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Game sheet of Spoony (file), Game of August 14, 2011 at 00:33

Word find
Word played
1 CHIPRSU             CHIRPS H3 34 34  
2 ?DJNUYZ             HU(Z)ZY 4H 38 72  
3 AINORST             ATROPINS 7D 62 134  
4 DEIJNST             TAJINES D6 44 178  
5 AEGNTVW             TWANG 8K 41 219  
6 DEINPRR             PINED C9 35 254  
7 AAEFGOO             OOF 5K 39 293  
8 ?EEIILX             EXIGI(B)LE O5 66 359  
9 ADEESTW             WASTERED F2 72 431  
10 AGMNOTV             VAT B10 34 465  
11 CENOQRU             QUERNS 4A 50 515  
12 ABEIRTU             AUBRETIA M8 72 587  
13 AEFKNOY             FAKEY A11 60 647  
14 AGLMNOR MARG 15L 30 -18 30 5/7 QORMA A4 48 695 9/9
15 AGIMNRU MARG 15L 30 -40 60 3/6 ORIGANUM G7 70 765 9/9
16 ABEGHIL HALE 15L 33 -17 93 3/6 BAGH L12 50 815 8/9
17 CDEILOO             CHADO 15K 33 848 8/9
18 DEILLLO EON N6 18 -12 111 4/6 IDE 6K 30 878 8/9
19 EELOOOV GLOVE 10G 17 -5 128 2/6 EVOE K10 22 900 8/9

Total: 128/900 or -772 for 14.22%
Rank: 6171

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