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Game of August 10, 2011 at 20:02, 13 players
1. 634 pts PIThompson
2. 517 pts susieq8182
3. 359 pts Thuwal

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eilnopr   H4    74    74   plerion
 2. aeeimrx  10C    75   149   examiner
 3. aaekmow   9B    44   193   awoke
 4. ?ailotu   K7    79   272   outsail
 5. aadhlrt   8A    49   321   dhal
 6. aehisuy  11E    39   360   yes
 7. bgnoors  12A    41   401   bongos
 8. ?aceefu   L1    82   483   feculae
 9. acmnort   2J    30   513   cream
10. deirttv   6B    66   579   rivetted
11. aelpqvw   1L    36   615   flew
12. begopqs  A10    36   651   bebops
13. deinoot  14A    26   677   ponied
14. adehiiu   5E    37   714   hailed
15. aginotv  15F    92   806   ovating
16. inqrstu   4A    59   865   quirts
17. afgnruz  12H    46   911   fuzing
18. aijnrty   M9    42   953   jirga

Remaining tiles: nty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7586 FilePIThompson  9 15:44  -319  634     1.7586 PIThompson  9 15:44  -319  634 
  2.6723 Filesusieq8182  4 21:49  -436  517            Group: intermediate
  3.5849 FileThuwal      0 12:27  -594  359     1.6723 susieq8182  4 21:49  -436  517 
  4.3396 Fileding        0 14:52  -669  284     2.6520 rn.roselle  1  5:42  -788  165 
  5.4174 FileChiliB.     0  8:30  -786  167            Group: novice
  6.4303 Filemaddie      0  7:39  -787  166     1.5849 Thuwal      0 12:27  -594  359 
  7.6520 Filern.roselle  1  5:42  -788  165     2.5479 mazscot     0  5:25  -843  110 
  8.5479 Filemazscot     0  5:25  -843  110     3.5793 narisa      0  3:05  -857   96 
  9.5793 Filenarisa      0  3:05  -857   96     4.5306 jimbo       0  0:50  -910   43 
 10.5306 Filejimbo       0  0:50  -910   43     5.5668 neyetifu    0  1:54  -932   21 
 11.  -  Filedin6001     0  1:56  -920   33            Group: not rated
 12.5668 Fileneyetifu    0  1:54  -932   21     1.3396 ding        0 14:52  -669  284 
 13.  -  FileJolene      0  1:58  -945    8     2.4174 ChiliB.     0  8:30  -786  167 
                                             3.4303 maddie      0  7:39  -787  166 
                                             4.  -  din6001     0  1:56  -920   33 
                                             5.  -  Jolene      0  1:58  -945    8 

On 1st draw, PLERION H4 74 --- PLERION a supernova where both shell and core radiate [n]
Other tops: PROLINE H4 74
Other moves: PLERION H2 70, PLERION H3 70, PLERION H6 70, PLERION H7 70, PLERION H8 70
PROLINE H4 24 PIThompson, susieq8182
PRONE H4 20 maddie
PRONE H8 16 ding

On 2nd draw, EXAMINER 10C 75 --- EXAMINER one that examines [n]
Other moves: MEALIER 5E 36, MAXI G6 34, MIREX G9 34, PREMIX 4H 34, EXEEM 6E 30
MAXI G6 34 PIThompson
MIXER G9 27 susieq8182
LAXER 5H 24 jimbo
REMIX 6G 16 ding

On 3rd draw, AWOKE 9B 44 --- AWAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other tops: AWAKE 9B 44
Other moves: WAKA 9C 43, WAKE 9C 43, WEKA 9C 43, WOKE 9C 43, KOW 9G 39
AWOKE 9B 44 PIThompson
EXAM D9 26 ding
MIAOW G9 24 susieq8182
AWAKE C6 21 maddie
KEX D8 19 jimbo

On 4th draw, OUT(S)AIL K7 79 --- OUTSAIL to sail faster than [v]
Other moves: T(R)OUPIAL 4D 68, TO(Q)UILLA 5B 64, TO(Q)UILLA 5C 64, TROU(P)IAL 7G 60, OUTRI(V)AL 7E 59
AL(S) 8C 26 PIThompson
(S)AIL K10 23 Thuwal
OXO D9 10 ding

On 5th draw, DHAL 8A 49 --- DHAL an Indian dish of lentils and spices [n]
Other tops: LAHAR 8B 49
Other moves: TAHA 8B 43, AHA 8C 40, DAH 8B 37, TALAR 8B 37, AAH 8B 35
DHAL 8A 49 susieq8182, PIThompson
DAH 8B 37 Thuwal
HAIL 12I 14 ding

On 6th draw, YES 11E 39 --- YES to give an affirmative reply to [v]
Other tops: YUS 11E 39
Other moves: YE 11E 35, YU 11E 35, SHALEY 13H 32, YEAHS L4 32, HYLAS 13I 30
YES 11E 39 PIThompson
YE 11E 35 susieq8182
SHYER J6 25 maddie
HEY J12 24 Thuwal
HIS 12J 12 ding

On 7th draw, BONGOS 12A 41 --- BONGO a small drum [n]
Other tops: BORGOS 12A 41
Other moves: BOSON 12D 36, BONGO 12A 33, BONGS 12A 33, BORGO 12A 33, BROGS 12A 33
BONGOS 12A 41 PIThompson, susieq8182
BROGS 12A 33 Thuwal
BIGS 12J 14 ding

On 8th draw, FECU(L)AE L1 82 --- FECULA fecal matter [n]
Other moves: PEACEFU(L) 4H 78, (P)EACEFUL 5A 74, FECULAE 13G 38, FACUL(A)E 13G 36, FECULA(E) 13G 36
FEU(S) 13B 35 PIThompson
FECU(L)AE L1 32 susieq8182
BEEF A12 27 ding, maddie, Thuwal

On 9th draw, CREAM 2J 30 --- CREAM to select the best from a group [v]
Other moves: CREANT 2J 28, FACT 1L 27, FARM 1L 27, FOAM 1L 27, FORM 1L 27
CREAM 2J 30 PIThompson
FOAM 1L 27 Thuwal
FARM 1L 27 narisa
FACT 1L 27 susieq8182
FORT 1L 21 maddie
CENT 2K 12 ding

On 10th draw, RIVETTED 6B 66 --- RIVET to fasten with a type of metal bolt [v]
Other moves: VITTLED 13G 32, DIVE L12 26, VELDT 13I 26, VILDE 13I 26, VIRID 12H 26
VILER 13I 24 PIThompson
BRED A12 21 narisa
BIDE A12 21 susieq8182
BIRD A12 21 Thuwal
DRIVE 12I 18 ding

On 11th draw, FLEW 1L 36 --- FLEW the floppy upper lip of dogs such as bloodhounds [n]
Other tops: FLAW 1L 36
Other moves: FLAP 1L 33, WEAL 5E 28, BAWL A12 27, BLAW A12 27, BLEW A12 27
FLAW 1L 36 PIThompson
FLEW 1L 36 susieq8182
FLAP 1L 33 din6001
BLEW A12 27 narisa, ChiliB.
BAWL A12 27 Thuwal
WIVE 12J 20 ding

On 12th draw, BEBOPS A10 36 --- BEBOP a type of jazz [n] --- BEBOP to play a style of jazz [v]
Other moves: BOBS A12 24, BOEP A12 24, BOGIES 12H 24, BOPS A12 24, POGIES 12H 24
BOPS A12 24 Thuwal, ChiliB.
BOBS A12 24 PIThompson
BEGS A12 21 narisa, ding, maddie, neyetifu
SOP 14K 12 susieq8182

On 13th draw, PONIED 14A 26 --- PONY to prepare lessons with the aid of a literal translation [v]
Other tops: PIONED 14A 26, PIOTED 14A 26, POOTED 14A 26
Other moves: NOOIT B11 24, POINTED 14A 24, DONE B11 23, NODE B11 23, NODI B11 23
EIDOLON 13G 22 susieq8182
DOTE L12 20 PIThompson
PINED 14A 16 ding
DONER B2 12 Thuwal
DINE E3 10 ChiliB.

On 14th draw, HAILED 5E 37 --- HAIL to welcome [v]
Other tops: HAULED 5E 37
Other moves: CHE 3L 33, HADE 15E 32, HAED 15E 32, HAUD 15E 32, HEAD 15E 32
CHE 3L 33 PIThompson
HADE 15E 32 ChiliB., rn.roselle
HIDE 15E 32 Thuwal, mazscot
HEAD 15E 32 susieq8182
HIDE 12J 16 ding
LAD 13K 8 Jolene

On 15th draw, OVATING 15F 92 --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other moves: GAVOT 4A 28, VOLING 13I 28, VOTING 12H 28, AVION 15F 27, NOVA 15E 26
VOTING 12H 28 mazscot, PIThompson
GAVOT 4A 28 susieq8182
NOVA 15E 26 rn.roselle
TONGA 15E 23 Thuwal
LOG 13K 8 ChiliB.

On 16th draw, QUIRTS 4A 59 --- QUIRT to strike with a riding whip [v]
Other tops: QUINTS 4A 59
Other moves: QUINS 4A 54, QUINT 4A 54, QUIRT 4A 54, QUIST 4A 54, QUITS 4A 54
QUINTS 4A 59 susieq8182, PIThompson, rn.roselle
SQUINT 12H 32 mazscot
QI J14 31 Thuwal, maddie
QUITS 12I 28 ChiliB., ding

On 17th draw, FUZING 12H 46 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other tops: FAZING 12H 46
Other moves: ZAG 14H 37, RAZING 12H 34, FRIZ 12I 32, FIZ 12J 30, NAZIR 12H 30
FAZING 12H 46 PIThompson
ZING 12J 28 rn.roselle, susieq8182
ZIG 12J 26 ChiliB.

On 18th draw, JIRGA M9 42 --- JIRGA a council of tribal headmen in Afghanistan [n]
Other moves: JAR 13G 27, JAGIR M10 26, LAIRY 13K 24, LAITY 13K 24, JA 13G 22
JIRGA M9 42 PIThompson
TANGY M9 20 rn.roselle, susieq8182
JOEY 7J 18 Thuwal, ding
TAJ 9K 18 mazscot
YANG M9 12 ChiliB.

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