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Game sheet of Kenpachi (file), Game of August 13, 2011 at 08:34

Word find
Word played
1 ?ADEERU DEER(S) H4 14 -54 14 5/7 (G)UARDEE H8 68 68 5/7
2 ?CEIISU CU(T)ES 15D 51 -56 65 3/8 C(R)UISIE 15D 107 175 3/8
3 AEIINSW WAINS 14J 45   110 1/8 WANES 14J   220 3/8
4 AEELNRY LAYER 13K 32 -8 142 2/8 YEARNER 11E 40 260 3/8
5 AEHIRRW HAW 10D 35 -7 177 3/8 WIRRAH 12A 42 302 3/8
6 ADEINOT WIDE A12 24 -48 201 4/8 TAENIOID B8 72 374 3/8
7 BEINOUX NOX 15M 34 -28 235 6/9 BONXIE A4 62 436 3/9
8 AABEFLR FAB 13M 28 -9 263 5/10 ERF 10D 37 473 3/10
9 CHILOST HOTS 10J 30 -57 293 6/9 COLTISH L6 87 560 3/10
10 DEEMNOP DOLMEN 8J 27 -5 320 2/9 OPENED I8 32 592 3/10
11 GINOPUZ ZO 7K 11 -29 331 9/10 UNZIP B1 40 632 4/11
12 GILQSTU QI A14 53   384 2/10       685 4/11
13 EGLMOVY LEVY 8L 30 -7 414 6/11 YO C2 37 722 4/12
14 ABKMOST MOB 15M 27 -49 441 5/11 TOMBACKS 6G 76 798 4/12
15 AADELOU ALOED D3 24 -8 465 3/11 DEAL D1 32 830 4/13
16 AFNOOTV LOFT 8L 21 -9 486 5/11 OAF 5I 30 860 4/13
17 AJLMNRU JAM 4G 20 -10 506 5/11 JUNK M3 30 890 4/13
18 AGGILMT MAG 13M 22 -10 528 6/11 LATIGO H1 32 922 4/13
19 GGLMORV MOG N2 24 -3 552 7/11 GLOM N1 27 949 4/13

Total: 552/949 or -397 for 58.16%
Rank: 6460

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