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Game of August 11, 2011 at 09:03, 6 players
1. 542 pts jeff
2. 465 pts charmz
3. 449 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?acenor   H7    72    72   romance
 2. ?adinpt  11E    90   162   pinnated
 3. deelnos   F7    65   227   esloined
 4. aacerrs   8A    33   260   arecas
 5. iinrswy   L8    32   292   windy
 6. adfnoru   8K    36   328   dwarf
 7. aeehiru  12A    30   358   herein
 8. aghijnq  A12    42   400   haji
 9. aeiooty  B12    39   439   eyot
10. adnopqr   C3    26   465   aproned
11. afilost   D1    32   497   filo
12. aesstvw  C11    44   541   trews
13. benosuv   B6    30   571   bores
14. abimnsu   N7    78   649   urbanism
15. aehiklu   1A    42   691   khaf
16. gilmtuz   E4    40   731   zig
17. eggrtuv  G13    24   755   veg
18. eeotuux  O13    36   791   tux
19. eglmotu   2A    28   819   om
20. eglqrtu  15G    30   849   gurglet
21. eeilqtv   K3    20   869   levied

Remaining tiles: ioqtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6985 Filejeff        3 15:51  -327  542     1.6985 jeff        3 15:51  -327  542 
  2.5529 Filecharmz      2 23:59  -404  465     2.6547 rn.roselle  2 18:07  -420  449 
  3.6547 Filern.roselle  2 18:07  -420  449     3.6336 renmar      1  3:31  -805   64 
  4.5130 Filelorispr     0  5:03  -796   73            Group: novice
  5.6336 Filerenmar      1  3:31  -805   64     1.5529 charmz      2 23:59  -404  465 
  6.3130 Filebabboon     0  8:25  -817   52     2.5130 lorispr     0  5:03  -796   73 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3130 babboon     0  8:25  -817   52 

On 1st draw, RO(M)ANCE H7 72 --- ROMANCE to woo [v]
Other tops: ACORNE(D) H3 72, ACRO(G)EN H3 72, CANOER(S) H4 72, CARNO(S)E H4 72, COAR(S)EN H4 72, CONA(C)RE H4 72, CORNA(G)E H4 72, CORNEA(E) H4 72, CORNEA(L) H4 72, CORNEA(S) H4 72, CORN(E)AE H4 72, COR(O)NAE H4 72, CRE(M)ONA H4 72, C(O)RONAE H4 72, (B)ACONER H2 72, (C)ONACRE H8 72
Other moves: ACORNE(D) H2 68, ACORNE(D) H4 68, ACORNE(D) H7 68, ACORNE(D) H8 68, ACRO(G)EN H2 68
CORNEA(S) H4 22 jeff
CAR(T)ON H4 20 charmz

On 2nd draw, PINNAT(E)D 11E 90 --- PINNATED resembling a feather [adj]
Other tops: D(E)PAINT 14H 90
Other moves: PAINT(E)D 14B 82, PATIN(E)D 14B 82, DEPAINT(S) 13G 80, PANDIT(S) 14B 80, PEDANTI(C) 13G 80
PAINT(E)D 11E 36 jeff
PAD 14F 22 charmz

On 3rd draw, ESLOINED F7 65 --- ESLOIN to remove to a distant place [v]
Other moves: LESIONED F8 63, LODES(M)EN 9C 61, LOOSENED 8F 60, LOOSENED 8G 60, ECLOSED 12G 33
NOSED 14F 21 jeff
DONE 12K 18 charmz
SOD 14H 17 rn.roselle

On 4th draw, ARECAS 8A 33 --- ARECA a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: RO(M)ANCERS H7 30, ARCADES 14B 29, ARECAS 12J 27, CAESAR 12H 27, CARERS 8A 27
RO(M)ANCERS H7 30 charmz, jeff
DARERS 14F 18 rn.roselle

On 5th draw, WINDY L8 32 --- WINDY marked by strong wind [adj]
Other tops: WYNDS L8 32
Other moves: RO(M)ANCERS H7 30, SWY 14H 26, WINDS L8 26, YIRDS L8 26, WINY 10K 25
WINDY L8 32 charmz
RO(M)ANCERS H7 30 jeff
WIN 12D 16 rn.roselle

On 6th draw, DWARF 8K 36 --- DWARF an extremely small person [n] --- DWARF extremely small [adj] --- DWARF to cause to appear small [v]
Other moves: REFOUND C7 32, ONWARD 8J 30, FOUNDER C3 28, DOF M7 27, DOF 14H 25
DWARF 8K 36 rn.roselle, jeff
WAND 8L 24 charmz

On 7th draw, HEREIN 12A 30 --- HEREIN contained in this [adv]
Other moves: HAE 7M 26, HUE 7M 26, HUI 7M 26, RAHUI 14H 25, RAH 14H 23
HUE 7M 26 rn.roselle
HAIRED 14A 20 jeff
HER I13 19 charmz
HARD 14C 8 babboon

On 8th draw, HAJI A12 42 --- HAJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other tops: JAI 7M 42
Other moves: AHIGH A11 36, HAEING B10 36, JA 7M 36, HIGH A12 33, JIHAD 14B 32
HAJI A12 42 rn.roselle
JA 7M 36 jeff, charmz

On 9th draw, EYOT B12 39 --- EYOT a small island [n]
Other moves: JOEY 14A 28, ETA B12 26, JAY 14A 26, JOY 14A 26, YAE 7M 26
JOY 14A 26 charmz
JAY 14A 26 jeff
AT B14 24 rn.roselle

On 10th draw, APRONED C3 26 --- APRON to provide with an apron (a garment worn to protect one's clothing) [v]
Other moves: QAID 9J 24, DOPA 14H 23, DAP 14H 22, DOP 14H 22, PADRONE C2 22
QAID 9J 24 charmz
DOP 14H 22 jeff
DOP 7A 21 rn.roselle
PROD N7 11 babboon

On 11th draw, FILO D1 32 --- FILO very thin pastry dough [n]
Other tops: FILA D1 32, FLOAT B2 32
Other moves: FOPS 4A 26, STOAI B2 26, SOFTA 14H 25, FOAL B3 24, PILAFS 4C 24
FOPS 4A 26 rn.roselle
SOFT 14H 24 jeff
PLOTS 4C 14 charmz
POST 4C 12 babboon

On 12th draw, TREWS C11 44 --- TREW that which is true [n] --- TREWS close-fitting tartan trousers [n]
Other moves: REWS C12 42, AREW C11 39, TREW C11 39, REW C12 37, FAVEST 1D 36
FAVEST 1D 36 rn.roselle
FAVES 1D 33 jeff
AWE E3 23 charmz
FAST 1D 7 babboon

On 13th draw, BORES B6 30 --- BORE to pierce with a rotary tool [v]
Other tops: UNSOBER N2 30
Other moves: BORE B6 27, VERSO 5A 24, BOR B6 23, BUR B6 23, SOV 14H 23
SOB 14H 20 rn.roselle
SUB 14H 20 jeff
ENS M12 11 charmz
RUB 7H 6 babboon

On 14th draw, URBANISM N7 78 --- URBANISM the lifestyle of city dwellers [n]
Other moves: BUMFS 1A 36, BUMF 1A 33, FANUMS 1D 33, FANUM 1D 30, SAMFU 1A 30
FAINS 1D 24 rn.roselle
SUB 14H 20 jeff
AMIS M12 17 charmz

On 15th draw, KHAF 1A 42 --- KHAF a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: FLAKE 1D 36, FLUKE 1D 36, KULFI 1A 36, HAKEA E4 34, KAIF 1A 33
FLAKE 1D 36 jeff, charmz
FLUKE 1D 36 rn.roselle

On 16th draw, ZIG E4 40 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZIT E4 38, MIZ E4 35, LUZ E4 29, ULTIMA M3 29, MIZ G13 28
MA M7 14 lorispr
ZIT J9 14 rn.roselle
TI E4 9 charmz
MUM 14L 7 jeff

On 17th draw, VEG G13 24 --- VEG a vegetable [n] --- VEG to laze about, VEGGED, VEGGES, VEGGING [v]
Other moves: REV 14H 23, VET G13 23, GURGED K3 18, HUG B1 18, REVET 13E 18
VEG G13 24 renmar
REV 14H 23 jeff
TEG O13 18 rn.roselle
ER O14 10 charmz
GRUME 14K 8 babboon
TA A7 5 lorispr

On 18th draw, TUX O13 36 --- TUX a tuxedo [n]
Other tops: TEX O13 36
Other moves: GOX 15G 33, EX O14 31, OX O14 31, TUXEDO K4 30, EXO I7 26
TEX O13 36 jeff, charmz
GOX 15G 33 rn.roselle, lorispr
EXED K5 24 renmar

On 19th draw, OM 2A 28 --- OM a mantra used in contemplation of ultimate reality [n]
Other moves: GOGLET 15G 27, GUGLET 15G 27, GEMOT 15G 24, GLUME 15G 24, GOLEM 15G 24
OM 2A 28 jeff
GLUME 15G 24 rn.roselle, charmz
GOUGE 15G 21 lorispr
MUTED K4 16 renmar

On 20th draw, GURGLET 15G 30 --- GURGLET a long-necked jar [n]
Other moves: GLURGE 15G 27, GUGLET 15G 27, GURGLE 15G 27, GURLET 15G 24, GURGE 15G 21
GLUTE 15G 18 charmz
GLUER 15G 18 rn.roselle, jeff

On 21th draw, LEVIED K3 20 --- LEVY to impose or collect by legal authority [v]
Other tops: EVITED K3 20, VEILED K3 20, VELDT K5 20
Other moves: LIVED K4 18, PILI E11 17, VELD K5 16, VIED K5 16, VILD K5 16
LIVED K4 18 jeff
VELD K5 16 charmz

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