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Game of August 11, 2011 at 02:53, 4 players
1. 645 pts immy
2. 644 pts iwhist
3. 237 pts Lucylulu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?emopuy   H8    32    32   mopey
 2. ?deirrz  11D   118   150   rizzered
 3. adgnorr  10J    23   173   donga
 4. aanortu   M8    70   243   argonaut
 5. ?ehqtuv  14J    66   309   queue
 6. aefilsw  O12    47   356   wase
 7. cdeiitu   D8    82   438   diuretic
 8. eiknops   O4   106   544   pinkoes
 9. aehilno  15H    34   578   hain
10. adehnot   L4    35   613   death
11. aelmnsx   I7    44   657   max
12. egilnsu   C3    76   733   lungies
13. abcefgr  14B    36   769   brief
14. aeijooy   K2    41   810   joey
15. aiilnrs   J4    26   836   laris
16. elnoort   2K    24   860   jeton
17. abeiitv   1L    44   904   bite
18. agloovw   G7    40   944   vaw
19. fgilort   D1    32   976   flog
20. cilortv   1D    36  1012   frivol

Remaining tiles: ct

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6169 Fileimmy        5 19:25  -367  645     1.6169 immy        5 19:25  -367  645 
  2.6122 Fileiwhist      5 20:01  -368  644     2.6122 iwhist      5 20:01  -368  644 
  3.5828 FileLucylulu    3  5:12  -775  237            Group: novice
  4.4660 Filenaneru      0  5:03  -910  102     1.5828 Lucylulu    3  5:12  -775  237 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4660 naneru      0  5:03  -910  102 

On 1st draw, MOPEY H8 32 --- MOPEY dejected [adj]
Other tops: EMP(L)OY H7 32, EPO(N)YM H8 32, MOPE(R)Y H7 32, MYOPE(S) H3 32, POM(P)EY H7 32, YOMPE(D) H4 32, YUMPE(D) H4 32, YUMP(I)E H4 32, (P)OMPEY H7 32
Other moves: EMP(L)OY H3 30, EMP(T)Y H8 30, EPO(N)YM H3 30, EPO(N)YM H7 30, MOPEY H4 30
MOPEY H8 32 Lucylulu
P*M(M)Y H8 30 iwhist
P*M(M)Y H4 28 immy

On 2nd draw, RIZ(Z)ERED 11D 118 --- RIZZER to dry in the sun [v]
Other tops: RI(Z)ZERED 11D 118
Other moves: RE(P)RIZED 11B 84, RE(P)RIZED 11G 84, RIZ(Z)ERED 11B 84, RI(Z)ZERED 11B 84, RI(Z)ZORED 9D 78
Z(O) G9 44 immy, iwhist
ZED G7 34 Lucylulu

On 3rd draw, DONGA 10J 23 --- DONGA a gully in a veldt [n]
Other moves: D*G* 10J 20, DANG 10J 20, DARG 10J 20, DONG 10J 20, DONGA 12J 20
DAG 12J 16 immy
NO 12E 15 iwhist

On 4th draw, ARGONAUT M8 70 --- ARGONAUT a marine mollusk [n]
Other moves: NATURA 12J 22, AZURN F10 18, RUANA 9K 18, NOUT 9K 17, RAUN 9K 17
TA 12E 15 iwhist
NAT 12J 14 immy

On 5th draw, QUEU(E) 14J 66 --- QUEUE to line up for service [v]
Other tops: QAT(S) 8L 66, QU(E)UE 14J 66
Other moves: QUEA(C)H 8J 54, QUETH(E) 15J 54, QUET(C)H 15J 54, QU(I)ET 12A 52, QUA(S)H 8K 51
QAT(S) 8L 66 immy, iwhist

On 6th draw, WASE O12 47 --- WASE a wisp of hay [n]
Other tops: WISE O12 47
Other moves: FAWS 8L 42, WAIF 8L 42, FALSE O11 41, FLAWS O6 41, FLEWS O6 41
WAIF 8L 42 iwhist, immy

On 7th draw, DIURETIC D8 82 --- DIURETIC a drug which increases urinary discharge [n]
Other moves: CEDI 15G 32, DUCI 15G 32, CUIT 15H 31, CADE 8L 30, CADI 8L 30
CUIT 15H 31 immy
CADE 8L 30 iwhist

On 8th draw, PINKOES O4 106 --- PINKO a person who holds somewhat radical political views [n]
Other moves: PINKOES C3 86, PINKOES N2 82, PINKOES E3 81, PINKOES G3 75, PINKOES I3 75
OKAPI 8K 48 iwhist, immy
SKIP 15H 45 Lucylulu

On 9th draw, HAIN 15H 34 --- HAIN to save [v]
Other moves: CHAINE 15D 33, ELHI 15G 32, CANEH 15D 30, CHAIN 15D 30, CHELA 15D 30
HAIN 15H 34 Lucylulu, immy, iwhist

On 10th draw, DEATH L4 35 --- DEATH the end of life [n]
Other tops: DOETH L4 35, DONAH L4 35
Other moves: HADDEN 8A 33, HANDED 8A 33, HODDEN 8A 33, NEATH L4 33, HANCE 15A 30
HANDED 8A 33 iwhist, immy
HAND 8A 24 Lucylulu

On 11th draw, MAX I7 44 --- MAX the greatest possible amount [n] --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other moves: MAX C7 43, LAXISM 14A 42, MAX C12 41, LAX I7 40, LEX I7 40
MAX I7 44 immy, iwhist, Lucylulu
AXIL 14B 22 naneru

On 12th draw, LUNGIES C3 76 --- LUNGIE a diving bird [n]
Other moves: LUNGIES E3 71, LUNGIES J2 71, LUNGIES G2 65, GILDEN 8A 24, GLIDES 8A 24
GLIDES 8A 24 Lucylulu
LENDS 8A 18 iwhist
GIN J6 17 immy
SINGLE 5G 14 naneru

On 13th draw, BRIEF 14B 36 --- BRIEF short [adj] --- BRIEF to give instructions [v]
Other moves: FAB G7 35, BEGNAW 12J 34, GRIEF 14B 34, BAC G7 33, CAB G7 33
FAB G7 35 immy
GRACE 15A 24 naneru
FEED 8A 24 iwhist

On 14th draw, JOEY K2 41 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other tops: JAY J6 41, JOY J6 41
Other moves: JOEY K3 40, JAY K3 39, JOY K3 39, JOEY M3 38, JEED 8A 36
JOY J6 41 immy, iwhist
JOEY B1 35 naneru

On 15th draw, LARIS J4 26 --- LARI a monetary unit of Maldives [n]
Other tops: NARIS J4 26, RANIS J4 26, SARIN J4 26, SLAIN J4 26, SNAIL J4 26
Other moves: JAILS 2K 24, JARLS 2K 24, LIRAS G5 23, JAIL 2K 22, JARL 2K 22
JAILS 2K 24 iwhist
JARS 2K 22 immy
RANA 13L 7 naneru

On 16th draw, JETON 2K 24 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: OTTER 13C 23, JEON 2K 22, JOLE 2K 22, JOLT 2K 22, RONEO D2 21
JOLT 2K 22 iwhist, immy

On 17th draw, BITE 1L 44 --- BITE to seize with the teeth [v]
Other tops: BATE 1L 44, BETA 1L 44
Other moves: TABI 1L 36, TAV G7 34, TAB G7 30, AB G8 28, VAIN 12J 25
BATE 1L 44 iwhist, immy

On 18th draw, VAW G7 40 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: LAV G7 34, LAW G7 34, AW G8 32, VAG G7 32, WAG G7 32
AWED 8A 24 iwhist
WO 15A 19 immy

On 19th draw, FLOG D1 32 --- FLOG to beat with a whip or rod [v]
Other tops: FR*G D1 32, FROG D1 32
Other moves: FLIR D1 28, FLIT D1 28, FLOR D1 28, FRIT D1 28, FIGO D2 26
FILED 4H 13 iwhist
FUR 4B 12 immy

On 20th draw, FRIVOL 1D 36 --- FRIVOL to behave playfully [v]
Other moves: FICTOR 1D 33, FROLIC 1D 33, CLIFT 1A 30, CROFT 1A 30, FOLIC 1D 30
FROLIC 1D 33 iwhist, immy

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