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Game sheet of jeff (file), Game of August 14, 2011 at 00:33

Word find
Word played
1 CHIPRSU CHIRPS H3 34   34 1/7       34 1/7
2 ?DJNUYZ R(E)Z 6H 31 -7 65 5/7 HU(Z)ZY 4H 38 72 4/7
3 AINORST             ATROPINS 7D 62 134 6/7
4 DEIJNST JETS 8A 39 -5 104 6/6 TAJINES D6 44 178 6/7
5 AEGNTVW GAZE K2 28 -13 132 4/6 TWANG 8K 41 219 6/7
6 DEINPRR PIZE K2 30 -5 162 4/6 PINED C9 35 254 6/7
7 AAEFGOO OAF 5K 39   201 1/6 OOF 5K   293 5/7
8 ?EEIILX EX(O) 9L 40 -26 241 1/7 EXIGI(B)LE O5 66 359 5/8
9 ADEESTW             WASTERED F2 72 431 6/8
10 AGMNOTV             VAT B10 34 465 6/8
11 CENOQRU             QUERNS 4A 50 515 6/8
12 ABEIRTU QUIRE A4 42 -30 283 5/6 AUBRETIA M8 72 587 6/8
13 AEFKNOY FAKE L12 45 -15 328 4/7 FAKEY A11 60 647 6/8
14 AGLMNOR MANG 15L 30 -18 358 2/7 QORMA A4 48 695 6/9
15 AGIMNRU             ORIGANUM G7 70 765 6/9
16 ABEGHIL             BAGH L12 50 815 6/9
17 CDEILOO             CHADO 15K 33 848 6/9
18 DEILLLO             IDE 6K 30 878 6/9
19 EELOOOV             EVOE K10 22 900 6/9

Total: 358/900 or -542 for 39.77%
Rank: 7805

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