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Game of August 12, 2011 at 00:21, 9 players
1. 409 pts iwhist
2. 352 pts immy
3. 280 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aelnrv   H2    76    76   ravelin
 2. aeimnsu   4E    76   152   mauvines
 3. aepsstx   5C    43   195   apex
 4. adijnvz   C1    42   237   zanja
 5. biknors   1A    45   282   sozin
 6. dehirwy   2A    41   323   heady
 7. eeggors   2H    78   401   regorges
 8. ?bhiitt   3K    38   439   baith
 9. efiorrt   O2    98   537   shotfirer
10. aaeipty   5K    37   574   yep
11. adiorsu   G7    66   640   sauroid
12. adeertt   A1    92   732   shattered
13. deelnov  10D    66   798   overlend
14. bgikmot  H12    33   831   tomb
15. acgiilo  I12    25   856   agio
16. aciiknt   D8    34   890   kaonic
17. aiiltuw   N9    28   918   tauiwi
18. cfllouw  12L    26   944   cuif

Remaining tiles: lloqw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6182 Fileiwhist      0 15:18  -535  409     1.6182 iwhist      0 15:18  -535  409 
  2.6232 Fileimmy        0  8:46  -592  352     2.6232 immy        0  8:46  -592  352 
  3.6278 Filesunshine12  1 13:03  -664  280     3.6278 sunshine12  1 13:03  -664  280 
  4.5096 Filetonikay     1 12:33  -671  273     4.6818 susieq8182  0  7:26  -829  115 
  5.  -  Filebobt45      0 22:49  -680  264     5.6401 Gypsylady   0  1:12  -931   13 
  6.6818 Filesusieq8182  0  7:26  -829  115            Group: novice
  7.  -  FilePetula      0  4:47  -900   44     1.5096 tonikay     1 12:33  -671  273 
  8.4845 Filevictor      0  1:26  -920   24            Group: not rated
  9.6401 FileGypsylady   0  1:12  -931   13     1.  -  bobt45      0 22:49  -680  264 
                                             2.  -  Petula      0  4:47  -900   44 
                                             3.4845 victor      0  1:26  -920   24 

On 1st draw, RAVEL(I)N H2 76 --- RAVELIN a type of fortification [n]
Other tops: VEN(T)RAL H4 76, VEN(U)LAR H4 76, VERLAN(S) H4 76, VER(O)NAL H4 76, (U)NRAVEL H8 76
Other moves: RAVEL(I)N H3 70, RAVEL(I)N H4 70, RAVEL(I)N H6 70, RAVEL(I)N H8 70, VEN(T)RAL H2 70
VENAL H4 24 victor
RAVEN H7 16 bobt45

On 2nd draw, MAUVINES 4E 76 --- MAUVINE a mauve dye [n]
Other tops: MAUVEINS 4E 76
Other moves: ALUMINES 6G 68, ANEURISM 2D 64, NEMESIA 5E 36, REMAINS 2H 30, AMNESIA 3H 24

On 3rd draw, APEX 5C 43 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: PAX 5D 41, AXES G6 40, EXIT I2 40, AX 5J 38, AXE G6 38
AXE 3H 37 iwhist
S(I)XES 7G 20 bobt45

On 4th draw, ZANJA C1 42 --- ZANJA an irrigation canal [n]
Other moves: VIZARD 2D 39, JIZ 4A 38, J(I)Z 7G 36, IZARD 2E 35, NAZIR 2D 34
ZED K3 26 bobt45
ZAX F3 19 iwhist

On 5th draw, SOZIN 1A 45 --- SOZIN a type of protein [n]
Other moves: BIZ 1A 42, BISON 6A 40, ROSIN 6A 38, SOAK 3F 38, RIZ 1A 36
KO B2 26 iwhist
BANKS 2B 26 bobt45

On 6th draw, HEADY 2A 41 --- HEADY intoxicating [adj]
Other moves: WADY 2B 40, WADER 2B 37, YAH 3G 35, WHEYIER K2 32, YEH 5J 32
HEW G7 27 immy
WHEY K2 26 bobt45
YEW 3K 25 iwhist
HIDE G7 24 tonikay

On 7th draw, REGORGES 2H 78 --- REGORGE to vomit [v]
Other moves: ENGORGES J3 64, ENGORGES 8G 62, GRAVEL(I)NG H1 39, SEG 6C 36, SOG 6C 36
SEEL 6E 23 tonikay
GORGES 9C 21 immy
GORES 9H 18 iwhist
GONGS J2 13 bobt45
SORE I7 10 Petula

On 8th draw, B(A)ITH 3K 38 --- BAITH both [adj]
Other moves: ISTH(M)I O1 36, I(S)IT 6B 35, (S)IT 6C 32, SHITTI(M) O2 30, TRAVEL(I)N(G) H1 30
HI 1N 26 immy, bobt45
HI 5K 22 iwhist
T(E) 6E 15 tonikay
(I)(N)HIBIT 7H 11 Petula

On 9th draw, SHOTFIRER O2 98 --- SHOTFIRER
Other tops: SHOTFIRER A1 98
Other moves: PROFITER D5 84, PORTFIRE D5 78, FRONTIER 8E 62, SHIFTER O2 42, SHORTER O2 33
SHIFTER O2 42 sunshine12
TI 1N 27 immy
FORTE I7 23 Petula
TE 6E 21 iwhist
FAX F3 13 tonikay

On 10th draw, YEP 5K 37 --- YEP an affirmative reply [n] --- YEP yes [adv]
Other moves: AYE 5J 35, PYA 3F 33, YEA 5K 33, YET 5K 33, YE 5K 31
YEP 5K 37 sunshine12
AYE 5J 35 iwhist, immy
TEAL 6E 23 tonikay

On 11th draw, SAUROID G7 66 --- SAUROID lizard-like [adj]
Other tops: SAUROID I7 66
Other moves: DINOSAUR 8F 60, URSID 6A 40, SAD 6C 36, SOD 6C 36, DSO 6B 34
SOD 6C 36 immy, iwhist
DORIS 11K 28 sunshine12
RADIOS 9C 19 tonikay
SAID 9H 16 bobt45

On 12th draw, SHATTERED A1 92 --- SHATTER to break into pieces [v]
Other moves: ARETTED N8 78, PATTERED D5 74, DERATTED 13G 72, ITERATED 12G 70, ARETTED I6 68
DART H12 29 immy, iwhist
DATE H12 29 sunshine12
DE 6E 23 tonikay
S(I)TTER 7G 6 bobt45

On 13th draw, OVERLEND 10D 66 --- OVERLEND to lend too much [v]
Other moves: OVENED B9 39, DEEV H12 38, DOVE H12 38, DOVENED 13G 32, LIVENED 12F 30
DOVE H12 38 immy, sunshine12, iwhist
ODE 6D 28 tonikay
ONE 6D 26 susieq8182
VOID 12E 10 bobt45

On 14th draw, TOMB H12 33 --- TOMB to place in a tomb (a burial vault or chamber) [v]
Other moves: KIBE I7 32, M*KV*T E7 30, BIKE I7 28, KITE I7 28, MIKE I7 28
KITE I7 28 tonikay
MIKE I7 28 immy
MOKI F12 27 sunshine12
KOB N7 21 iwhist
MOB N9 17 bobt45

On 15th draw, AGIO I12 25 --- AGIO a premium paid for the exchange of one currency for another [n]
Other moves: CAGE I7 22, CLIVIA E7 22, LAIC 11I 22, GIO I13 21, GOA I13 21
CLIVIA E7 22 susieq8182
GOA I13 21 sunshine12
GO I13 16 immy
GAOL F12 15 iwhist
COOL D9 12 bobt45
ICE I8 11 tonikay

On 16th draw, KAONIC D8 34 --- KAON one of a subatomic particle [adj] --- KAONIC of or like a kaon, an elementary particle [adj]
Other moves: ANTICK N10 32, ANTICK B9 31, CAKE I7 28, KAIE I7 28, KANE I7 28
KINE I7 28 tonikay
ICK 11K 24 iwhist, immy
VIATIC E10 22 susieq8182
INK 11K 20 sunshine12
DANK K10 18 bobt45

On 17th draw, TAUIWI N9 28 --- TAUIWI (Maori) literally "foreign race", the non-Maori people of New Zealand [n]
Other moves: WAIL 9I 25, WAIT 9I 25, WAI 9I 24, MILITIA 14H 22, LAW B8 19
WAIL 9I 25 iwhist, immy, susieq8182
AWL 11K 18 sunshine12
TILE I7 12 tonikay
PAW M5 12 bobt45

On 18th draw, CUIF 12L 26 --- CUIF a dolt [n]
Other tops: COIF 12L 26, FOLIC 12K 26, FOWL B8 26, WOWF 13L 26
Other moves: FLIC 12L 24, DOWF K10 22, OFF 6M 21, FLOW 13K 20, FOWL 13L 20
FOWL B8 26 tonikay
WO 9I 20 immy
FLOW 13K 20 susieq8182, bobt45
OF I6 20 sunshine12
WOW 13L 18 iwhist
FAX F3 13 Gypsylady

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