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Game of August 13, 2011 at 15:29, 7 players
1. 460 pts danmarcy
2. 453 pts iwhist
3. 384 pts ChiliB.

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adempt   H8    78    78   stamped
 2. ?aegnoo  15F   110   188   oregano
 3. adelosu  12H    74   262   paludose
 4. abeistt   8A    80   342   batistes
 5. eiilnnt   M6    70   412   lenition
 6. acefiru   8J    36   448   fiance
 7. eirtuvx  O11    45   493   vexer
 8. aaehnou  14G    33   526   odah
 9. eeoprst   C3    74   600   proettes
10. adehnrz   4A    50   650   zerda
11. aimnouw   B6    33   683   miaou
12. bdilnsy  A10    35   718   blinds
13. aegirrw   A1    45   763   grize
14. einorvy   E4    44   807   aversion
15. acgkrry  F10    36   843   yack
16. aglnruy   O2    63   906   gunlayer
17. fhijorw   J6    33   939   jiff
18. hoqrtuw  N12    32   971   sow

Remaining tiles: hqrtuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6142 Filedanmarcy    1 19:50  -511  460     1.6142 danmarcy    1 19:50  -511  460 
  2.6231 Fileiwhist      3 17:41  -518  453     2.6231 iwhist      3 17:41  -518  453 
  3.4305 FileChiliB.     1 17:45  -587  384     3.6608 rn.roselle  0  5:49  -848  123 
  4.4686 Fileremij       0 20:35  -645  326     4.6365 matrix      0  4:34  -869  102 
  5.5844 Filenarisa      0  7:59  -830  141            Group: novice
  6.6608 Filern.roselle  0  5:49  -848  123     1.5844 narisa      0  7:59  -830  141 
  7.6365 Filematrix      0  4:34  -869  102            Group: not rated
                                             1.4305 ChiliB.     1 17:45  -587  384 
                                             2.4686 remij       0 20:35  -645  326 

On 1st draw, (S)TAMPED H8 78 --- STAMP to bring the foot down heavily [v]
Other tops: DAMPE(S)T H2 78, T(R)AMPED H8 78
Other moves: DAMPE(S)T H4 76, T(R)AMPED H6 76, (S)TAMPED H6 76, DAMPE(S)T H3 74, DAMPE(S)T H6 74
MAP(P)ED H4 26 remij
DAMPE(S)T H4 26 ChiliB.
P(L)ATED H4 22 danmarcy
MADE H5 14 iwhist

On 2nd draw, O(R)EGANO 15F 110 --- OREGANO an aromatic herb used as a seasoning [n]
Other tops: O(R)EGANO 15B 110, O(R)EGANO 15H 110
Other moves: O(R)EGANO(S) 8A 77, GA(B)OON 15D 60, GA(Z)OON 15D 60, GEA(S)ON 15D 60, GEN(T)OO 15D 60
MANGE(Y) 11H 16 iwhist
DOG(I)E 14H 10 danmarcy
(R)ANGE 13D 7 ChiliB.
G(R)OAN 10E 5 remij

On 3rd draw, PALUDOSE 12H 74 --- PALUDOSE of marshes [adj]
Other moves: OUTLEADS 9F 62, DALES 14J 31, DELOS 14J 31, DOLES 14J 31, DULES 14J 31
DALES 14J 31 iwhist
LOADS M11 20 danmarcy
DAMSEL 11F 18 ChiliB.
PLODS 12H 16 remij

On 4th draw, BATISTE(S) 8A 80 --- BATISTE a sheer fabric [n]
Other tops: BEATIEST O7 80
Other moves: BATISTES N8 74, BATISTE G5 71, BATISTE I3 68, BISTATE I3 68, BATISTES N5 64
SABED 14D 25 danmarcy
BEAST O11 21 remij, ChiliB.
BEATS O11 21 iwhist

On 5th draw, LENITION M6 70 --- LENITION a change in articulation [n]
Other moves: LINNET 14J 24, LINTIE 14J 24, TINNIE 14J 24, LENTI 14J 22, LINEN 14J 22
ELITE O8 15 ChiliB.
NEAT I10 14 iwhist
LENT 14J 14 remij
LINED 14D 13 danmarcy

On 6th draw, FIANCE 8J 36 --- FIANCE a man engaged to be married [n]
Other moves: FARCIED 14B 35, FARCIE O7 33, FIACRE O7 33, FIERCE O10 33, FIERCE O7 33
FIERCE O7 33 ChiliB.
FINER 8K 27 iwhist, danmarcy
FRANC 8J 11 remij

On 7th draw, VEXER O11 45 --- VEXER one that vexes [n]
Other moves: URTEXT C3 42, VERTEX 13D 42, VEX 13G 42, VITEX 13E 41, EXIT 13H 40
VEXER O11 45 ChiliB., iwhist
VEX 13G 42 danmarcy
EXIT O12 33 remij

On 8th draw, ODAH 14G 33 --- ODAH a room in a harem [n]
Other moves: SOH N12 32, AAHED 14D 31, DAH 14H 31, DUH 14H 31, HAN 14J 31
SOH N12 32 iwhist
HAD 14F 29 danmarcy
SHONE E8 16 ChiliB.
HUB A6 8 remij

On 9th draw, PROETTES C3 74 --- PROETTE a female professional athlete [n]
PO N14 18 iwhist
SPOTTER F5 17 remij
PRATS B6 15 danmarcy
PRESS E5 14 ChiliB.

On 10th draw, ZERDA 4A 50 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: HERTZ 10J 45, HAZED D10 41, HAZER D10 39, DZEREN 6A 38, HERTZ 9E 38
ZEE 6B 32 danmarcy
ZONER 5B 28 ChiliB.
DOZE 5B 28 iwhist
BRAZEN A8 18 remij

On 11th draw, MIAOU B6 33 --- MIAOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: SIMA N12 32, SOMA N12 32, SOW N12 32, WOMAN 5E 30, MIAOW 5E 28
MOW 5E 24 danmarcy
WO N14 22 iwhist
WOMAN E1 20 ChiliB.
SWAIN E8 16 remij

On 12th draw, BLINDS A10 35 --- BLIND to make sightless [v]
Other moves: BYS F2 30, SLY F4 30, SNY F4 30, BLIMY 11E 29, BLINY 5E 28
YINS 5E 24 danmarcy
BILLY 6J 24 ChiliB.
BAY E3 16 iwhist
BITS F6 12 remij

On 13th draw, GRIZE A1 45 --- GRIZE a step [n]
Other tops: GRAZE A1 45
Other moves: WAGER 5E 28, WARIER 5E 28, WAGE 5E 26, WARRE 5E 26, WIRER 5E 26
GRAZE A1 45 iwhist
WAGER 5E 28 danmarcy
WE N14 22 narisa
SWAGER E8 20 remij
WAGERS E3 20 ChiliB.

On 14th draw, AVERSION E4 44 --- AVERSION a feeling of repugnance [n]
Other moves: SOY N12 32, OVERLY 6I 28, RENVOY 5E 28, VEILY 6J 27, ENVIRO N1 26
SOY N12 32 rn.roselle, danmarcy
YE N14 22 narisa
IVORY 12A 22 iwhist
VARY E3 20 ChiliB.
VOTER F6 18 remij

On 15th draw, YACK F10 36 --- YACK to talk persistently [v]
Other moves: YARK F10 34, YAK F10 33, YAG F10 30, YARR F10 30, GRYKE 13D 29
YACK F10 36 danmarcy
YAK F10 33 matrix
D*RKY 14A 26 narisa
YA N14 22 rn.roselle
FAY J8 17 remij
FRY J8 17 ChiliB.
KA G10 16 iwhist

On 16th draw, GUNLAYER O2 63 --- GUNLAYER one who sights a gun [n]
Other moves: ANGRY D11 29, GRAKLE 13C 27, RANKLE 13C 25, RUNKLE 13C 25, ANGRILY K4 22
YA N14 22 matrix, iwhist, danmarcy, narisa
GALLY 6J 21 remij
GLAIRY K5 20 rn.roselle
FRY J8 17 ChiliB.

On 17th draw, JIFF J6 33 --- JIFF a short time [n]
Other moves: SIF N12 32, SOH N12 32, SOW N12 32, WILJA 6K 31, FOWTH 10J 30
SOH N12 32 danmarcy
SOW N12 32 iwhist
JOWL 6J 30 narisa
WHIFF J5 25 remij
JIG 2M 22 ChiliB.
HO N14 22 rn.roselle
SIR N12 20 matrix

On 18th draw, SOW N12 32 --- SOW to scatter over land for growth, as seed [v]
Other tops: SOH N12 32
Other moves: HOWK 13C 28, QUOD D1 28, WHO K4 27, THROWN 4J 24, THRO K3 23
SOH N12 32 iwhist
QUOD D1 28 remij
WHO K4 27 rn.roselle, danmarcy, matrix
QI 7I 21 ChiliB.
WO K5 19 narisa

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