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Game of August 10, 2011 at 20:46, 11 players
1. 618 pts scrab21
2. 562 pts rn.roselle
3. 549 pts Thuwal

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eikstt   H3    80    80   skittle
 2. adeeprs   3F    80   160   respades
 3. eeqruvy   L1    54   214   query
 4. deehilt   2A    83   297   lethied
 5. cefjlor   2J    54   351   jeu
 6. ceflnou   K5   114   465   flounce
 7. aeflprw   A1    42   507   flaw
 8. ?ahimou   G9    75   582   haloumi
 9. ceiloos   1D    49   631   cosie
10. bdeilnr  13G    78   709   unbridle
11. agnnotu   1L    42   751   quag
12. aiiortt   D1    24   775   chariot
13. aabnstx  O13    42   817   sax
14. aaeglnt  15B    80   897   agential
15. abeioor  N10    30   927   boree
16. ainoopv   O7    36   963   pavin
17. eortvyz   6B    45  1008   zooty
18. egimnno   L1    32  1040   querying
19. deinoor   C8    72  1112   rodeoing

Remaining tiles: mvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6365 Filescrab21     5 15:10  -494  618     1.7104 mylover81   4 13:25  -612  500 
  2.6510 Filern.roselle  5 23:55  -550  562            Group: intermediate
  3.5847 FileThuwal      2 25:58  -563  549     1.6365 scrab21     5 15:10  -494  618 
  4.7104 Filemylover81   4 13:25  -612  500     2.6510 rn.roselle  5 23:55  -550  562 
  5.4188 FileChiliB.     2 21:45  -636  476     3.6105 iwhist      2 15:38  -658  454 
  6.6105 Fileiwhist      2 15:38  -658  454     4.6705 susieq8182  2 16:46  -698  414 
  7.6705 Filesusieq8182  2 16:46  -698  414     5.6434 sunshine12  1 14:41  -791  321 
  8.6434 Filesunshine12  1 14:41  -791  321     6.6072 immy        0  0:58 -1086   26 
  9.  -  Filereer        0  3:29 -1051   61            Group: novice
 10.5419 Filecoolcanuck  0  0:13 -1085   27     1.5847 Thuwal      2 25:58  -563  549 
 11.6072 Fileimmy        0  0:58 -1086   26     2.5419 coolcanuck  0  0:13 -1085   27 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4188 ChiliB.     2 21:45  -636  476 
                                             2.  -  reer        0  3:29 -1051   61 

On 1st draw, SKITT(L)E H3 80 --- SKITTLE a wooden pin used in a bowling game [n] --- SKITTLE to knock down [v]
Other tops: KITSET(S) H4 80, KITTE(L)S H4 80, KITTE(N)S H4 80, KITT(I)ES H4 80, KITT(L)ES H4 80, KIT(S)ETS H4 80, K(I)TTIES H4 80, SKITTE(R) H3 80, STE(E)KIT H8 80, ST(E)EKIT H8 80, T(A)KIEST H2 80
Other moves: KITSET(S) H2 72, KITSET(S) H3 72, KITSET(S) H7 72, KITSET(S) H8 72, KITTE(L)S H2 72
KITTE(N)S H4 30 rn.roselle
KITT(I)ES H4 30 scrab21
SKITT(L)E H3 30 ChiliB.
T(A)KIEST H2 30 Thuwal

On 2nd draw, RESPADES 3F 80 --- RESPADE to turn over soil again [v]
Other tops: ASPERSED 3G 80, PREASED 10B 80
Other moves: RESPADE 10C 78, PREASED 10D 77, SPEARED 10H 77, ASPERSED 3C 76, PREASSED 3C 76
DRAPES 10C 26 scrab21
SPEARED 10B 26 Thuwal
SAP 10H 22 rn.roselle
KEEPS 4H 22 ChiliB.

On 3rd draw, QUERY L1 54 --- QUERY to question [v]
Other moves: QUEY L1 52, QUEER L1 48, QUIVERY 5F 44, QUEER G5 36, QUIVER 5F 36
QUERY L1 54 rn.roselle, scrab21, ChiliB.
YE 2J 29 Thuwal

On 4th draw, LETHIED 2A 83 --- LETHIED affected by lethe [adj]
Other moves: LETHIED 10B 77, LETHIED I9 66, HEILED 2B 31, HILTED 2B 31, LITHED 2B 31
HILTED 2B 31 scrab21
HILTED G9 24 rn.roselle
HEED G9 21 Thuwal
DELETE 9G 10 ChiliB.

On 5th draw, JEU 2J 54 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: FOUER 2J 50, FORCE 1F 40, CLEF A1 39, FLOC A1 36, FORCE K5 36
JEU 2J 54 mylover81, Thuwal
JAR J2 26 scrab21, iwhist, rn.roselle
JOT 6F 26 immy
JOY 5J 26 ChiliB.

On 6th draw, FLOUNCE K5 114 --- FLOUNCE to move with exaggerated motions [v]
Other moves: FLOUNCE G9 76, FLOUNCE I9 76, CLEF A1 39, FLOUNCE A1 39, FLOC A1 36
FLOUNCE A1 39 ChiliB., scrab21, susieq8182
CLEF A1 39 mylover81
FONE 1F 31 rn.roselle
FUEL K5 30 Thuwal
EF 1A 26 iwhist

On 7th draw, FLAW A1 42 --- FLAW to produce a flaw (an imperfection) in [v]
Other tops: FLEW A1 42
Other moves: PLEW A1 39, FLAP A1 36, PULWAR 8J 36, PURFLE 8J 36, WHARF D1 36
FLAW A1 42 scrab21, Thuwal, rn.roselle
FLEW A1 42 mylover81, ChiliB.
PURFLE 8J 36 susieq8182
AWE 1A 31 iwhist

On 8th draw, HA(L)OUMI G9 75 --- HALOUMI a Greek dish of goat's cheese [n]
Other tops: HA(L)OUMI I9 75
Other moves: QO(P)H 1L 45, QUIM 1L 45, MOHAI(R) L8 44, QU(I)M 1L 42, Q(U)IM 1L 42
QUIM 1L 45 iwhist, mylover81, scrab21, ChiliB.
QO(P)H 1L 45 susieq8182
HUMOU(R) 8J 39 Thuwal
HOM(E) 1F 34 rn.roselle
HAM L10 25 sunshine12

On 9th draw, COSIE 1D 49 --- COSIE a covering for a teapot [n]
Other moves: COLIES 15D 33, COOLIES 15C 30, COSIE 15D 30, CASEIC 10F 29, CLEIK 4D 29
COOLIES 15C 30 susieq8182
SLICE 12K 29 scrab21, sunshine12, iwhist
COSE 12I 25 mylover81
SLICE 15E 21 ChiliB., Thuwal
SOLE 1F 19 rn.roselle

On 10th draw, UNBRIDLE 13G 78 --- UNBRIDLE to set loose [v]
Other moves: BRED H12 52, BREN H12 46, BRIN H12 46, IRED H12 36, RUBIED 8J 36
BRED H12 52 iwhist, mylover81
BLINDER 15E 30 scrab21, Thuwal, ChiliB., susieq8182
DRIB 12K 28 sunshine12
BINDER 15F 27 rn.roselle

On 11th draw, QUAG 1L 42 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUAT 1L 39, ANTIGUN 15D 27, ATONING 15C 27, AUTOING 15C 27, OUTGAIN 15B 27
QUAG 1L 42 rn.roselle, iwhist, sunshine12, susieq8182, scrab21, mylover81
QUAT 1L 39 Thuwal
TONGUE N8 9 ChiliB.

On 12th draw, CHARIOT D1 24 --- CHARIOT to ride in a two-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle [v]
Other tops: TRITOMA 14B 24
Other moves: ARIA 3A 22, CHATTI D1 22, CHORIA D1 22, KAI 4H 21, KIR 4H 21
CHARIOT D1 24 rn.roselle
KOR 4H 21 scrab21
NIT H13 19 iwhist
NAT H13 19 sunshine12
TRAIT 15D 18 Thuwal
OI 3C 16 mylover81
OAT 14L 15 ChiliB.
TORII 15C 6 susieq8182

On 13th draw, SAX O13 42 --- SAX a saxophone [n]
Other moves: AX I8 39, TAXIS 15D 39, UNTAX 8K 39, AX 14M 38, BASAN O11 36
SAX O13 42 scrab21, iwhist, mylover81
TAXIS 15D 39 ChiliB., susieq8182
AX 14M 38 sunshine12, Thuwal, rn.roselle

On 14th draw, AGENTIAL 15B 80 --- AGENT one who is authorized to act for another [adj] --- AGENT to act for another with authority [adj] --- AGENTIAL pertaining to an agent [adj]
Other tops: ALGINATE 15D 80
Other moves: GALEAE N10 35, GALENA N10 35, ANNAT H11 32, JEUNE 2J 31, LAGENA N10 31
AGENTIAL 15B 30 susieq8182
AGENE N11 25 sunshine12
EATING 15D 24 mylover81, Thuwal
GENE N12 23 rn.roselle, iwhist
KEG 4H 23 scrab21
GLINT 15E 18 ChiliB.

On 15th draw, BOREE N10 30 --- BOREE an Acacia tree [n]
Other moves: BARE 14B 27, OUREBI 8J 27, KAB 4H 25, KEB 4H 25, KOB 4H 25
BARE 14B 27 scrab21
KAB 4H 25 mylover81
URBIA 8K 24 susieq8182
BE F10 21 iwhist
REB N12 18 sunshine12
BEAR C6 15 Thuwal
JAB J2 12 rn.roselle
BOO(L) 11D 10 ChiliB.

On 16th draw, PAVIN O7 36 --- PAVIN a slow, stately dance [n]
Other moves: AVION O7 30, NAPOO O7 27, VAIN O8 27, NOOP O8 26, KIP 4H 25
PAVIN O7 36 susieq8182
AVION O7 30 mylover81
VAIN O8 27 coolcanuck, scrab21, sunshine12
NOVA O7 25 rn.roselle, Thuwal
PIAN O8 24 iwhist
VIA O8 22 reer
VINO 12D 14 ChiliB.

On 17th draw, ZOOTY 6B 45 --- ZOOTY flashy in manner or style [adj]
Other tops: ZOOEY 6B 45
Other moves: OYEZ E5 43, VIZY 5C 38, TROOZ 6B 36, ZO N6 35, OYEZ I8 34
ZOOTY 6B 45 scrab21, rn.roselle
ZO N6 35 mylover81, susieq8182
ZA 10F 31 sunshine12, iwhist, Thuwal
ZITE 5C 26 reer
ZIT 5C 24 ChiliB.

On 18th draw, QUERYING L1 32 --- QUERY to question [v] --- QUERYING questioning [n]
Other moves: JEUNE 2J 31, MENGING C9 28, MEG F10 26, MIEN 5C 25, MEN F10 24
MONTE 7A 24 rn.roselle
MEN F10 24 iwhist, sunshine12
OMENING C9 22 susieq8182
ZONING B6 18 scrab21, Thuwal
GNOME D11 16 ChiliB.
MO 7A 15 mylover81
ZIG B6 13 reer

On 19th draw, RODEOING C8 72 --- RODEO to participate in a rodeo (an exhibition of cowboy skills) [v]
Other moves: JEUNE 2J 31, RONTE 7A 22, INROAD 10C 21, KIR 4H 21, KOI 4H 21
KOR 4H 21 scrab21
DORT 7A 20 rn.roselle
ZONED B6 19 Thuwal
ROOT 7A 19 iwhist
DO 2N 15 sunshine12
ROOD N5 14 mylover81
DRONE D11 12 ChiliB.

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