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Game of August 13, 2011 at 19:59, 11 players
1. 649 pts PIThompson
2. 491 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 396 pts naomiari

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eehinpq   H4    26    26   phene
 2. ?beeiir   7F    62    88   benitier
 3. aacnoru   8A    31   119   ancora
 4. delmmos   K5    48   167   slimmed
 5. adeeiqv   J2    36   203   qadi
 6. ?flnrtu  10F    64   267   refluent
 7. elnorst   N1    78   345   lentors
 8. ehiilrt   1K    36   381   thill
 9. aaeestv  H10    48   429   favest
10. anortvx  L10    45   474   nontax
11. aeejswy  15J    57   531   waxeye
12. deegors   3C    31   562   greeds
13. afginru  15A    89   651   figurant
14. aioopuy  14L    37   688   apay
15. bejoouu  14F    53   741   jus
16. ceiotvz   D1    46   787   zori
17. bdegitv   1D    48   835   zibet
18. acgioou  13L    36   871   toco
19. adgikuv  14B    27   898   ka
20. dgiouvw  13C    32   930   vow

Remaining tiles: dgiiou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7587 FilePIThompson  8 15:55  -281  649     1.7587 PIThompson  8 15:55  -281  649 
  2.5839 FileGrace_Tjie  2 19:58  -439  491            Group: novice
  3.5724 Filenaomiari    0 19:37  -534  396     1.5839 Grace_Tjie  2 19:58  -439  491 
  4.5169 Filetonikay     0 18:04  -557  373     2.5724 naomiari    0 19:37  -534  396 
  5.5096 Filemagictwig   0 20:34  -588  342     3.5169 tonikay     0 18:04  -557  373 
  6.4678 Fileremij       1 22:16  -606  324     4.5096 magictwig   0 20:34  -588  342 
  7.5529 Filemazscot     0 19:52  -636  294     5.5529 mazscot     0 19:52  -636  294 
  8.4768 FileBiddy       0 23:49  -639  291     6.5883 Spoony      0  6:19  -827  103 
  9.5883 FileSpoony      0  6:19  -827  103            Group: not rated
 10.3576 Filekp10        0  5:25  -842   88     1.4678 remij       1 22:16  -606  324 
 11.  -  Fileangelina68  0  3:42  -886   44     2.4768 Biddy       0 23:49  -639  291 
                                             3.3576 kp10        0  5:25  -842   88 
                                             4.  -  angelina68  0  3:42  -886   44 

On 1st draw, PHENE H4 26 --- PHENE an old name for benzene [n]
Other moves: PHENE H8 22, QI H7 22, QI H8 22, PENIE H4 20, PHENE H5 20
PHENE H4 26 remij, PIThompson
QI H8 22 Grace_Tjie, Biddy, mazscot, Spoony
QI H7 22 naomiari
HIP H6 16 tonikay

On 2nd draw, BENI(T)IER 7F 62 --- BENITIER a holy-water font [n]
Other moves: IBERI(S) 3C 26, BE(A)RE I3 23, HERBIE(R) 5H 22, HE(R)BIER 5H 22, BEER(Y) I3 21
HERBIE(R) 5H 22 PIThompson, mazscot
BEER I3 20 Grace_Tjie, tonikay, naomiari
BEE(R)IER 6F 16 Biddy
ERE I5 14 remij
BREE(D) 6F 12 magictwig

On 3rd draw, ANCORA 8A 31 --- ANCORA encore [adv]
Other tops: CORNUA 8A 31
Other moves: HUANACO 5H 24, ANARCH 5C 22, ANCHOR 5E 22, ARCHON 5E 22, CHOANA 5G 22
RAUNCH 5C 22 Biddy
RANCHO 5D 22 PIThompson
ROCH 5E 18 Spoony
CORNEA L3 18 mazscot
CANE 6E 16 tonikay, naomiari
CARE 8E 12 magictwig
CARE L4 12 Grace_Tjie
CAB F5 9 remij

On 4th draw, SLIMMED K5 48 --- SLIM to make slender [v]
Other moves: MODEMS N2 44, MEMO 8L 42, MEMS 8L 42, MEDS 8L 39, MELD 8L 39
MEMO 8L 42 PIThompson
MELD 8L 39 Spoony
MOMS N4 24 Grace_Tjie
SMOLDER M1 20 Biddy
SOME 9H 18 magictwig, naomiari
MENDS B6 16 remij
PHENES H4 11 tonikay

On 5th draw, QADI J2 36 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QADI L2 30, (T)EADE J7 27, DEVIA(T)E J2 26, DEAVE J10 25, EAVED L11 25
QADI J2 36 PIThompson
QI I3 25 tonikay, naomiari, magictwig
QI L4 24 Grace_Tjie, Spoony
EVADE L11 23 mazscot
ADVICE C4 14 Biddy
DIVED 11K 10 remij

On 6th draw, R(E)FLUENT 10F 64 --- REFLUENT flowing back [adj]
Other tops: FL(A)UNTER 10E 64
Other moves: TRA(I)NFUL A6 61, (U)NARTFUL A6 61, FLAUNT(E)R A6 60, UNARTF(U)L A6 60, F(A)ULT J10 32
F(A)ULT J10 32 PIThompson
QU(A)RT 2J 26 remij
QU(I)RT 2J 26 tonikay
F(I)N K1 17 naomiari
F(I)T K1 17 Grace_Tjie
FELT(E)R 10J 16 magictwig
UNCL(E) C6 8 Biddy

On 7th draw, LENTORS N1 78 --- LENTOR sluggishness [n]
Other moves: LENTORS 3B 77, FELONS H10 30, FETORS H10 30, FLORET H10 30, FLOTES H10 30
CORNETS C8 20 PIThompson
CLONERS C8 20 mazscot
TONES N3 17 magictwig, tonikay
NOSE N5 16 naomiari
STOLEN 11B 15 Grace_Tjie
ESCORT C6 10 Biddy
REST M7 5 remij

On 8th draw, THILL 1K 36 --- THILL the shaft of a vehicle [n]
Other moves: HELL 1L 33, HILI 1L 33, HILL 1L 33, HILT 1L 33, FILTER H10 30
THILL 1K 36 PIThompson
HILL 1L 33 naomiari, Grace_Tjie, mazscot, magictwig
HILT 1L 33 tonikay, Biddy
RILE 1L 15 remij

On 9th draw, FAVEST H10 48 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: CAVEATS C8 26, VESTA 6B 25, CAVEAT C8 24, NAEVES L10 23, ASTARE M3 22
STAVE 11B 18 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson, tonikay
VENTS B6 18 remij
VANES B6 18 naomiari
CAST C8 7 magictwig

On 10th draw, NONTAX L10 45 --- NONTAX a tax of little consequence [n]
Other moves: VENATOR 13G 30, HOAX L1 28, TAXON B4 28, AXON B5 27, NOX B8 26
AXON B5 27 PIThompson
SOX 14H 26 naomiari, Grace_Tjie, remij
SAX 14H 26 magictwig
VORTEX 13D 25 Biddy, mazscot
XI I6 18 tonikay

On 11th draw, WAXEYE 15J 57 --- WAXEYE a small New Zealand bird with a white circle round its eye [n]
Other moves: JA I3 40, JASEY 14F 39, JETWAY 13J 38, AJWANS 3J 32, EYEWASH 5B 32
JA I3 40 PIThompson, tonikay
J*WS 13G 26 magictwig, Grace_Tjie, naomiari, Biddy, mazscot
J*WS 14E 16 remij

On 12th draw, GREEDS 3C 31 --- GREED excessive desire for gain or wealth [n]
Other moves: EDGERS 3C 29, GEODES 3C 29, DOREES 3C 27, ERODES 3C 27, REDOES 3C 27
CODGERS C8 24 PIThompson
EDGY N12 18 Biddy
GOOSED D7 16 magictwig
OE 14N 16 Grace_Tjie
HEED L1 16 tonikay
GROPED 4E 10 mazscot
RODE O12 6 remij

On 13th draw, FIGURANT 15A 89 --- FIGURANT a ballet dancer who dances only in groups [n]
Other moves: AFAR 14L 31, ARF 2D 31, FAAN 14K 31, ARF 14L 30, FA 2F 29
ARF 2D 31 PIThompson
FA 2F 29 Grace_Tjie
FAN B6 14 magictwig
TI K1 13 remij
FRUIT 15D 12 naomiari
FAN 3L 12 kp10
GRAFT 15D 11 Biddy

On 14th draw, APAY 14L 37 --- APAY to satisfy [v]
Other moves: PYA 2E 36, AYUS 14E 32, PAY 14B 32, PUY 14B 32, YAP 14D 31
PYA 2E 36 PIThompson
PAY 14B 32 Grace_Tjie
POSY 14F 27 tonikay
OP 14A 21 naomiari
PRAY D2 18 mazscot
POOH 5E 18 Biddy
YEP F2 16 remij
TI K1 13 magictwig
PYE O13 8 kp10

On 15th draw, JUS 14F 53 --- JUS a legal right [n]
Other moves: JURE D1 38, JO 13N 28, JOBE 11C 28, JUBE 11C 28, JOE 4B 27
JUS 14F 53 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson
JO 13N 28 tonikay
JA F14 25 naomiari, mazscot
JO 7A 20 magictwig
JOB D7 12 remij
ROB D3 10 kp10
ON G14 4 Biddy

On 16th draw, ZORI D1 46 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other tops: ZERO D1 46
Other moves: ZINCO B6 38, COZEN B4 36, ZINC B6 35, COZIE 11B 34, ZOETIC D7 34
ZERO D1 46 PIThompson
ZINC B6 35 remij
ZONE B6 33 naomiari
COZE 11C 32 Grace_Tjie
ZIN 3L 24 kp10
NOVICE B8 19 Biddy
COZ C8 15 magictwig

On 17th draw, ZIBET 1D 48 --- ZIBET an Asian civet [n]
Other moves: DITZ 1A 42, BE 2F 23, BI 2F 23, BETED E2 22, BETID E2 22
ZIBET 1D 48 PIThompson
BED 13G 19 Grace_Tjie
ID 14A 17 naomiari
VEND B6 16 remij
BIZE 1B 15 tonikay
EVET F1 15 magictwig
VIN 3L 12 kp10

On 18th draw, TOCO 13L 36 --- TOCO a punishment [n]
Other tops: TACO 13L 36
Other moves: TOGA 13L 33, ATOC 13K 30, TOC 13L 28, TAG 13L 25, TOG 13L 25
TACO 13L 36 PIThompson
TIG K1 18 Grace_Tjie
GO 13N 16 naomiari
COG C13 12 magictwig
AGAIN 3J 12 Biddy
AGOG C12 12 mazscot
CON B6 11 remij
CON 3L 10 angelina68
GIN 3L 8 kp10

On 19th draw, KA 14B 27 --- KA the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion [n] --- KA to serve [v]
Other moves: AUK M3 26, DAG 14B 22, DUG 14B 22, DUKING B4 22, HAIK L1 22
KA 14B 27 Grace_Tjie
DUKING B4 22 PIThompson
KIND B6 19 naomiari
KING B6 19 tonikay
KUTI 4L 18 remij
KING 3L 18 angelina68
D*CK C6 17 magictwig
KIT 4L 14 kp10
DIP 4F 12 mazscot

On 20th draw, VOW 13C 32 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: VOWED 6E 29, VID 13C 28, VIG 13C 28, VUG 13C 28, WIG 13C 28
VOW 13C 32 PIThompson
WIG 13C 28 Grace_Tjie, magictwig, tonikay, mazscot
WING 3L 16 angelina68
WING B6 16 naomiari
WIND 3L 16 remij
TI K1 13 Biddy

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