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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of August 12, 2011 at 18:45

Word find
Word played
1 AAELMTX             MALAX H8 44 44  
2 EEILNOV             ELEVON G10 26 70  
3 ADGHIST DOG 14F 9 -30 9 8/8 SHADING 15B 39 109 8/8
4 ?CDINSU             SC(A)NDIUM 8A 89 198 8/8
5 ?AEGOTT             O(U)TGATES A1 80 278 8/8
6 ENOPRSW             POWDERS E5 52 330 8/8
7 ADENRRR             EXEDRA 12G 28 358 8/8
8 DJMOPRU DROP J12 9 -53 18 7/7 JORUMS B10 62 420 9/9
9 AEEFILR             FILAREE M7 95 515 9/9
10 AEIKOUY             YIKE 8L 45 560 9/9
11 INOQRUW             QUINO D1 52 612 9/9
12 AABGOTZ             ZAKAT N6 51 663 9/9
13 HINOPRS HOPS 5C 9 -48 27 7/7 QOPHS 1D 57 720 9/9
14 EEIRTUV R(A)T C7 4 -19 31 7/7 REVET O7 23 743 9/9
15 BEGINRT             REVETTING O7 42 785 10/10
16 EEFILNO             OLEFINE 2H 76 861 10/10
17 ABEIOTU             BITO 1L 38 899 10/10
18 ABCERWY             BYWAY L4 39 938 10/10
19 CDEINRU             REINDUCE J1 63 1001 10/10

Total: 31/1001 or -970 for 3.096%
Rank: -

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