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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of August 10, 2011 at 22:18

Word find
Word played
1 CDMOOSU COOMS H4 24 -2 24 1/4 COMOUS H4 26 26 1/4
2 ?HIJOOY JO(E)Y G7 41 -4 65 2/4 H(A)J G5 45 71 1/4
3 AEGILRV HOVER 5G 22 -58 87 1/4 CLAVIGER 4H 80 151 1/4
4 ADEPSTT REPAST O4 24 -52 111 2/4 ADEPTEST N2 76 227 1/4
5 ABDEENW WASE 8L 33 -3 144 3/4 DEBASE 8J 36 263 1/5
6 AILORVW WAIL M7 24 -6 168 2/3 VALOR F2 30 293 1/5
7 ACEKNTW KEG M2 28 -11 196 1/5 WAKEN 7K 39 332 1/5
8 ?AFLNOO FLAR(E) O1 29 -36 225 1/4 F(L)AVONOL 2C 65 397 1/5
9 EMNNOTX OXER O1 45   270 3/4       442 1/5
10 EGIMNRT GEM 1G 31 -44 301 3/4 TERMING E6 75 517 1/5
11 AENRSTW WATERS 1G 45 -33 346 1/4 TWANGERS 12A 78 595 1/5
12 ABEGHRT HATER 1G 39 -1 385 1/4 THAWER B9 40 635 1/5
13 ABEIOOS BASE 1G 32 -2 417 1/5 ISBA 15A 34 669 1/6
14 DFLPRUY YUP 1G 39   456 1/5 PUY 1G   708 1/6
15 EELORUY SLEY H12 21 -11 477 3/5 FLEURY C2 32 740 1/6
16 DEEGIIT GAD C11 19 -7 496 1/4 VIEWED K4 26 766 1/6
17 DEIIINT TIG M2 26 -1 522 1/4 KAINITE M7 27 793 1/6
18 DEFNOQZ DOZE A6 44   566 1/4       837 1/6
19 FGINOQU QUIT 12J 26 -33 592 4/5 QUOIF L11 59 896 1/7

Total: 592/896 or -304 for 66.07%
Rank: 7368

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