   H8    28    28   messy
 2. ?finotz  12C    40    68   nazify
 3. abdeior   C8    74   142   debonair
 4. aeioptu   E9    34   176   epizoa
 5. aeiorvw   D4    36   212   reavow
 6. finorst   F3    69   281   forints
 7. ajorrty  15A    33   314   rory
 8. eilrttu   3F    76   390   fruitlet
 9. aeiipru   4L    24   414   reap
10. dginost   5H    77   491   dotings
11. aacetux  F14    50   541   xu
12. aachlmt  14B    39   580   limax
13. ?aekltu   6K    44   624   neuk
14. adhijln   C3    44   668   hadj
15. abdgnow   O1    30   698   gawp
16. aceghnt  15F    48   746   unteach
17. egilnoq   H1    48   794   equid
18. adglltu  L10    20   814   galuth
19. acdenno   B2    28   842   deco
20. beeinov   A5    40   882   bovine

Remaining tiles: aeiln

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5988 FileJoykor      6 25:36  -316  566     1.6431 sunshine12  2 16:46  -385  497 
  2.5803 FileGrace_Tjie  2 18:13  -356  526     2.6238 margalang   1 20:23  -421  461 
  3.6431 Filesunshine12  2 16:46  -385  497     3.6400 nderera     1  6:30  -738  144 
  4.6238 Filemargalang   1 20:23  -421  461            Group: novice
  5.5060 Filetonikay     0 20:12  -426  456     1.5988 Joykor      6 25:36  -316  566 
  6.5794 Filenarisa      1 14:29  -444  438     2.5803 Grace_Tjie  2 18:13  -356  526 
  7.4637 Fileremij       0 14:35  -484  398     3.5060 tonikay     0 20:12  -426  456 
  8.5310 Filejimbo       1 14:50  -526  356     4.5794 narisa      1 14:29  -444  438 
  9.5178 Fileluckymoo2   0 15:13  -589  293     5.5310 jimbo       1 14:50  -526  356 
 10.5623 Filegailnor     1 12:31  -635  247     6.5178 luckymoo2   0 15:13  -589  293 
 11.6400 Filenderera     1  6:30  -738  144     7.5623 gailnor     1 12:31  -635  247 
 12.  -  Filedin6001     0 10:07  -748  134            Group: not rated
 13.3380 Fileding        0  2:33  -860   22     1.4637 remij       0 14:35  -484  398 
                                             2.  -  din6001     0 10:07  -748  134 
                                             3.3380 ding        0  2:33  -860   22 

On 1st draw, MESSY H8 28 --- MESSY dirty or untidy [adj]
Other tops: MY(A)SES H3 28, MY(O)SES H3 28, M(O)SEYS H8 28, SEEM(L)Y H7 28, SYS(T)EM H3 28
Other moves: EME(R)Y H8 26, EMY(D)ES H3 26, E(N)EMY H8 26, MESSY H4 26, MES(H)Y H8 26
MESSY H8 28 Grace_Tjie, jimbo, nderera, Joykor
MESSY H4 26 remij

On 2nd draw, N(A)ZIFY 12C 40 --- NAZIFY to cause to be like a nazi [v]
Other moves: FIZ(Z)Y 12D 38, FI(Z)ZY 12D 38, FOZI(E)ST 11C 36, SOZIN 10H 34, SOZIN(E) 10H 34
FIZ(Z)Y 12D 38 jimbo
Z(E)ST 10F 32 narisa
ZOS 10F 32 margalang
SIZ(E) 10H 32 nderera
ZIN I7 30 Joykor
ZIT I7 30 Grace_Tjie
ZO(O) G7 26 tonikay
ZE(S)T 9G 22 remij

On 3rd draw, DEBONAIR C8 74 --- DEBONAIR suave [adj]
Other moves: AMBEROID 8G 64, ABODE 13C 45, BAIZED E9 36, BRAZED E9 36, BEZOAR E10 34
ABODE 13C 45 Grace_Tjie, tonikay
BRAZED E9 36 narisa, jimbo, nderera
DOZIER E10 32 sunshine12
DOZER E10 30 margalang
ORAD 13C 29 Joykor
ZED E12 13 remij

On 4th draw, EPIZOA E9 34 --- EPIZOON an animal which lives on the surface of another [n]
Other moves: PIEZO E9 32, TOPAZ E8 32, PIZE E10 30, PODITE 8A 30, PUTZ E9 30
TARP 15A 27 remij, narisa, sunshine12
ATE 13E 23 Joykor
PORT 15A 21 jimbo, margalang, luckymoo2
PART 15A 21 Grace_Tjie, tonikay, nderera

On 5th draw, REAVOW D4 36 --- AVOW to declare openly [v] --- REAVOW to vow again [v]
Other moves: AVOWER D4 33, REAVOW G4 33, WAIVER D4 33, WAVIER D4 33, AVOW G6 31
WADE 8A 27 tonikay, Grace_Tjie, remij, luckymoo2, narisa
WIDE 8A 27 jimbo, nderera, margalang
WE F14 26 sunshine12
AVOWER G4 24 Joykor

On 6th draw, FORINTS F3 69 --- FORINT a monetary unit of Hungary [n]
Other moves: FORINTS 15A 51, FORINT 15A 48, NITROS 15E 36, NITRO 15E 33, NOIRS 15E 33
FORT 15A 24 Grace_Tjie, margalang
FIRS 15A 24 sunshine12
FIRN 15A 24 luckymoo2, narisa
FIDO 8A 24 tonikay, remij
FRONT C2 22 Joykor
FRONTS F4 18 jimbo

On 7th draw, RORY 15A 33 --- RORY noisy [adj]
Other tops: JAY C3 33, JOY C3 33, OARY 15A 33, TORY 15A 33
Other moves: JA B13 31, JO B13 31, JAR 15A 30, JERRY 5C 30, JOR 15A 30
JOY C3 33 narisa, gailnor
JAY C3 33 Grace_Tjie
JA B13 31 sunshine12
JAR 15A 30 jimbo, remij, luckymoo2, margalang
AJAR 14E 27 Joykor
JOT C3 24 tonikay

On 8th draw, FRUITLET 3F 76 --- FRUITLET a small fruit [n]
Other moves: SLUTTIER 11H 66, SURTITLE 11H 66, SLUTTIER 10H 62, SURTITLE 10H 62, LIER E2 22
LUDO 8A 15 Grace_Tjie, narisa, remij
REDO 8A 15 tonikay, jimbo
LITTER I4 15 gailnor
TILER I5 14 margalang
RET I7 12 sunshine12
FLUTTER 3F 12 Joykor

On 9th draw, REAP 4L 24 --- REAP to cut for harvest [v]
Other moves: UPDO 8A 21, APER 2K 20, APO B13 20, PEAR 2I 20, PIER 2I 20
REAP C3 20 gailnor
APER 2K 20 Joykor
PAIR 2L 18 margalang, sunshine12
PURE C3 18 Grace_Tjie
PEAR 2L 18 tonikay
PIER C2 16 narisa
REDO 8A 15 jimbo
APTER J1 13 luckymoo2
RUE H2 4 remij

On 10th draw, DOTINGS 5H 77 --- DOTING an excessive love [n]
Other moves: DOPINGS O2 33, PONGIDS O4 33, PONGID O4 30, POSTING O4 30, STOPING O1 30
POSTING O4 30 Joykor, sunshine12, narisa, gailnor
STOPING O1 30 remij, luckymoo2
POINDS O4 27 margalang
PINGOS O4 27 jimbo
POINTS O4 24 Grace_Tjie, tonikay

On 11th draw, XU F14 50 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: EXO B13 40, TAX I7 40, TEX I7 40, TUX I7 40, AX I8 38
XU F14 50 sunshine12, margalang
TEX I7 40 Joykor
TAX I7 40 Grace_Tjie, tonikay
EX I8 38 narisa
SEX 10H 26 gailnor
AX 14E 25 din6001
EX 9H 17 remij
MAX 8H 12 jimbo

On 12th draw, LIMAX 14B 39 --- LIMAX a slug [n]
Other moves: CHAP O1 33, HAM E4 33, AHA E5 30, CAMP O1 30, HAULD H1 30
CHAP O1 33 remij, margalang, Grace_Tjie
HA 6N 27 sunshine12
CLAP O1 24 din6001
HAM C3 22 narisa, tonikay
CHAT C2 22 gailnor
SHAM 11H 18 Joykor
MATCH 8H 16 jimbo
TATH J3 15 luckymoo2

On 13th draw, (N)EUK 6K 44 --- NEUK a corner [n]
Other moves: EUK 6L 43, EUK(S) 6L 43, E(U)K 6L 41, (E)UK 6L 41, (S)UK 6L 41
(S)KA 6M 37 sunshine12
KELP O1 30 jimbo, luckymoo2, din6001
KLAP O1 30 remij, Grace_Tjie
K(E)EP O1 27 margalang
KUDO 8A 27 narisa
KAE 2I 21 tonikay
KEA 2I 21 Joykor

On 14th draw, HADJ C3 44 --- HADJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: JIHAD C1 37, AHI E5 30, HAULD H1 30, HAN E4 27, DAH I7 26
HAULD H1 30 Joykor
JIN I7 26 Grace_Tjie
HAD I7 22 gailnor
JA I7 21 narisa, sunshine12
JA C3 20 tonikay
JIB 10A 14 jimbo
HEIR 5C 14 din6001
JO 11B 9 margalang
MAD 8H 6 remij

On 15th draw, GAWP O1 30 --- GAWP to stare stupidly [v]
Other tops: DOWP O1 30, WOUND H1 30
Other moves: BOUND H1 27, BOW B2 27, GNAW B1 27, GNOW B1 27, WAB B2 26
WOUND H1 30 Joykor
BOW B2 27 sunshine12, luckymoo2, tonikay, gailnor, narisa
WAB B2 26 Grace_Tjie
DODO 8A 18 jimbo, remij
WO B2 15 margalang

On 16th draw, UNTEACH 15F 48 --- UNTEACH to cause to unlearn something [v]
Other moves: UNCAGE 15F 27, UNEATH 15F 27, CHAT B1 26, HAET 2I 25, HEAT 2I 25
UNTEACH 15F 48 Joykor
UNCAGE 15F 27 gailnor
CHAT B1 26 Grace_Tjie, luckymoo2, sunshine12
HAG B2 23 tonikay
AH N1 23 margalang
HEAT B1 22 narisa
HANG 1L 12 remij

On 17th draw, EQUID H1 48 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other tops: UNTEACHING 15F 48
Other moves: QI 2I 28, QI I7 25, GLUED H1 24, NOULDE H1 24, N(A)ZIFYING 12C 24
EQUID H1 48 Joykor
QI 2I 28 sunshine12, margalang, Grace_Tjie, tonikay
QI I7 25 narisa, gailnor
QUID H2 15 remij
QUOD H2 15 din6001
QI I2 11 jimbo

On 18th draw, GALUTH L10 20 --- GALUTH an exile [n]
Other moves: DAG B2 19, DUG B2 19, DADO 8A 18, DAUT B1 18, DUAL B1 18
DAG B2 19 sunshine12
DUG B2 19 luckymoo2
DADO 8A 18 din6001
GAD I7 18 Joykor
GUT B2 16 Grace_Tjie
GAT B2 16 narisa, tonikay, margalang
LUDO 8A 15 remij

On 19th draw, DECO B2 28 --- DECO a decorative style [n]
Other moves: CADE K9 25, DEN(A)ZIFY 12A 25, DACE B1 24, DECO B1 24, ECAD K8 23
DECO B2 28 Joykor
DOC B2 22 sunshine12, margalang
CAD I7 20 tonikay
DODO 8A 18 remij, Grace_Tjie
DANCE 11K 16 luckymoo2
DEN 7I 8 din6001
DUO 13K 8 ding

On 20th draw, BOVINE A5 40 --- BOVINE an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other moves: NEIVE A5 29, NIEVE A5 29, BONIE A5 28, BEVUE 13I 26, NEVE A5 26
BOVINE A5 40 Joykor, sunshine12
VINO M9 18 Grace_Tjie
GIVE 10L 16 remij
BE A1 15 tonikay
BO A1 15 margalang
VEG 10J 15 luckymoo2
VAIN 11K 14 ding

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