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Game of August 12, 2011 at 12:32, 11 players
1. 548 pts rn.roselle
2. 547 pts jeff
3. 302 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeenors   H7    66    66   arenose
 2. ?eikrsv  11E   106   172   invokers
 3. demottu   G9    32   204   moved
 4. beiisuy   I6    31   235   byes
 5. deimnrt   E8    61   296   diriment
 6. ?girtwy  15C    48   344   wyting
 7. acefhpz   8A    57   401   hazed
 8. ailpttv   J8    28   429   pave
 9. aceejor  12A    44   473   joram
10. cilnnoo  A10    45   518   cojoin
11. gilorsu   K4    27   545   guiros
12. acdentw   4G    32   577   twanged
13. aaceeln   3A    73   650   anelace
14. abhinqt   4A    33   683   bani
15. aiooptt   2A    26   709   tap
16. eilortt   1B    84   793   tortile
17. dehilot   2H    78   871   lithoed
18. fgilqux   1M    47   918   fix
19. fglquuu   B6    34   952   quag

Remaining tiles: fluu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6586 Filern.roselle  2 18:34  -404  548     1.6586 rn.roselle  2 18:34  -404  548 
  2.6972 Filejeff        4 15:13  -405  547     2.6972 jeff        4 15:13  -405  547 
  3.5585 Filecharmz      0 17:20  -650  302     3.6253 margalang   1  4:54  -809  143 
  4.5722 Fileneyetifu    1  8:29  -762  190     4.6270 sunshine12  1  5:31  -809  143 
  5.6253 Filemargalang   1  4:54  -809  143     5.6543 dannyboy    0  0:27  -920   32 
  6.6270 Filesunshine12  1  5:31  -809  143            Group: novice
  7.5690 Filegailnor     0  7:23  -809  143     1.5585 charmz      0 17:20  -650  302 
  8.3365 FileZEHAVARON   1  8:11  -862   90     2.5722 neyetifu    1  8:29  -762  190 
  9.4650 Fileleobill     0  2:33  -893   59     3.5690 gailnor     0  7:23  -809  143 
 10.3559 Filearivle      0  4:11  -895   57            Group: not rated
 11.6543 Filedannyboy    0  0:27  -920   32     1.3365 ZEHAVARON   1  8:11  -862   90 
                                             2.4650 leobill     0  2:33  -893   59 
                                             3.3559 arivle      0  4:11  -895   57 

On 1st draw, ARENOSE H7 66 --- ARENOSE sandy [adj]
Other tops: ARENOSE H2 66, ARENOSE H3 66, ARENOSE H4 66, ARENOSE H6 66, ARENOSE H8 66
Other moves: ARENOSE H5 64, ARENES H3 14, ARENES H4 14, ARENES H7 14, ARENES H8 14
SNORE H4 12 jeff, neyetifu, rn.roselle
ARSON H4 12 charmz

On 2nd draw, I(N)VOKERS 11E 106 --- INVOKER one that invokes [n]
Other moves: SKIVERE(D) 13B 80, OVERSI(C)K 11H 78, OVERSKI(P) 11H 78, SK(I)VIER I3 74, SKIV(I)ER I3 71
(L)IKER G5 30 rn.roselle
SKIVERS 12H 28 charmz
R(A)KE G9 20 jeff

On 3rd draw, MOVED G9 32 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other moves: MEOU 10J 26, MOUE 10J 26, MOUSTED L8 26, DOM G7 25, MED G7 25
MOVED G9 32 neyetifu
MOE 10J 25 jeff, rn.roselle
MODE 12C 18 charmz

On 4th draw, BYES I6 31 --- BYE a side issue [n]
Other moves: YE 10J 28, YES I7 28, YU 10J 28, BUYERS 8D 26, BYSSI L8 26
YE 10J 28 jeff, neyetifu
YU 10J 28 rn.roselle
BUYS 12B 20 charmz

On 5th draw, DIRIMENT E8 61 --- DIRIMENT nullifying [adj]
Other moves: REREMIND 8H 42, REMINDER 8H 36, REMINTED 8H 36, MEINT 10J 29, DEMENTI J8 28
MEIN 10J 26 jeff
MINED 12A 25 rn.roselle
DIET J5 22 neyetifu
MIND 12B 17 charmz

On 6th draw, WYTI(N)G 15C 48 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other moves: RETRYI(N)G 8H 45, TWIG(G)Y J1 43, TWI(G)GY J1 43, TWIR(L)Y J1 42, TWIR(P)Y J1 42
Y(E)T J6 36 neyetifu
TRYI(N)G 15E 27 jeff
W(E) 10J 26 rn.roselle
TWIG 15E 24 charmz

On 7th draw, HAZED 8A 57 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other tops: FAZED 8A 57
Other moves: FAZE J8 48, HAZE J8 48, HAZE 12L 44, FAZE 5H 42, HAZE 5H 42
HAZED 8A 57 jeff, rn.roselle
HEAP 10J 34 neyetifu
ZEE J10 32 dannyboy, charmz

On 8th draw, PAVE J8 28 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other moves: PAIL 10J 26, VITTA 5E 26, PITTA 5E 24, PLAIT 5G 24, VAIL 5H 24
PAIL 10J 26 rn.roselle, neyetifu, jeff
TA 9B 17 gailnor
SPAIL L11 16 charmz

On 9th draw, JORAM 12A 44 --- JORAM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other moves: RAJ G5 39, AJEE 5I 32, JEER 10B 27, JAW C13 26, J*W C13 26
RAJ G5 39 rn.roselle, jeff
JEER 10B 27 gailnor
JAW C13 26 leobill
JOE J4 18 charmz

On 10th draw, COJOIN A10 45 --- COJOIN to join together [v]
Other moves: JOCO A12 39, REPLICON 8H 39, JINN A12 33, JOIN A12 33, NICOL K5 27
COJOIN A10 45 jeff
JOCO A12 39 rn.roselle
JOIN A12 33 charmz, leobill, gailnor

On 11th draw, GUIROS K4 27 --- GUIRO a percussion instrument [n]
Other moves: GIROS K5 25, RIGOL K5 25, GORI 9B 23, SOLI 9B 21, SORI 9B 21
GO 9B 19 jeff, rn.roselle
GIRLS K4 18 gailnor
PAVES J8 10 charmz

On 12th draw, TWANGED 4G 32 --- TWANG to make a sharp, vibrating sound [v]
Other moves: DECADENT 13G 30, DECANTED 13G 30, WADI 9B 29, DOWN B11 28, DOWT B11 28
WADI 9B 29 jeff
OWE 13A 21 gailnor
DE 12J 16 rn.roselle
SWAN L11 14 charmz, arivle

On 13th draw, ANELACE 3A 73 --- ANELACE a short dagger [n]
Other moves: ANELACE 5A 70, CLAW H1 27, CLEW H1 27, DECANAL 13G 26, CANDELA M1 22
CLAW H1 27 rn.roselle, gailnor, jeff
CANDLE M1 18 arivle, charmz

On 14th draw, BANI 4A 33 --- BAN a monetary unit of Romania [n]
Other moves: BATH B7 32, BHAT A1 30, TANH B7 30, AAH B8 29, BAH 2A 29
BAH 2A 29 rn.roselle, jeff
QAID M1 28 charmz
HABIT A2 13 arivle

On 15th draw, TAP 2A 26 --- TAP to strike gently [v]
Other moves: ASTOOP L10 22, PITA 3L 22, POOT 3L 22, POOT B11 22, POTT 3L 22
TAP 2A 26 jeff
PAT 3L 20 rn.roselle, margalang
PA 3I 16 sunshine12
PAID M1 14 charmz
SPOT L11 12 arivle

On 16th draw, TORTILE 1B 84 --- TORTILE twisted; coiled [adj]
Other moves: TORTILE 2G 62, TRIOLET 2G 62, REOIL 12J 26, LITER 5B 23, LITRE 5B 23
REOIL 12J 26 rn.roselle
TORI 9B 21 sunshine12
TO 9B 17 margalang
ROLE 3L 16 jeff

On 17th draw, LITHOED 2H 78 --- LITHO to make prints by lithography [v]
Other moves: DEATH B6 36, HOOD B10 36, LOATH B6 33, HOO B10 31, EATH B7 30
HOOD B10 36 rn.roselle, sunshine12
HOLD 12L 30 jeff
HOLD 3L 27 margalang

On 18th draw, FIX 1M 47 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other moves: XI I13 36, XU I13 36, QUAG B6 34, QUAI B6 33, QUA B6 32
FIX 1M 47 margalang
XU I13 36 sunshine12
QUAG B6 34 rn.roselle
QUA B6 32 jeff

On 19th draw, QUAG B6 34 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUA B6 32, SUQ L11 24, QUAY 7F 17, FEUD M1 16, FLAG B6 16
QUAG B6 34 jeff, rn.roselle, sunshine12, ZEHAVARON
QUA B6 32 margalang

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