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Game of August 13, 2011 at 14:45, 8 players
1. 477 pts Kenpachi
2. 475 pts danmarcy
3. 355 pts ChiliB.

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aabdein   H8    24    24   indaba
 2. ?adeeeu   I9    24    48   eared
 3. aceehms  11E    52   100   mesarch
 4. adejrsx  14D    38   138   raxes
 5. adeegpy  15A    42   180   payed
 6. ?aejttw   F5    85   265   waterjet
 7. bdiilos  14B    45   310   boraxes
 8. aiqstuv   6F    78   388   aquavits
 9. eginouz  13A    46   434   zone
10. giilrru   8A    24   458   girlie
11. aefhotu  13G    39   497   fadeout
12. ehilnor  14J    53   550   heroin
13. acflnov  O12    36   586   conf
14. ailortu   J1    63   649   outrival
15. aegnorw   1G    36   685   awrong
16. ilmnopv   4G    32   717   improv
17. eiklnot   M3    36   753   kelson
18. eegnrsy   2A    78   831   gyrenes

Remaining tiles: diiltu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6382 FileKenpachi    0 19:06  -354  477     1.6382 Kenpachi    0 19:06  -354  477 
  2.6099 Filedanmarcy    0 19:18  -356  475     2.6099 danmarcy    0 19:18  -356  475 
  3.4294 FileChiliB.     0 16:22  -476  355            Group: novice
  4.5235 Fileluckymoo2   1 15:07  -537  294     1.5235 luckymoo2   1 15:07  -537  294 
  5.5976 Filepandora1._  1 10:39  -573  258     2.5976 pandora1._  1 10:39  -573  258 
  6.5130 Filetonikay     0 12:46  -603  228     3.5130 tonikay     0 12:46  -603  228 
  7.4676 Fileremij       0 10:22  -682  149     4.5655 siuyee      0  6:28  -725  106 
  8.5655 Filesiuyee      0  6:28  -725  106            Group: not rated
                                             1.4294 ChiliB.     0 16:22  -476  355 
                                             2.4676 remij       0 10:22  -682  149 

On 1st draw, INDABA H8 24 --- INDABA a meeting of South African tribes [n]
Other moves: BAAED H4 22, BANDA H4 22, BANED H4 22, ABAND H8 20, BAAED H8 20
BANED H4 22 Kenpachi
BANED H6 16 luckymoo2
BEAD H8 14 ChiliB.
BADE H6 14 tonikay

On 2nd draw, EA(R)ED I9 24 --- EAR to form the fruiting head of a cereal [v] --- EARED having ears [adj]
Other tops: EA(N)ED I9 24, EA(S)ED I9 24
Other moves: AEDE(S) I9 20, A(R)EDE I10 20, DEA(R)E I8 20, DEE(R)E I8 20, EA(S)ED 14F 20
(S)ADE 14H 17 Kenpachi
BEADE(D) 12H 16 ChiliB.
ABU(S)ED 12G 16 luckymoo2
(S)AD 14H 16 danmarcy
(S)EED I11 13 tonikay

On 3rd draw, MESA(R)CH 11E 52 --- MESARCH originating in a mesic habitat [adj]
Other moves: HEMES J8 38, SCHEME J6 38, HES J10 36, SACHEM J5 36, MEES J10 35
MACHES 14C 31 luckymoo2
MES J10 30 danmarcy
MA(R)CHES 11G 26 ChiliB.
MACES 14D 25 tonikay, Kenpachi
MESH G5 15 siuyee

On 4th draw, RAXES 14D 38 --- RAX to stretch out [v]
Other tops: RAJES 14D 38
Other moves: AXES 14E 37, DEX 12D 35, DESEX F10 33, RAX 12D 33, RAXED 12B 33
SEX 12D 33 tonikay
JADE 10B 32 siuyee
AXED 12K 29 danmarcy, Kenpachi
JADES 13G 21 ChiliB.

On 5th draw, PAYED 15A 42 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [v]
Other moves: PAYEE 15A 38, GAPED 15A 36, PAGED 15A 36, GAPY C12 35, GYP C12 33
PAGED 15A 36 siuyee
YEP G13 23 Kenpachi
EDGY 12K 23 ChiliB.
PAY 13C 23 danmarcy
EX F13 9 tonikay
RE D14 3 luckymoo2

On 6th draw, WATE(R)JET F5 85 --- WATERJET a stream of water forced through a small opening [n]
Other moves: JETT(Y) 12A 41, JAW 10D 38, J*W 10D 38, WAD(S)ETT 13G 37, JAW 13C 36
JAW 10D 38 Kenpachi
JAW 13C 36 danmarcy, luckymoo2
J*W F10 29 ChiliB.
JA(D)E 12B 24 tonikay
JA(M) 12D 23 siuyee

On 7th draw, BORAXES 14B 45 --- BORAX a white crystalline compound [n]
Other moves: BOLIDE 8A 30, DOBS E4 30, BODS E4 29, SOLID E4 29, LOBI E4 28
BODS E4 29 danmarcy, tonikay
DOB E4 26 Kenpachi
BLOWS 5C 20 ChiliB.
BOD 13C 20 luckymoo2

On 8th draw, AQUAVITS 6F 78 --- AQUAVIT a Scandinavian liquor [n]
Other moves: SAIQUE 8A 75, AQUAVITS 6C 72, QUATS E3 42, QAT 13A 41, QATS E4 40
QUAT E3 38 danmarcy
QAT E4 36 Kenpachi
QUITS 7C 25 ChiliB.

On 9th draw, ZONE 13A 46 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: GINZO E1 40, ADONIZE 13H 34, ADZING 13H 34, ZO E4 32, GINZO K5 30
ZO E4 32 Kenpachi, pandora1._, danmarcy
ZIGS M3 28 ChiliB.
ZONES M2 28 luckymoo2
ZIN K5 24 remij
ZAG I5 15 tonikay

On 10th draw, GIRLIE 8A 24 --- GIRLIE a publication featuring scantily clothed women [n] --- GIRLIE girlish [adj]
Other tops: LIGURE 8A 24
Other moves: GIT 12D 22, GUT 12D 22, LIT 12D 18, RAD E13 18, ZONER 13A 18
GIT 12D 22 Kenpachi
GUT 12D 22 danmarcy, pandora1._
QI G6 15 luckymoo2, ChiliB.
GIRL K5 10 remij
MI E11 6 tonikay

On 11th draw, FADEOUT 13G 39 --- FADEOUT a gradual disappearance of an image [n]
Other tops: TAUHOU H1 39
Other moves: BEHOTE 12H 34, HAUF 5K 34, FAT 12D 30, FET 12D 30, HAT 12D 30
HAT 12D 30 Kenpachi, danmarcy
HET 12D 30 tonikay
HOT 12D 30 pandora1._
FAITH K4 22 ChiliB.
THIEF K4 22 remij
OATH 12K 19 luckymoo2

On 12th draw, HEROIN 14J 53 --- HEROIN an addictive narcotic [n]
Other moves: HERON 14J 51, HONER 14J 51, HERO 14J 34, HIRE 14J 34, HONE 14J 34
HONER 14J 51 danmarcy
HOT 12D 30 tonikay
HIT 12D 30 Kenpachi
HI 5K 22 pandora1._
HORN 14L 21 luckymoo2
HOTEL L4 18 ChiliB.
HIRE K5 14 remij

On 13th draw, CONF O12 36 --- CONF an online conference [n]
Other moves: FANO O12 33, FAT 12D 30, CANN O12 27, CONN O12 27, CAT 12D 26
FAT 12D 30 Kenpachi
FA 15N 26 danmarcy, pandora1._
FLOAT L2 16 ChiliB.
CLAT L3 12 remij

On 14th draw, OUTRIVAL J1 63 --- OUTRIVAL to outdo in a competition or rivalry [v]
Other moves: RATIO E1 20, ULTRA E1 20, ALTO E2 18, AUTO E2 18, IOTA E2 18
LAT 12D 18 danmarcy
ALTO E2 18 Kenpachi
TAIL 5K 16 luckymoo2
LAIR 5K 16 pandora1._
QI G6 15 remij
TRAILS M1 12 ChiliB.

On 15th draw, AWRONG 1G 36 --- AWRONG wrongly [adv]
Other tops: WAGONER 1G 36
Other moves: WRONG 1H 33, GROWN 1H 30, WAT 12D 30, WET 12D 30, WOT 12D 30
WAGONER 1G 36 pandora1._, luckymoo2
WRONG 1H 33 danmarcy
GROWN 1H 30 ChiliB., Kenpachi
GROW 1H 24 remij

On 16th draw, IMPROV 4G 32 --- IMPROV improvisation [n]
Other moves: MOT 12D 26, PIT 12D 26, POT 12D 26, VINO E2 24, LIMO E2 22
PIT 12D 26 danmarcy
MOT 12D 26 Kenpachi, pandora1._
VOLT L3 14 ChiliB.
PIG A6 6 remij

On 17th draw, KELSON M3 36 --- KELSON a beam in a ship [n]
Other moves: KOELS M2 32, KENS M3 30, KETS M3 30, LEKS M3 30, NEKS M3 30
KENS M3 30 pandora1._
LINK 3D 24 Kenpachi
LIKE 2D 20 danmarcy
LINK B7 18 luckymoo2
TIKE L6 13 ChiliB.
KILT B7 10 remij

On 18th draw, GYRENES 2A 78 --- GYRENE a marine [n]
Other moves: GYRENES 3A 77, NYS N2 36, RENEYS 2B 36, ENERGY 2B 33, GREENY 2B 29
SEY 9M 19 Kenpachi, luckymoo2
NYE 8M 18 pandora1._
EYE 2E 16 danmarcy
ENERGY C5 13 ChiliB.
NEG 8M 12 remij

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