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Game of August 11, 2011 at 15:14, 10 players
1. 499 pts margalang
2. 498 pts narisa
3. 349 pts mazscot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdelow   H7    32    32   declaw
 2. aeglpst  11E    36    68   palates
 3. ailmnou   K4    70   138   laminous
 4. abgiorr   L1    26   164   briar
 5. aeilnru   1G    80   244   ruinable
 6. ?ijttuw   F6    39   283   wiltja
 7. aehkstx  12B    44   327   texas
 8. dfhiior  13C    39   366   hid
 9. ?efisty   N1    92   458   eyelifts
10. addehos   O8    54   512   hodads
11. aeeiorv   8A    27   539   reveal
12. eegortu   E5    22   561   togae
13. eeginru   H7    48   609   declawing
14. eeforuz   D1    44   653   forze
15. acinnot   M8    80   733   actinon
16. eiopuvy   2B    42   775   poovy
17. gimnoqu  14J    68   843   quino
18. eegmnru   J6    36   879   emunge

Remaining tiles: beekor

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6240 Filemargalang   3 22:09  -380  499     1.6240 margalang   3 22:09  -380  499 
  2.5819 Filenarisa      2 19:28  -381  498     2.6396 sunshine12  0 14:35  -808   71 
  3.5496 Filemazscot     0 20:32  -530  349            Group: novice
  4.5082 Filetonikay     1  9:41  -684  195     1.5819 narisa      2 19:28  -381  498 
  5.3353 FileZEHAVARON   0 16:19  -700  179     2.5496 mazscot     0 20:32  -530  349 
  6.5870 Filesandy914    1  5:04  -746  133     3.5082 tonikay     1  9:41  -684  195 
  7.5557 Filecharmz      1  4:26  -766  113     4.5870 sandy914    1  5:04  -746  133 
  8.4654 Fileleobill     0  6:13  -789   90     5.5557 charmz      1  4:26  -766  113 
  9.6396 Filesunshine12  0 14:35  -808   71            Group: not rated
 10.  -  Filedin6001     0  1:00  -867   12     1.3353 ZEHAVARON   0 16:19  -700  179 
                                             2.4654 leobill     0  6:13  -789   90 
                                             3.  -  din6001     0  1:00  -867   12 

On 1st draw, DECLAW H7 32 --- DECLAW to surgically remove the claws of [v]
Other moves: CLAWED H4 30, COWLED H4 30, CAWED H4 28, CLAWED H7 28, COWED H4 28
CLAWED H4 30 margalang, mazscot
LOW H7 12 din6001

On 2nd draw, PALATES 11E 36 --- PALATE the roof of the mouth [n] --- PALATE to relish [v]
Other moves: PAGLES 13C 33, PLAGES 13C 33, ALGATES 11E 32, PALETS 13C 31, PELTAS 13C 31
PLAGES 13C 33 narisa
PLATES 13C 31 margalang
STAPLE 13H 31 mazscot

On 3rd draw, LAMINOUS K4 70 --- LAMINOUS composed of laminae [adj]
Other moves: LUMINAL 10H 31, ALUMIN 10G 30, LINUM 10B 29, ONIUM 10B 29, LUMINA 10H 28
LUM 10D 25 margalang
MAIN 10J 24 narisa
MAIL 12C 18 mazscot
MEAN J10 12 leobill

On 4th draw, BRIAR L1 26 --- BRIAR a prickly shrub [n]
Other tops: GOB 10D 26
Other moves: BIGA L3 25, BURRO 10J 25, ROB 10D 25, BARRO 12A 24, BIGA L1 24
GRAB 12C 22 mazscot
BURR 10J 22 leobill
GRAB L2 22 narisa
LABOR 4K 16 margalang

On 5th draw, RUINABLE 1G 80 --- RUIN to destroy [adj] --- RUINABLE able to be ruined [adj]
Other moves: UREDINIAL 7E 63, AURELIAN F5 62, LIBRAE 1J 24, NEBULA 1J 24, NUBILE 1J 24
UNREAL 12A 20 mazscot
BEAR 1L 18 narisa
BARE 1L 18 margalang
BRAN 1L 18 leobill
RUN 2L 6 sunshine12

On 6th draw, WI(L)TJA F6 39 --- WILTJA an Aboriginal shelter [n]
Other moves: UNWIT(S) 8J 36, UNWI(S)T 8J 36, J(A)W 12D 32, JeW 12D 32, J(O)W 12D 32
JAW F10 29 leobill, narisa, margalang
TWI(S)T 13E 21 mazscot
I(N) 3L 2 sunshine12

On 7th draw, TEXAS 12B 44 --- TEXAS the uppermost structure on a steamboat [n]
Other tops: HAKES 12B 44, TAXES 12B 44
Other moves: AXES 12C 42, TAXES E5 41, RAX 2L 40, NEXTS 8K 39, HAKES E5 38
TAXES 12B 44 margalang
AXES 12C 42 narisa
TAXES E5 41 tonikay
RAX 2L 40 sandy914
OX 9K 9 leobill

On 8th draw, HID 13C 39 --- HIDE to conceal [v]
Other tops: FID 13C 39
Other moves: FIR 13C 36, HOI J6 33, IRID 13B 31, OH J5 31, FOH 13A 30
HID 13C 39 narisa, sandy914, margalang, tonikay
HERD C11 16 mazscot
DIE C10 4 sunshine12

On 9th draw, EYE(L)IFTS N1 92 --- EYELIFT plastic surgery of the eyelid [n]
Other moves: ESTE(R)IFY N1 80, TES(T)IFY M4 72, (T)ESTIFY M4 72, TES(T)IFY M5 67, (T)ESTIFY M5 66
S(A)FETY 13H 35 narisa
NIFES 8K 27 margalang
FEY 11A 20 mazscot
DECLAWS H7 13 sandy914
FIST B9 9 sunshine12

On 10th draw, HODADS O8 54 --- HODAD a nonsurfer [n]
Other moves: HADED O8 51, HODAD O8 51, HOAED O8 48, HOSED O8 48, HADES O8 45
HEADS O8 45 margalang
SHADED 13H 43 narisa, mazscot
SHADE E4 27 sandy914
DAE O5 14 tonikay
DO 7H 4 sunshine12

On 11th draw, REVEA(L) 8A 27 --- REVEAL to make known [v]
Other moves: EAVE J3 24, RAVE J3 24, AVE J4 23, AVO J4 23, AIVER M7 22
OVARIES 13I 22 mazscot
ROVE 2D 17 tonikay
RAVE 2D 17 margalang
AVE N13 14 sandy914
ROVE G3 13 narisa

On 12th draw, TOGAE E5 22 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: EUGE J5 21, TEGU J5 21, TOGE J5 21, GEO J5 18, GET J5 18
TEG J5 18 margalang
GREETS 13J 14 narisa
GROUTS 13J 14 mazscot
OVER C7 9 tonikay

On 13th draw, DECLAWING H7 48 --- DECLAW to surgically remove the claws of [v]
Other moves: RENEGUE B2 24, GERNE 2F 22, GERNE G3 22, URINE O2 22, EIGNE G3 21
GREEN D2 20 tonikay, mazscot, narisa
URES 13L 8 margalang
GID 10M 7 sunshine12

On 14th draw, FORZE D1 44 --- FORZA (musical term) force, power, strength [n]
Other tops: FROZE D1 44, FURZE D1 44, FUZEE D1 44
Other moves: FORZE 2C 39, FROZE 2C 39, FURZE 2C 39, ZERO 2F 39, FUZE 2D 38
FROZE 2C 39 mazscot
ZONER 14F 36 narisa
ZEE B6 32 margalang
ROD 10M 6 sunshine12

On 15th draw, ACTINON M8 80 --- ACTINON an isotope of radon [n]
Other tops: NICOTIANS 13G 80
Other moves: INACTION I1 68, ACTION M8 28, ANOINT N10 28, COIF 1A 27, CONF 1A 27
CANS 13L 12 narisa
TICS 13L 12 margalang
COT B10 11 sunshine12
CAT B10 11 charmz

On 16th draw, POOVY 2B 42 --- POOVY effeminate [adj]
Other moves: PIOYE J7 39, VEINY 14J 38, PURVEY 3B 36, PRIVY 3C 34, PYE J9 33
PRIVY 3C 34 narisa
PONY 14K 18 charmz, margalang
POT B10 11 sunshine12

On 17th draw, QUINO 14J 68 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: QI G13 44, QUINE J7 35, QUIN 14J 33, QUIZ 4A 32, QUIN G3 29
QUINO 14J 68 narisa, margalang, charmz
QI G13 44 tonikay
QUIN 14J 33 ZEHAVARON, mazscot
QI 7J 11 sunshine12

On 18th draw, EMUNGE J6 36 --- EMUNGE to clean [v]
Other moves: MENGE J7 27, EM J5 25, EMIR L12 22, GEM J5 22, GERNE G3 22
MEG J5 22 margalang
MU 1A 16 charmz
ME 15N 16 narisa
MENG B7 11 tonikay

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