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Game of August 11, 2011 at 20:28, 13 players
1. 521 pts shaylag
2. 501 pts mylover81
3. 495 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeiilv   H4    24    24   veale
 2. ?eegpst   9H    71    95   septage
 3. adiijsy   8L    90   185   jays
 4. aelmrrw  10L    49   234   mewl
 5. abdflou   5E    52   286   bodeful
 6. ?aenotv   8A    83   369   renovate
 7. acdmnoz   4A    54   423   zonda
 8. aiklnru   A1    54   477   kanzu
 9. dinortt   B2    26   503   doorn
10. aahlnsu   6J    33   536   hansa
11. aiimotw   C1    34   570   mown
12. degiiir   1C    36   606   midgier
13. aeeentu  O10    21   627   lateen
14. eelprrt   F7    64   691   palterer
15. aceiqrt  14J    28   719   cerite
16. bfhioou  E11    36   755   hobo
17. afiirsu  15A    37   792   fiars
18. ciiiotu  12D    20   812   toric
19. iioquux  14A    41   853   ox
20. giiiquy  13K    27   880   yug

Remaining tiles: iiiiqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6337 Fileshaylag     5 15:57  -359  521     1.7093 mylover81   3 15:38  -379  501 
  2.7093 Filemylover81   3 15:38  -379  501            Group: intermediate
  3.5817 FileGrace_Tjie  3 18:20  -385  495     1.6337 shaylag     5 15:57  -359  521 
  4.5706 Filenaomiari    2 17:11  -437  443     2.6538 rn.roselle  3 11:35  -517  363 
  5.5113 Filetonikay     1 21:49  -450  430            Group: novice
  6.5059 Filemagictwig   0 22:06  -514  366     1.5817 Grace_Tjie  3 18:20  -385  495 
  7.6538 Filern.roselle  3 11:35  -517  363     2.5706 naomiari    2 17:11  -437  443 
  8.5864 Filesandy914    1 14:20  -565  315     3.5113 tonikay     1 21:49  -450  430 
  9.4205 FileChiliB.     0  9:44  -702  178     4.5059 magictwig   0 22:06  -514  366 
 10.3591 Filechip1960    0  5:00  -767  113     5.5864 sandy914    1 14:20  -565  315 
 11.5252 Fileluckymoo2   0  3:01  -835   45     6.5252 luckymoo2   0  3:01  -835   45 
 12.4327 Filepickrose    0  2:46  -837   43            Group: not rated
 13.3552 Filekp10        0  4:01  -841   39     1.4205 ChiliB.     0  9:44  -702  178 
                                             2.3591 chip1960    0  5:00  -767  113 
                                             3.4327 pickrose    0  2:46  -837   43 
                                             4.3552 kp10        0  4:01  -841   39 

On 1st draw, VEALE H4 24 --- VEALE a veil [n]
Other moves: ALIVE H4 18, ALIVE H8 18, LEAVE H4 18, LEAVE H8 18, LIEVE H4 18
LEAVE H4 18 magictwig
ALIVE H4 18 chip1960, Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle
LEAVE H8 18 naomiari

On 2nd draw, SEPT(A)GE 9H 71 --- SEPTAGE the waste in a septic tank [n]
Other moves: SEPTAGE(S) 6D 68, (S)EPTAGES 6D 68, PLE(D)GETS 7G 65, SEPT(A)GE I8 64, EPEE(I)ST 5E 32
GEEPS 9D 20 rn.roselle
SPEE(D) 9H 18 Grace_Tjie, naomiari
G(A)PS 9E 18 sandy914
STE(E)PLE 7C 13 chip1960
ST(R)EP 5E 12 tonikay
PLE(A)TS 7G 11 magictwig

On 3rd draw, JAYS 8L 90 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other moves: JASY O7 52, JAYS O6 52, YADS 8L 50, JAY 8L 45, DAYS 8L 42
JAYS 8L 90 rn.roselle, naomiari, sandy914, shaylag, tonikay
JAYS O6 52 Grace_Tjie, mylover81, chip1960
JADES N6 31 luckymoo2
JADE N6 28 magictwig

On 4th draw, MEWL 10L 49 --- MEWL to whimper [v]
Other tops: MAWR 10L 49
Other moves: MAW 10L 48, MEW 10L 48, AREW 10K 47, RAW 10L 44, REW 10L 44
MEWL 10L 49 rn.roselle
MEW 10L 48 mylover81, sandy914
MAW 10L 48 shaylag
WEAR 10L 33 tonikay, naomiari
WAE 7M 29 Grace_Tjie
WEAL 6F 15 magictwig
WARE 5E 14 luckymoo2
WAGER M7 13 chip1960

On 5th draw, BODEFUL 5E 52 --- BODEFUL boding [adj]
Other moves: FLAB 11I 32, FLUB 11I 32, J(A)MBUL L8 32, FAB 11J 30, FOB 11J 30
FLAB 11I 32 mylover81
FABLED 5D 24 magictwig, Grace_Tjie
FAD G6 19 shaylag
FA 10I 18 naomiari
FLAP J6 17 chip1960
FLABS O4 14 sandy914
FEAL I8 12 rn.roselle, tonikay

On 6th draw, (R)ENOVATE 8A 83 --- RENOVATE to make like new [v]
Other tops: VENATO(R)S O1 83, VO(L)ANTES O1 83, (C)ENTAVOS O1 83
Other moves: BEVAT(R)ON E5 74, (C)OVALENT 7D 62, (R)ENOVATE I8 62, LEVANT O10 39, LAVO(L)T O10 36
VOTE(S) 11H 25 rn.roselle
OVEN(S) 11H 25 sandy914
NOVA(S) 4B 19 tonikay
VETO 4B 18 Grace_Tjie
VAN 4D 18 naomiari
NE 10I 12 shaylag
LOVE O10 11 magictwig

On 7th draw, ZONDA 4A 54 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other moves: CAZ 4D 43, COZ 4D 43, MOZ 4D 43, ZONA 6B 37, COZ F4 34
CAZ 4D 43 rn.roselle
ZOEA B6 33 mylover81, shaylag
ADZ 4K 28 Grace_Tjie
ZO 4D 26 tonikay
ZOOM F3 21 magictwig
ZOO F4 14 sandy914

On 8th draw, KANZU A1 54 --- KANZU a long white garment worn in parts of Africa [n]
Other moves: KAIL 3B 34, KAIN 3B 34, LAIK 3B 34, NAIK 3B 34, KULAN 6B 30
KAIN 3B 34 mylover81, rn.roselle, sandy914
KI 3B 22 shaylag, tonikay
NARK 4J 20 Grace_Tjie
PARK J9 12 magictwig
ZIN A4 12 kp10

On 9th draw, DOORN B2 26 --- DOORN a thorn [n]
Other moves: IDENT I7 22, TROD 6C 21, DETORT I8 20, DOON B2 20, DOOR B2 20
TROD 6C 21 rn.roselle, mylover81
DOON B2 20 tonikay
OD B1 18 sandy914
VOID E8 16 shaylag, magictwig
VINT E8 14 Grace_Tjie
KIND 1A 11 naomiari
RAGED M7 8 kp10

On 10th draw, HANSA 6J 33 --- HANSA a guild of merchants [n]
Other tops: HAULS 6J 33
Other moves: AAH 6D 32, AAH 6H 32, ASH 6D 32, LAH 6D 32, NAH 6D 32
HAULS 6J 33 rn.roselle, shaylag
LAH 6D 32 mylover81
SH 6E 31 naomiari
HAS 6J 29 Grace_Tjie
HAULS 11H 28 magictwig
HULAS 11H 28 sandy914
J(A)MS L8 12 ChiliB.
YEWS N8 10 tonikay
HALL K2 7 kp10

On 11th draw, MOWN C1 34 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other tops: MAW 6D 34, MOW 6D 34
Other moves: TAW 6D 32, TOW 6D 32, AW 6E 31, OW 6E 31, TOMIA 6D 31
MAW 6D 34 mylover81, Grace_Tjie
MOW 6D 34 shaylag
MOWS M3 18 rn.roselle
MAWS M3 18 magictwig, ChiliB.
TOW 3E 15 naomiari
MALT 7F 15 tonikay
SWAGE M6 13 sandy914
MOTS M3 12 kp10

On 12th draw, MIDGIER 1C 36 --- MIDGY full of midges [adj]
Other moves: MIDGIE 1C 33, LIDGER O10 30, IDEE I7 21, IDE I7 20, DERIG I8 19
MIDGIER 1C 36 shaylag
DEER I8 17 naomiari
RIDGES M1 16 magictwig
GRIDS M2 14 ChiliB., Grace_Tjie
GID 3E 13 sandy914
DIGS M3 12 tonikay
OD F5 7 mylover81

On 13th draw, LATEEN O10 21 --- LATEEN a sailing vessel [n]
Other tops: LUNATE O10 21
Other moves: AUNE 2E 18, AUNT 2E 18, AVENUE E7 18, UNEATEN C7 18, EVENT E7 16
EVENT E7 16 ChiliB.
UTE 2F 14 shaylag
TAN 6D 14 mylover81
VENT E8 14 magictwig
VANE E8 14 Grace_Tjie
TEEN 2G 12 tonikay
TEEN 2H 10 naomiari

On 14th draw, PALTERER F7 64 --- PALTERER one that palters [n]
Other moves: PEA 6F 24, REPLETE 14I 22, PEE N13 20, PRE N13 20, REPLETE 13I 20
PEA 6F 24 naomiari
PEE N13 20 mylover81, tonikay
PRE N13 20 Grace_Tjie
VEER E8 14 shaylag
PELTS M2 14 magictwig
PEEP J9 10 pickrose
PREP J9 10 ChiliB.

On 15th draw, CERITE 14J 28 --- CERITE a mineral [n]
Other tops: CERATE 14J 28, CREATE 14J 28
Other moves: QATS M3 26, VAIRE E8 26, AREIC 4K 23, ARTIC 4K 23, ARRECT 12D 22
CRATER 12A 22 mylover81
TRACER 12A 18 ChiliB.
CITER 13C 16 Grace_Tjie
TRACE 14K 14 magictwig
TRICE 11B 14 shaylag
PACER J9 11 pickrose
PI J9 6 tonikay

On 16th draw, HOBO E11 36 --- HOBO to live like a hobo (a vagrant or tramp) [v]
Other moves: BOHO E11 35, BUFO E11 35, FOH 13K 35, FOH E11 35, BOOH 15G 34
HOBO E11 36 shaylag
FOH 15H 34 mylover81, Grace_Tjie
BOH 15H 31 naomiari
HOB 13K 31 tonikay
FIB 11J 30 magictwig
HUBS M3 18 ChiliB.

On 17th draw, FIARS 15A 37 --- FIAR the holder of a type of absolute ownership of land under Scottish law [n]
Other tops: FAIRS 15A 37, FRAUS 15A 37
Other moves: SURF 15F 32, UNFAIRS C7 30, SIF 15F 29, ARFS G10 28, AURIS 15A 28
FAIRS 15A 37 Grace_Tjie, naomiari, mylover81
SURF 15F 32 shaylag
FIBERS 13C 24 magictwig
SIR 15F 20 tonikay
FAIRS M2 16 ChiliB.

On 18th draw, TORIC 12D 20 --- TORIC a lens designed to correct astigmatism [n] --- TORIC pertaining to a torus [adj]
Other moves: OCTUOR 12A 18, TORC L12 18, COITUS M1 16, CUBE 13C 16, TO D11 16
TORC L12 18 mylover81
TOC 3E 13 Grace_Tjie
CUTS M3 12 ChiliB.
TICS M3 12 magictwig
TO 10I 12 shaylag
COTS M3 12 naomiari
IT G10 10 tonikay

On 19th draw, OX 14A 41 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OX 13L 38, QUOIT 12K 28, QUIT 12L 26, XI 10I 26, QUA C13 24
OX 14A 41 mylover81, Grace_Tjie
OX 13L 38 shaylag, naomiari, tonikay
QI M13 22 ChiliB.
POX J9 14 magictwig

On 20th draw, YUG 13K 27 --- YUG an age of time in Hinduism [n]
Other moves: QUIT 12L 26, QI M13 22, YU 9C 20, GYRI L12 18, OXY 14A 18
QUIT 12L 26 magictwig
QI M13 22 pickrose, Grace_Tjie, ChiliB., mylover81, tonikay, naomiari
YA C14 18 shaylag

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