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Game of August 13, 2011 at 06:16, 6 players
1. 512 pts jimbo
2. 434 pts TwoFold
3. 369 pts naneru

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. filnops   H4    28    28   flips
 2. aceestt   8A    83   111   casettes
 3. ?aacinu   E5    86   197   nautical
 4. eegjmnu   D1    42   239   jeune
 5. efilsty  12A    86   325   stellify
 6. ?abertw   2A    86   411   waterbed
 7. deghino   1G    97   508   hongied
 8. degotty   1A    35   543   oy
 9. deinotw  H11    36   579   wyted
10. eklmort  B10    38   617   ketol
11. adhirvv   C8    42   659   shared
12. eimmrtu   4H    28   687   fermium
13. aelnoox   F4    54   741   lex
14. aennooo   5K    24   765   anno
15. aegiinu   6J    30   795   genii
16. aoprrst  14E    64   859   praetors
17. abgiorz  L11    50   909   grosz
18. abdiovv   K8    26   935   viva
19. abdioqu  15L    45   980   zobu

Remaining tiles: adioq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5312 Filejimbo       1 19:59  -468  512     1.6347 TwoFold     2 15:33  -546  434 
  2.6347 FileTwoFold     2 15:33  -546  434            Group: novice
  3.4707 Filenaneru      0 18:54  -611  369     1.5312 jimbo       1 19:59  -468  512 
  4.4684 Filegmills0     0 19:19  -641  339     2.5523 briz2408    1  2:25  -936   44 
  5.5523 Filebriz2408    1  2:25  -936   44            Group: not rated
  6.4575 FileCruiser     0  1:17  -972    8     1.4707 naneru      0 18:54  -611  369 
                                             2.4684 gmills0     0 19:19  -641  339 
                                             3.4575 Cruiser     0  1:17  -972    8 

On 1st draw, FLIPS H4 28 --- FLIP to throw with a brisk motion [v]
Other tops: FLOPS H4 28
Other moves: FILOS H4 24, FINOS H4 24, FOILS H4 24, FOINS H4 24, FLIPS H8 22
FLIPS H4 28 TwoFold, briz2408
FLOPS H4 28 jimbo

On 2nd draw, CASETTES 8A 83 --- CASETTE a small case containing magnetic tape [n]
CASSETTE 8F 61 jimbo
FACETS 4H 22 gmills0
FEAST 4H 16 briz2408

On 3rd draw, NAUTICA(L) E5 86 --- NAUTICAL pertaining to ships [adj]
Other tops: ACAULIN(E) 5D 86
Other moves: CACU(M)INA A8 83, (B)ANAUSIC C3 72, ACAU(L)INE D1 70, AC(Q)UAINT E1 68, NAU(T)ICAL 5A 68
FACIN(G) 4H 20 gmills0, jimbo

On 4th draw, JEUNE D1 42 --- JEUNE young [adj]
Other tops: JUNG(L)E 12A 42
Other moves: JEUNE D11 37, JEE D11 31, JEU D11 31, GAUJE B7 29, JUGA 6B 28
JEAN B6 27 jimbo, naneru
JAG B7 11 gmills0

On 5th draw, STEL(L)IFY 12A 86 --- STELLIFY to convert into a star [v]
Other moves: STE(L)LIFY 12B 84, EYELIFTS 2B 82, EYELIFTS G8 72, EYELIFTS 2D 68, FELTY D11 37
JILTS 1D 36 jimbo
FEYS D11 27 TwoFold
FEISTY 4H 24 gmills0
FEISTY 2C 14 naneru

On 6th draw, WATERBE(D) 2A 86 --- WATERBED a bed whose mattress is a plastic bag filled with water [n]
Other moves: BEWRA(P)T 11H 79, BRAWE(S)T 11H 79, B(L)EWART 11H 79, BLEWART(S) 5G 74, JETWA(Y) 1D 45
JA(B)BER 1D 42 jimbo
BY(L)AW H11 36 TwoFold
JEAT(S) 1D 33 naneru
SWAB A12 27 gmills0

On 7th draw, HONGIED 1G 97 --- HONGI to greet another by pressing noses together [v]
Other moves: HINGED 1G 47, HOEING 1G 44, HONIED 1G 44, NIGHED 1G 44, HOIDEN 1G 41
HOEING 1G 44 naneru, jimbo
OH 1A 35 TwoFold
SHIN A12 21 gmills0

On 8th draw, OY 1A 35 --- OY a grandchild [n] --- OY used to express dismay or pain [interj]
Other tops: BOGEY F2 35
Other moves: TYED 13F 33, TYED C2 32, DEY F4 31, DYE 13F 31, GEY F4 31
OY 1A 35 TwoFold
OWED A1 30 jimbo
DODGY M1 22 naneru
STEY A12 21 gmills0

On 9th draw, WYTED H11 36 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other tops: WITTED B10 36, WOTTED B10 36
Other moves: INDEW 2J 35, INDOW 2J 35, WITED B10 34, DEW F4 31, DISOWN A10 30
TYNED H11 27 jimbo
YODE H12 24 TwoFold
SWOT A12 21 gmills0
ENDOW L1 18 naneru

On 10th draw, KETOL B10 38 --- KETOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: SMOKER C8 30, MOTTLE B10 28, MERK 2L 27, MOKE 2L 27, METOL B10 26
WORK 11H 22 jimbo
MEEK C11 20 gmills0
TEAK 11C 18 TwoFold
SOME A12 18 naneru

On 11th draw, SHARED C8 42 --- SHARE to have, get, or use in common with another or others [v]
Other tops: SHIRED C8 42
Other moves: SHADER C8 41, AHED C10 33, HAIR F10 32, SHAD A12 31, SAIRED C8 30
SHAD A12 31 naneru, TwoFold
THIRD 13H 13 gmills0
VIVA 6G 12 jimbo

On 12th draw, FERMIUM 4H 28 --- FERMIUM a radioactive element [n]
Other moves: DUMMIER M1 26, MEM F4 26, REM F4 24, STEM A12 24, EM F5 23
STEM A12 24 TwoFold
FRUIT 4H 16 gmills0
REMIT 14G 9 jimbo

On 13th draw, LEX F4 54 --- LEX law [n]
Other moves: EX F5 53, AXEL 3L 46, AXON 3L 46, OXEN 3L 46, AXE 3L 44
AXEL 3L 46 TwoFold
AX A14 29 naneru
MAX N4 28 jimbo
REX J4 26 gmills0

On 14th draw, ANNO 5K 24 --- ANNO in the year [prep]
Other moves: AEON 3J 20, EOAN 3J 20, ANN 5K 18, ANON 3L 18, EAN 5J 18
NAN 3M 14 TwoFold
WOON 11H 14 gmills0
MOON K4 12 naneru
NAME N2 12 jimbo
MOON N4 8 Cruiser

On 15th draw, GENII 6J 30 --- GENIUS an exceptional natural aptitude [n]
Other moves: AGEN 3L 26, AGE 3L 24, EUGENIA 14H 24, EUMONG N2 22, GAMONE N2 22
AGE 3L 24 TwoFold
SNAG A12 21 naneru
WINGE 11H 18 gmills0
WING 11H 16 jimbo

On 16th draw, PRAETORS 14E 64 --- PRAETOR an ancient Roman magistrate [n]
Other moves: APOS O1 37, APTS O1 37, ASPORT 15A 37, OPTS O1 37, PARS O1 37
PARS O1 37 TwoFold
PATS O1 37 naneru
TSAR 15A 25 jimbo
PROTEAS 14D 13 gmills0

On 17th draw, GROSZ L11 50 --- GROSZ a Polish coin [n]
Other moves: IZAR 15L 45, BIZARRO K9 36, WAZIR 11H 34, ZOA B6 32, RIZA 2L 31
ZIGS L11 28 jimbo
ZO 15D 25 naneru
GARBS L10 16 gmills0

On 18th draw, VIVA K8 26 --- VIVA a shout or cry used to express approval [n] --- VIVA to examine orally [v]
Other moves: DIVA 2L 22, DIVA K8 22, TOAD C2 21, DIV 2L 20, DOAB 2L 20
DIVA 2L 22 TwoFold
AB A14 14 naneru
BOG 11J 12 jimbo
BIG 11J 12 gmills0

On 19th draw, ZOBU 15L 45 --- ZOBU a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: AQUA B5 33, QUA B6 32, QUA M9 26, QI 15D 25, QAID 9I 24
AQUA B5 33 TwoFold, jimbo
QUID 9I 24 gmills0, naneru

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