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Game of August 13, 2011 at 21:33, 10 players
1. 487 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 483 pts Zweep
3. 470 pts Spoony

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aegort   H7    68    68   outrage
 2. ?eijnoq  13H    48   116   equine
 3. eimnstu  14B    80   196   minuets
 4. deeghps   7B    73   269   sheepdog
 5. aabegmr   L6    78   347   bargeman
 6. adillrt   D1    74   421   trialled
 7. acddins   J1    83   504   candids
 8. filoptv   8A    31   535   void
 9. aefijnr  15A    45   580   jane
10. ehnorsu   1A   149   729   southern
11. efioorz   1J    81   810   cozier
12. aeeilrv   4B    64   874   reavailed
13. befnouw   8K    33   907   frown
14. abiootw  13A    34   941   taboo
15. aefiltw   2D    35   976   rife
16. acilopw   L1    30  1006   zoic
17. aklpuuy  K10    36  1042   pulik
18. attuwxy   N1    48  1090   eutaxy

Remaining tiles: twy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5859 FileGrace_Tjie  1 14:15  -603  487     1.5859 Grace_Tjie  1 14:15  -603  487 
  2.5303 FileZweep       1 21:48  -607  483     2.5303 Zweep       1 21:48  -607  483 
  3.5883 FileSpoony      2 20:41  -620  470     3.5883 Spoony      2 20:41  -620  470 
  4.4325 FileChiliB.     0 22:05  -713  377     4.5083 magictwig   0 13:05  -792  298 
  5.4795 FileBiddy       1 19:29  -780  310     5.5159 tonikay     1 14:12  -808  282 
  6.5083 Filemagictwig   0 13:05  -792  298     6.5134 Andy1990    0  8:26  -983  107 
  7.5159 Filetonikay     1 14:12  -808  282     7.5523 mazscot     0  6:09  -994   96 
  8.  -  Filekafril      0  9:33  -960  130            Group: not rated
  9.5134 FileAndy1990    0  8:26  -983  107     1.4325 ChiliB.     0 22:05  -713  377 
 10.5523 Filemazscot     0  6:09  -994   96     2.4795 Biddy       1 19:29  -780  310 
                                             3.  -  kafril      0  9:33  -960  130 

On 1st draw, O(U)TRAGE H7 68 --- OUTRAGE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other tops: GAROTE(D) H4 68, GAROTE(S) H4 68, GAROT(T)E H4 68, GARO(T)TE H4 68, GAR(R)OTE H4 68, GA(R)ROTE H4 68, GOAT(I)ER H4 68, G(L)OATER H4 68, ORGEAT(S) H2 68, RO(O)TAGE H7 68, R(O)OTAGE H7 68, TOERAG(S) H7 68, (F)AGOTER H2 68, (L)EGATOR H2 68, (N)EGATOR H2 68, (P)ORTAGE H7 68, (P)OTAGER H8 68, (S)TORAGE H7 68
Other moves: GAROTE(D) H2 66, GAROTE(D) H3 66, GAROTE(D) H7 66, GAROTE(D) H8 66, GAROTE(S) H2 66
GAR(R)OTE H4 18 Biddy
GOATE(E) H4 16 Grace_Tjie
O(U)TRAGE H2 16 kafril
GREAT H4 16 ChiliB.
GARTE(R) H4 16 Zweep
EGR(E)T H4 12 tonikay

On 2nd draw, EQ(U)INE 13H 48 --- EQUINE a horse [n]
Other moves: JOE G7 40, (S)JOE G6 40, J(O)E G7 38, QI(S) 14F 38, JO(E) G7 36
JOE G7 40 tonikay
JONQ(U)I(L) 8D 29 Biddy
JOR 10F 26 Grace_Tjie
JOINE(D) 7G 21 Zweep
JO(G) 7G 17 ChiliB.
Q(U)INE 8G 13 kafril

On 3rd draw, MINUETS 14B 80 --- MINUET a slow, stately dance [n]
Other tops: MINUTES 14B 80, MUNITES 14B 80, MUTINES 14B 80
Other moves: MINUETS N7 76, MINUTES N7 76, MUNITES N7 76, MUTINES N7 76, MISTUNE I3 71
SIT 14H 27 Grace_Tjie
MIST N11 27 Zweep, tonikay
MURINES 10F 17 Biddy
MINTS L11 16 ChiliB.
MOS 7G 9 kafril

On 4th draw, SHEEPDOG 7B 73 --- SHEEPDOG a dog trained to guard and herd sheep [n]
Other moves: PHESED N10 51, PHESE N10 47, PEDES 15A 39, PEGH 13C 38, HEDGE 12K 34
HEPS N10 32 tonikay
HEEDS 12K 31 kafril
PED 15A 25 Zweep, Grace_Tjie
POSHED 7G 16 ChiliB.
HEID K11 16 Spoony

On 5th draw, BARGEMAN L6 78 --- BARGEMAN the master or a crew member of a barge [n]
Other moves: BREGMATA 9B 66, MEGABAR 11E 48, AMBAGE 13A 43, GAMB 13C 34, GAMBA 12K 33
GAME 13C 28 Grace_Tjie
AM 8C 19 kafril
BRIM C12 16 ChiliB.
BE 15A 16 Spoony
MARE D4 12 Zweep

On 6th draw, TRIALLED D1 74 --- TRIAL to test [v]
Other moves: TRIALLED E1 68, LIARD 8A 34, LIDAR 15A 33, LIART 8A 30, DIAL 8A 28
DIAL 8A 28 Spoony, ChiliB.
RAD 15A 19 Grace_Tjie
DRILL 8K 18 tonikay
LAD M5 15 kafril
RAID 8L 15 Zweep
TAILED E3 14 mazscot
DETAIL D6 8 Biddy

On 7th draw, CANDIDS J1 83 --- CANDID an unposed photograph [n]
Other moves: CANDIDS N7 80, CANDIDAS 11B 74, CANDIDAS 4C 64, CANIDS J2 35, CADDIS J2 34
CANDIDS N7 30 Spoony
ACIDS J3 28 Zweep
CADS J4 27 kafril
CAD 15A 25 Grace_Tjie, mazscot
DAD 15A 22 Biddy
DINTS 1A 18 tonikay
DRAIN 8K 18 ChiliB.

On 8th draw, VOID 8A 31 --- VOID to make void (of no legal force or effect) [v]
Other tops: FOID 8A 31
Other moves: FOLIC 1F 30, PICOT 1H 30, PIVOT M3 29, FOP 13A 28, FICO 1H 27
VOID 8A 31 tonikay
FOLIC 1F 30 Spoony
FOCI 1H 27 Zweep
FIT 15A 24 Grace_Tjie
FLIT 1A 21 ChiliB., Biddy, magictwig

On 9th draw, JANE 15A 45 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: JANTIER 1A 42, NARTJIE 1A 42, FANCIER 1G 39, FINER 15A 38, FARCIE 1G 36
FANCIER 1G 39 Spoony
JIN 15A 36 Grace_Tjie, Zweep, magictwig
JA 15A 31 tonikay
JEER 10J 27 mazscot
FEARING 12B 22 Biddy
JADE 4H 20 ChiliB.

On 10th draw, SOUTHERN 1A 149 --- SOUTHERN a person living in the south [n]
Other moves: UNHORSE N8 101, HOUNDERS 4F 76, HOUSER N10 49, HORSE N10 47, HOUSE N10 47
HORSE N10 47 magictwig
ROUCHES 1G 39 Spoony
CHOSEN 1J 36 Zweep
CHORES 1J 36 Grace_Tjie
HUNS N10 30 mazscot
HERS N10 30 tonikay
SUCH 1H 27 ChiliB.
NORTH 1A 24 Biddy

On 11th draw, COZIER 1J 81 --- COZIER a cobbler [n] --- COZY snug and comfortable [adj]
Other moves: FOZIER K10 60, ZOO 13C 53, FRIZE 8K 51, FROZE 8K 51, OOZIER K10 51
COZIER 1J 81 Spoony
FROZE 8K 51 Grace_Tjie, Biddy, Zweep
BIZE 6L 35 magictwig
ZOO I2 30 tonikay
FAZE 11G 16 ChiliB.

On 12th draw, REAVAILED 4B 64 --- REAVAIL to avail again [v]
Other moves: EAVE 13A 34, LAVE 13A 34, RAVE 13A 34, AVE 13B 32, RELIVE K10 30
LIVER M3 25 magictwig
RIVE 8L 21 Grace_Tjie, Spoony
RAVE 8L 21 ChiliB., Zweep
SLIVER A1 13 tonikay

On 13th draw, FROWN 8K 33 --- FROWN to wrinkle the brow with displeasure [v]
Other tops: FONE 13C 33
Other moves: REF 2D 32, FEU 2F 31, BROWN 8K 30, ZEBU L1 30, ZOBU L1 30
FROWN 8K 33 Zweep, Grace_Tjie, Biddy, Spoony
BROWN 8K 30 magictwig, Andy1990
ZONE L1 26 ChiliB.

On 14th draw, TABOO 13A 34 --- TABOO to exclude or prohibit by social influence [v]
Other tops: BAWN 3G 34
Other moves: WOOT 13C 33, WAB 13A 31, ZOBO L1 30, BOOT 13C 29, TAW 13A 29
WOOT 13C 33 Grace_Tjie
ZOBO L1 30 Spoony
WOMBAT 11J 26 ChiliB.
WOO M7 24 Zweep
WOW N8 17 magictwig
AWA 12L 11 Andy1990

On 15th draw, RIFE 2D 35 --- RIFE abundant [adj]
Other tops: FLAWN 3F 35, TREF 2C 35
Other moves: FETIAL K10 33, AFT 2L 32, REF 2D 32, RIF 2D 32, WALI K10 29
FE 2F 28 Zweep
ZEAL L1 26 ChiliB.
ZITE L1 26 Spoony
WARE 10F 15 Grace_Tjie
FEE 10J 14 magictwig
FONE D12 14 Andy1990
TWINE O5 8 Biddy

On 16th draw, ZOIC L1 30 --- ZOIC pertaining to animals or animal life [adj]
Other moves: WALI K10 29, WOOL M7 27, APIOL K11 26, CAPI 3A 26, ZILA L1 26
ZILA L1 26 Spoony
OW 2A 22 Zweep
PACO M3 20 Grace_Tjie
BOWL 6L 17 Andy1990
PAW 12K 17 ChiliB.
SOAP B7 12 magictwig

On 17th draw, PULIK K10 36 --- PULI a long-haired sheepdog [n]
Other moves: PYA 12D 34, PAWKY N6 31, PLY 12D 31, AKA 7L 28, KAYO M5 28
KEA C3 28 Zweep
PARKY 10F 28 magictwig, Spoony
PARLY 10F 24 Biddy
YARK 10F 19 Grace_Tjie
YAW N6 17 ChiliB.
CAKY 4L 17 Andy1990

On 18th draw, EUTAXY N1 48 --- EUTAXY good order [n]
Other moves: WAXY N8 33, WAX N8 29, XU 14M 27, WAY J9 26, AWA 7L 24
WAXY N8 33 magictwig, Zweep, Grace_Tjie, ChiliB., Biddy
XU 14M 27 Spoony
EX I4 18 Andy1990

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