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Game of August 13, 2011 at 13:15, 7 players
1. 611 pts jeff
2. 394 pts sandy914
3. 378 pts woofy1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeinowy   H4    30    30   yowie
 2. ??dimno   5D    86   116   isodomon
 3. eenortu   J2    62   178   euronote
 4. degiknr   4A    43   221   kinged
 5. ablnorv   A4    33   254   koban
 6. eehirsv   I8    83   337   shrieve
 7. denopsx  14I    66   403   expends
 8. cehlott   O8    48   451   clothes
 9. aegiotz  N10    70   521   zea
10. aimortt  11D    90   611   timariot
11. afilrsw  15D    53   664   frails
12. aabertu   B6    75   739   abature
13. degiotu  14A    31   770   degout
14. ceginrs   2G    72   842   generics
15. ailloqv   3B    37   879   qi
16. allouvy   1G    38   917   ayu
17. aallpvw   M9    36   953   pawl
18. afijlov  A12    45   998   fido

Remaining tiles: ajlv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6980 Filejeff        4 16:34  -387  611     1.6980 jeff        4 16:34  -387  611 
  2.5819 Filesandy914    1 13:09  -604  394     2.6669 woofy1      1 15:28  -620  378 
  3.6669 Filewoofy1      1 15:28  -620  378     3.6097 danmarcy    0  7:03  -780  218 
  4.4410 Fileginalee     1 21:50  -623  375     4.6227 iwhist      1  2:32  -905   93 
  5.3573 Filearivle      0 15:30  -753  245            Group: novice
  6.6097 Filedanmarcy    0  7:03  -780  218     1.5819 sandy914    1 13:09  -604  394 
  7.6227 Fileiwhist      1  2:32  -905   93            Group: not rated
                                             1.4410 ginalee     1 21:50  -623  375 
                                             2.3573 arivle      0 15:30  -753  245 

On 1st draw, YOWIE H4 30 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other tops: NOWAY H8 30, WANEY H4 30, WANEY H8 30, WINEY H4 30, WINEY H8 30
Other moves: NOWAY H4 24, YOWIE H8 24, NOWAY H5 22, NOWAY H6 22, NOWAY H7 22
WINEY H4 30 iwhist, sandy914
YAWN H8 20 arivle, ginalee
WINY H7 20 jeff

On 2nd draw, I(S)(O)DOMON 5D 86 --- ISODOMON a type of masonry [n]
Other tops: D(E)MO(T)ION 5E 86, I(S)ODOM(O)N 5D 86, MIDNOO(N)(S) 5D 86, MID(N)OON(S) 5D 86, MONODI(E)(S) 5E 86, MONODI(S)(T) 5E 86, MONO(A)(C)ID 5E 86, MONO(X)ID(E) 5E 86, MO(T)ION(E)D 5D 86, M(E)(L)ODION 5E 86, (A)M(M)ONOID 5E 86, (A)(M)MONOID 5E 86, (C)ODOM(A)IN 5E 86, (K)IMONO(E)D 5E 86, (S)MI(L)ODON 5D 86
Other moves: MI(S)DON(N)E 8A 83, MI(S)DO(N)NE 8A 83, MOND(A)I(N)E 8A 83, MO(N)D(A)INE 8A 83, DOMIN(A)(T)E 8A 80
D(E)MONI(C) 5E 32 jeff
DOM(E)(S) I3 22 iwhist
MOD(E)(S) I3 22 sandy914
DOMINO 5C 18 ginalee
MIND(E)(R) 7G 11 arivle

On 3rd draw, EURONOTE J2 62 --- EURONOTE negotiable bearer notes used in the European Union [n]
Other moves: EUR(O)NOTE F2 61, NEWER 6F 26, REWON 6F 26, ROWEN 6F 26, EMOTER I4 25
MENTOR I5 20 sandy914
TOME I3 17 iwhist
MEN I5 14 arivle
YON 4H 12 jeff
OUTER J5 7 ginalee

On 4th draw, KINGED 4A 43 --- KING to reign as king (a male monarch) [v]
Other moves: D*K*Y 4D 41, KIDGE 4A 39, RINKED 4A 39, DIRKE 4A 37, GRIKE 4A 37
TINKER 8J 33 ginalee
DIKE 4B 31 sandy914
REEKING 2I 24 iwhist
KINDER D4 24 arivle

On 5th draw, KOBAN A4 33 --- KOBAN an old Japanese coin [n]
Other tops: VOLK A1 33
Other moves: BALK A1 30, BANK A1 30, BARK A1 30, BOAK A1 30, BONK A1 30
VOLK A1 33 jeff
BANK A1 30 sandy914
BALK A1 30 ginalee
BRAVE 2F 16 arivle

On 6th draw, SHRIEVE I8 83 --- SHRIEVE to hear a confession and grant absolution [v]
Other moves: SHRIEVE K9 78, SHRIEVE 9A 77, SHRIEVE G7 74, SHRIEVE L5 74, HIVES L1 40
HIVES L1 40 jeff, sandy914
D(O)VES F4 16 ginalee
SHIVER 2F 14 arivle

On 7th draw, EXPENDS 14I 66 --- EXPEND to consume in any way [v]
Other tops: EXPOSED 14I 66
Other moves: EXPEND 14I 64, EXPOSE 14I 62, EXODES 14I 60, PODEX 15G 60, POXED 15E 60
EXPOSED 14I 66 jeff
EXPENDS 14I 66 ginalee
POXES 15E 56 sandy914
DEX 14H 27 arivle

On 8th draw, CLOTHES O8 48 --- CLOTHE to provide with clothing [v]
Other moves: CHEST O11 42, CHOSE O11 42, LOTHEST O9 42, COTH 6C 37, THEW 6E 37
CHEST O11 42 jeff
CHOSE O11 42 ginalee, sandy914
COSH O12 36 woofy1
CHOP K11 22 arivle

On 9th draw, ZEA N10 70 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZA N10 64, EGOTIZE 12C 54, ZEATIN M9 50, GEEZ L12 48, TOAZE B7 38
ZA N10 64 jeff, sandy914, danmarcy, woofy1
ZO 10N 31 ginalee
ZONE M12 26 arivle

On 10th draw, TIMARIOT 11D 90 --- TIMARIOT a Turkish militiaman [n]
Other moves: IMITATOR B4 78, TRITOMA M4 75, AMORETTI 12E 72, E(S)TIMATOR E4 70, TRITOMA G7 69
MOW 6F 28 danmarcy, woofy1
TRAM M8 24 jeff
MAIN C1 12 ginalee
MORE L11 12 arivle
MOE L12 10 sandy914

On 11th draw, FRAILS 15D 53 --- FRAIL a basket for holding dried fruits [n]
Other tops: FLAIRS 15D 53
Other moves: FLAWS 15E 47, WAIFS 15E 47, FAWS 15F 44, FLAWS L1 40, WAIFS L1 40
FLAIRS 15D 53 jeff
FRAILS 15D 53 woofy1
FLAWS 15E 47 danmarcy
FAS 15G 32 sandy914
WAITS D8 24 ginalee
WAN C2 12 arivle

On 12th draw, ABATURE B6 75 --- ABATURE trail of a stag through undergrowth [n]
Other moves: ABATURE B8 74, VAUTE 13I 35, ABA M10 28, ABATER 12B 28, ARB M10 28
VAUTE 13I 35 jeff
TUBAR M7 26 woofy1
BUTTER D8 22 arivle
BANE M12 20 danmarcy
BRAE 14A 17 sandy914
BEER L12 14 ginalee

On 13th draw, DEGOUT 14A 31 --- DEGOUT distaste [n]
Other moves: DOGE A12 29, DEVOUT 13G 27, DOGE C6 27, DIET A12 26, DITE A12 26
DOGE A12 29 danmarcy
DIET A12 26 jeff
TIED A12 21 woofy1
DIGE(S)T E1 7 arivle

On 14th draw, GENERICS 2G 72 --- GENERIC a type of drug [n]
Other tops: CREESING 2G 72, CREESING 2H 72
Other moves: RECE(S)SING E1 61, CERESIN 12A 36, CERISE 12A 32, CRISE L8 31, CINES L1 30
CRIES L1 30 danmarcy
GRINS L1 26 jeff
SNEER L11 23 woofy1
RINGER 4J 18 arivle
RESIGN 2I 14 ginalee

On 15th draw, QI 3B 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: OLLAV M7 28, OVAL M8 26, VAIN M11 26, VELA 12A 26, LAV M9 25
QI 3B 37 jeff
OVAL M8 26 woofy1
QI L1 21 ginalee

On 16th draw, AYU 1G 38 --- AYU a small fish [n]
Other moves: LAY 1F 36, YAW 6F 34, YOW 6F 34, AY 1G 33, YA 1H 32
LAY 1F 36 jeff, woofy1

On 17th draw, PAWL M9 36 --- PAWL a hinged mechanical part [n]
Other tops: PAWA M9 36
Other moves: WAW 6F 34, PAWA C6 33, LAVA M9 32, WALL M9 32, VAW M9 31
VAW M9 31 jeff, woofy1
WALL G10 8 ginalee

On 18th draw, FIDO A12 45 --- FIDO a defective coin [n]
Other tops: FADO A12 45
Other moves: JIAO L1 38, JOL L8 35, FAW 6F 34, AJIVA G7 31, IF 15A 29
FAW 6F 34 woofy1, jeff
JILT D8 19 ginalee

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