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Game of August 12, 2011 at 13:18, 8 players
1. 564 pts rn.roselle
2. 528 pts margalang
3. 478 pts mylover81

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efiltt   H4    76    76   flitter
 2. degnssy  11H    30   106   sedgy
 3. ?aglopr   5E    90   196   galloper
 4. aehmrsx  12L    42   238   exam
 5. cjoruuw   O8    42   280   jorum
 6. degostv   N9    32   312   dogates
 7. abemrwz   4K    62   374   warez
 8. deemnns   6J    31   405   emends
 9. acdilny   J8    69   474   candidly
10. abeklnt  15C   104   578   blankety
11. aeinrsu  13C    72   650   unraised
12. aeertvw   O1    45   695   teazes
13. aeinopw  13L    39   734   wit
14. abcnoou   2J    32   766   bounce
15. afhinrt  15L    42   808   fish
16. aeinotv   D6    74   882   venation
17. ahiooru  14A    32   914   hora
18. ioopruv   1H    26   940   roop

Remaining tiles: iiiquv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6576 Filern.roselle  2 19:45  -376  564     1.7105 mylover81   3 15:59  -462  478 
  2.6257 Filemargalang   2 17:56  -412  528            Group: intermediate
  3.7105 Filemylover81   3 15:59  -462  478     1.6576 rn.roselle  2 19:45  -376  564 
  4.5833 Filenarisa      1 14:54  -607  333     2.6257 margalang   2 17:56  -412  528 
  5.3559 Filearivle      0  7:34  -837  103     3.6514 dannyboy    0  1:48  -910   30 
  6.4327 Fileginalee     0  4:55  -891   49            Group: novice
  7.6514 Filedannyboy    0  1:48  -910   30     1.5833 narisa      1 14:54  -607  333 
  8.4650 Fileleobill     0  1:27  -930   10            Group: not rated
                                             1.3559 arivle      0  7:34  -837  103 
                                             2.4327 ginalee     0  4:55  -891   49 
                                             3.4650 leobill     0  1:27  -930   10 

On 1st draw, FLITTE(R) H4 76 --- FLITTER to flutter [v]
Other tops: FLITTE(D) H4 76, FL(A)TTIE H4 76, LEFTI(S)T H2 76
Other moves: FLITTE(D) H2 70, FLITTE(D) H3 70, FLITTE(D) H7 70, FLITTE(D) H8 70, FLITTE(R) H2 70
FLITTE(R) H4 26 rn.roselle
FLITE H4 24 margalang
FIL(L)ET H8 18 arivle

On 2nd draw, SEDGY 11H 30 --- SEDGY abounding in sedge [adj]
Other moves: DYNES 11D 28, SYNDS 11D 28, SYNDS 11H 28, SYNED 11H 28, DEYS 11E 26
DYES 11E 26 rn.roselle
FENDY 4H 24 margalang
DESIGNS 6E 13 arivle

On 3rd draw, GALLOP(E)R 5E 90 --- GALLOPER one that gallops [n]
Other moves: PLAYGO(E)R L8 84, PAR(A)LOGY L4 78, P(A)RALOGY L4 78, L(E)APFROG 4D 76, GALLOP(E)R 5F 70
OPAL 12L 24 rn.roselle, margalang
PRAY(S) L8 24 mylover81
LARG(E) 5H 10 arivle

On 4th draw, EXAM 12L 42 --- EXAM an examination [n]
Other moves: EXAMS M1 39, MAXES M1 39, MAIRES 6F 37, MAXES 4K 37, AX I8 36
MAXES M1 39 margalang
AX I8 36 rn.roselle
EX I8 36 mylover81
HARMS L3 20 arivle

On 5th draw, JORUM O8 42 --- JORUM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other moves: JUROR L1 40, JOW 6D 37, CROW 6C 33, JOWAR F2 33, COW 6D 32
RAJ F4 26 mylover81, rn.roselle
JO 11N 22 margalang
CROW L4 18 arivle

On 6th draw, DOGATES N9 32 --- DOGATE the office of a doge [n]
Other moves: DOGATE N9 30, DOVES M1 29, GOLDEST G3 29, TOGAED N9 29, VEGOS M1 29
DOVES M1 29 margalang, rn.roselle
VOTES M1 27 mylover81
DOVES 4K 26 narisa
DOVERS L1 24 arivle

On 7th draw, WAREZ 4K 62 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other moves: ZEBRA 4A 55, MAZER 4K 41, WASM 15L 39, MAZER L1 38, WEAMB 4K 38
MAZER F4 36 rn.roselle
RAZE(R) 10D 33 narisa
WARM 4K 26 margalang
ZAS 15L 22 mylover81

On 8th draw, EMENDS 6J 31 --- EMEND to correct [v]
Other moves: EMEND 6J 30, SEMEN 3J 30, DEME 3J 28, MESE 15L 27, MESS 15L 27
MESS 15L 27 narisa, mylover81, rn.roselle
DEERS M1 23 margalang

On 9th draw, CANDIDLY J8 69 --- CANDIDLY in a candid manner [adv]
Other moves: CYANIDS 15H 42, CYANID 6A 34, CAY 3L 31, AIT 13L 30, DAISY 15K 30
DAISY 15K 30 rn.roselle, dannyboy
NIT 13L 30 margalang, narisa

On 10th draw, BLANKETY 15C 104 --- BLANKETY "damn" expressed euphemistically [adj]
Other moves: BLAZES O1 51, BLANKY 15E 45, BLEAKY 15E 45, ALKYNE 15G 42, BALKY 15F 42
BLAZES O1 51 margalang
BLEAKY 15E 45 rn.roselle
BEAKY 15F 42 mylover81

On 11th draw, UNRAISED 13C 72 --- RAISE to move to a higher position [adj] --- UNRAISED not raised [adj]
Other moves: URANIDES 13E 67, UNARISEN F8 62, AITS 13L 47, NITS 13L 47, NUTS 13L 47
NITS 13L 47 margalang, narisa, mylover81
NUTS 13L 47 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, TEAZES O1 45 --- TEAZE to make fun of [v]
Other tops: TREZES O1 45
Other moves: TREZ O1 39, VAW 3L 34, VASE 15L 33, VAST 15L 33, VEST 15L 33
TREZES O1 45 mylover81
TREZ O1 39 rn.roselle
VASE 15L 33 narisa
WEST 15L 33 margalang

On 13th draw, WIT 13L 39 --- WIT intelligence [n] --- WIT to know [v]
Other tops: WASP 15L 39, WISP 15L 39
Other moves: PIT 13L 36, PAWNEE 2J 34, POWNIE 2J 34, PAWA 3L 33, WASE 15L 33
WISP 15L 39 margalang
WIT 13L 39 mylover81, narisa
WASP 15L 39 rn.roselle

On 14th draw, BOUNCE 2J 32 --- BOUNCE to spring back [v]
Other tops: CUBANE 2J 32
Other moves: CABA 3L 30, COB 6D 26, CUB 6D 26, BACON 6B 24, BONA 12A 24
COB 6D 26 mylover81, rn.roselle
BA 3L 18 margalang
BOAR M1 12 narisa

On 15th draw, FISH 15L 42 --- FISH to catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) [v]
Other tops: FASH 15L 42
Other moves: FAST 15L 33, FIST 15L 33, HAST 15L 33, HISN 15L 33, HIST 15L 33
FISH 15L 42 margalang, rn.roselle
FASH 15L 42 mylover81
HIST 15L 33 narisa
FRIGHT E2 13 ginalee

On 16th draw, VENATION D6 74 --- VENATION an arrangement of veins [n]
Other moves: AVION 1G 30, ENVOI 1G 30, VANE 12A 28, VENA 12A 28, VINA 12A 28
EVO 1H 22 mylover81
VIA 1H 22 rn.roselle
NAVE F4 15 ginalee
VAIN D10 14 narisa
VAN 1I 12 margalang
NAIVE F4 10 leobill

On 17th draw, HORA 14A 32 --- HORA an Israeli dance [n]
Other moves: HOI 6F 29, OHIA C8 26, HARO 1G 25, HOA C7 25, HORA 1G 25
HOI 6F 29 mylover81
HORN 8A 21 narisa, margalang, ginalee
RAH 4D 20 rn.roselle

On 18th draw, ROOP 1H 26 --- ROOP to make a hoarse sound [v]
Other moves: RIVO 1G 25, PHI A13 24, PHO A13 24, PROO 1H 24, PAVIOUR F4 22
PHI A13 24 margalang
PHO A13 24 rn.roselle, mylover81
PORN 8A 18 narisa

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