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Game of August 11, 2011 at 04:25, 4 players
1. 167 pts kellybelly
2. 153 pts jimbo
3. 147 pts Violet23

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeeggn   H8    74    74   engaged
 2. aeeeftw  G11    30   104   faw
 3. ?aeiily  I11    35   139   baye
 4. eeinssu  J13    21   160   see
 5. cgilpru  11G    20   180   fabric
 6. ?fijlps   M7    37   217   fujis
 7. acinott   8A    83   300   taconite
 8. aagoqrs   8K    69   369   aquas
 9. ddkosuw  L11    30   399   cowks
10. aeghntu   C3    34   433   unteach
11. aaeilnr   3B    60   493   aurelian
12. beiloty   H1    39   532   blay
13. ddeiouu   4A    27   559   dined
14. ilortux   2H    28   587   lux
15. eeiloor   1J    30   617   oriole
16. begmort   D7    32   649   gombro
17. hiimnor   5E    30   679   hom
18. einnopt   6F    81   760   pontine
19. deeittu   5J    23   783   duetti
20. eloprvz  C12    39   822   zep
21. ilorruv  12A    21   843   vizor

Remaining tiles: loruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7253 Filekellybelly  1  7:08  -676  167     1.7253 kellybelly  1  7:08  -676  167 
  2.5305 Filejimbo       1  7:02  -690  153            Group: novice
  3.  -  FileViolet23    1  7:15  -696  147     1.5305 jimbo       1  7:02  -690  153 
  4.5165 Fileayoba       0  1:15  -821   22     2.5165 ayoba       0  1:15  -821   22 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Violet23    1  7:15  -696  147 

On 1st draw, ENGAGED H8 74 --- ENGAGE to employ [v]
Other tops: ENGAGED H2 74, ENGAGED H6 74
Other moves: ENGAGED H3 72, ENGAGED H4 72, ENGAGED H7 72, ENGAGED H5 70, DEGAGE H4 22
ENGAGED H2 74 jimbo

On 2nd draw, FAW G11 30 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other moves: WEFTAGE 12C 28, AWEE G12 26, AWE G12 25, FAW G13 25, FAW I13 25
WAFTED 14C 15 jimbo

On 3rd draw, (B)AYE I11 35 --- BAYE to bathe [v]
Other moves: LAYI(N) I7 31, YI(P)E I9 31, YI(T)E I9 31, (B)AY I11 31, (B)EY I11 31
(D)AILY G4 13 jimbo

On 4th draw, SEE J13 21 --- SEE to perceive with the eyes [v]
Other tops: SEI J13 21, SEN J13 21, SIN J13 21, SIS J13 21
Other moves: DESINES 14H 20, SI J13 20, UNDEE 14F 20, SDEINS 14G 19, SDEIN 14G 18
ENSUES J6 16 jimbo

On 5th draw, FA(B)RIC 11G 20 --- FABRIC a woven, felted, or knitted material [n] --- FABRIC to construct [v]
Other moves: GILCUP G3 18, CURLING 9C 16, PURLING 9C 16, CRU G7 14, CRU I7 14
CURLING 9C 16 Violet23
PURGE 8D 11 jimbo

On 6th draw, F(U)JIS M7 37 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other tops: JIF(F)S M7 37
Other moves: ELFIS(H) 15J 36, ELFI(N)S 15J 36, F(U)SIL M9 33, JI(F)FS M7 33, JIL(L)S M7 31
F(A)ILS M7 23 Violet23
JE(E)PS 8G 13 jimbo

On 7th draw, TACONITE 8A 83 --- TACONITE a low-grade iron ore [n]
Other moves: TACTION L2 77, TACTION G2 63, TACTION I2 63, ENATIC 15J 27, ACTION L3 25
CONTAIN 9B 11 jimbo
TAINT G4 8 Violet23

On 8th draw, AQ(U)AS 8K 69 --- AQUA water [n]
Other tops: Q(U)AG 8L 69
Other moves: RAGAS N6 30, AGAS N7 27, RAGA N6 23, SAGA N6 23, SAGO N6 23
AQ(U)AS 8K 69 Violet23

On 9th draw, COWKS L11 30 --- COWK to feel nauseous [v]
Other moves: WOKS 7D 28, WOKS I5 27, COWK L11 26, DOUKS I4 26, KOWS I5 26
SOUND E5 12 Violet23

On 10th draw, UNTEACH C3 34 --- UNTEACH to cause to unlearn something [v]
Other tops: CHAUNGE C8 34
Other moves: CHANGE C8 32, TUNNAGE E5 32, CHAUNT C8 30, HEAT 9C 28, CAUGHT C8 26
HUNTS O4 12 Violet23

On 11th draw, AURELIAN 3B 60 --- AURELIAN one who studies moths and butterflies [n]
Other moves: ALANINE E5 28, LINEAR B1 26, ANEAR B2 24, LINEAR D1 24, RENAIL D1 24
UNREAL 3C 7 Violet23

On 12th draw, BLAY H1 39 --- BLAY a small fish [n]
Other moves: BEATY H1 33, BIALY H1 33, BETOIL 4H 31, BOLETI 4H 31, BLAE B6 29

On 13th draw, DINED 4A 27 --- DINE to eat dinner [v]
Other moves: DROID D2 23, DRUID D2 23, DINE 4A 20, IDEA B5 20, OI M13 20

On 14th draw, LUX 2H 28 --- LUX a unit of illumination [n]
Other tops: LOX 2H 28, UXORIAL K3 28
Other moves: OXER 6A 27, REDOX E2 26, REDUX E2 26, WOX 13L 26, IXORA K4 24
XI 7F 22 ayoba

On 15th draw, ORIOLE 1J 30 --- ORIOLE an American songbird [n]
Other moves: RELIE K1 21, REOIL K1 21, BROIL 1H 20, BROOL 1H 20, OI M13 20
KEEL 14L 16 kellybelly

On 16th draw, GOMBRO D7 32 --- GOMBRO the okra plant [n]
Other moves: BOOMER D7 29, BOOGER D7 27, GOOBER D7 26, MOOTER D7 25, OMBER D8 25
ROM 2M 20 kellybelly

On 17th draw, HOM 5E 30 --- HOM a sacred plant of the ancient Persians [n]
Other tops: HIM 5E 30
Other moves: HIM 2M 29, HOM 2M 29, HM 5E 28, SHIM 15L 27, SHMO 15L 27
HIM 2M 29 kellybelly

On 18th draw, PONTINE 6F 81 --- PONTINE pertaining to bridges [adj]
Other moves: PINNET 6F 30, POINTE 6F 30, PONENT 6F 30, PONTIE 6F 30, PENNI 6F 29
POINT 6F 29 kellybelly

On 19th draw, DUETTI 5J 23 --- DUETTO a musical performance by two people [n]
Other tops: ETUDE 5I 23
Other moves: LETTED N1 22, DUETT 5J 21, DUIT 2L 21, EDIT 5I 21, IDEE 5I 21
TIDE 5J 19 kellybelly

On 20th draw, ZEP C12 39 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other moves: ZERO C12 37, ZEL C12 35, ZOL C12 35, BEZ 10D 34, PRAO B6 34
ZEP C12 39 kellybelly

On 21th draw, VIZOR 12A 21 --- VIZOR to provide with a projecting brim [v]
Other moves: OI M13 20, OVA B6 19, LUV E12 18, KILO 14L 16, KORU 14L 16
OIL E12 15 kellybelly

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