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Game of August 14, 2011 at 21:02, 9 players
1. 571 pts PIThompson
2. 445 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 444 pts worsie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??delow   H8    76    76   allowed
 2. deelnor  10C    65   141   rondelle
 3. achiklt  13B    38   179   hatlike
 4. efgijns  14F    40   219   fidges
 5. acenttw  12A    33   252   wate
 6. ahimnru  15K    44   296   ihram
 7. abegint  12H    80   376   wingbeat
 8. aelnnot   N6    62   438   neonatal
 9. deinopr   O1    88   526   proined
10. cmnopsy   E5    56   582   pycnons
11. deegruy   8A    33   615   greeny
12. aiiosux  14A    42   657   six
13. adortuu   7E    22   679   coat
14. bimoruz   C2    60   739   bromize
15. ajosuvv   6B    33   772   jivy
16. aadeiru   2A    26   798   rubied
17. aaeituv   A1    36   834   trave
18. aacfisu   1E    41   875   facias

Remaining tiles: oquuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7600 FilePIThompson  5 12:31  -304  571     1.7600 PIThompson  5 12:31  -304  571 
  2.5852 FileGrace_Tjie  1 12:45  -430  445            Group: novice
  3.5660 Fileworsie      3 19:04  -431  444     1.5852 Grace_Tjie  1 12:45  -430  445 
  4.5085 Filemagictwig   3 19:17  -456  419     2.5660 worsie      3 19:04  -431  444 
  5.5123 FileAndy1990    3 20:15  -458  417     3.5085 magictwig   3 19:17  -456  419 
  6.3424 Fileding        0 15:27  -670  205     4.5123 Andy1990    3 20:15  -458  417 
  7.5822 Filesandy914    1  6:40  -739  136     5.5822 sandy914    1  6:40  -739  136 
  8.5256 FileOasthouse1  1  4:15  -812   63     6.5256 Oasthouse1  1  4:15  -812   63 
  9.4365 FileChiliB.     0  2:06  -839   36            Group: not rated
                                             1.3424 ding        0 15:27  -670  205 
                                             2.4365 ChiliB.     0  2:06  -839   36 

On 1st draw, (A)(L)LOWED H8 76 --- ALLOW to put no obstacle in the way of [v]
Other tops: DEWO(O)L(S) H2 76, DEW(O)OL(S) H2 76, DOWEL(E)(D) H2 76, DOWL(I)E(R) H2 76, DOWL(N)E(S) H2 76, DOWL(N)E(Y) H2 76, DOW(A)(B)LE H2 76, DOW(E)LE(D) H2 76, EL(B)OW(E)D H8 76, LE(T)DOW(N) H7 76, LOWE(R)(E)D H2 76, LOW(B)(R)ED H2 76, LOW(E)(R)ED H2 76, LOW(N)DE(D) H2 76, LOW(N)(D)ED H2 76, LOW(V)E(L)D H2 76, WEDLO(C)(K) H4 76, WELDO(R)(S) H4 76, WO(B)(B)LED H4 76, WO(O)LDE(D) H4 76, WO(O)LDE(R) H4 76, WO(O)L(D)ED H4 76, WO(O)L(L)ED H4 76, WO(O)(L)LED H4 76, WO(R)LDE(D) H4 76, WO(R)L(D)ED H4 76, W(A)LDOE(S) H4 76, W(H)O(R)LED H4 76, W(O)OLDE(D) H4 76, W(O)OLDE(R) H4 76, W(O)OL(D)ED H4 76, W(O)OL(L)ED H4 76, W(O)O(L)LED H4 76, (A)L(L)OWED H8 76, (B)OWEL(E)D H2 76, (B)OWLDE(R) H2 76, (B)OW(E)LED H2 76, (C)OWEDL(Y) H2 76, (D)OWEL(E)D H2 76, (D)OW(E)LED H2 76, (E)L(B)OWED H8 76, (L)OW(V)ELD H2 76, (R)OWEL(E)D H2 76, (R)OW(E)LED H2 76, (T)OWEL(E)D H2 76, (T)OW(E)LED H2 76
Other moves: DEWO(O)L(S) H4 72, DEW(O)OL(S) H4 72, DOWEL(E)(D) H4 72, DOWL(I)E(R) H4 72, DOWL(N)E(S) H4 72
LOW(E)(R)ED H2 26 PIThompson
WELD(S) H4 24 magictwig
WO(N)DE(R) H4 24 Andy1990
W(I)L(L)ED H4 24 Grace_Tjie
WELD(E)(R) H4 24 ChiliB.
W(A)(L)LED H4 24 worsie
DWEL(L) H7 16 ding

On 2nd draw, RONDELLE 10C 65 --- RONDELLE a rondeau of fourteen lines [n]
Other tops: ENROLLED 10C 65
Other moves: ENROLLED 10D 63, RONDELLE 10B 63, ENROL(L)ED 9C 61, RONDEL(L)E 9B 61, RONDE(L)LE 9C 61
LOWERED 12F 22 PIThompson
REDO I11 22 Grace_Tjie
WONDER 12H 20 Andy1990
WELDER 12H 20 worsie, magictwig
DONOR 11E 12 ChiliB.
DOWNER 12F 10 ding

On 3rd draw, HATLIKE 13B 38 --- HATLIKE resembling a hat [adj]
Other moves: CATLIKE 13B 36, HACKLET 13C 36, KLATCH 7C 36, WHACK 12H 34, HAICK 11J 33
HICK 11J 31 Grace_Tjie
CHALK 7G 31 PIThompson
HACK 11J 31 Andy1990
CHINK E7 28 worsie
WITCH 12H 26 magictwig
CH(A)LK 8F 13 sandy914

On 4th draw, FIDGES 14F 40 --- FIDGE to fidget [v]
Other moves: FIDGE 14F 39, FIDS 14F 35, JIG 14A 35, FID 14F 34, NEIF 14C 34
JIG 14A 35 PIThompson, Grace_Tjie
JOINTS D9 26 magictwig
JIGS 7E 24 worsie
FINS 9J 13 Andy1990

On 5th draw, WATE 12A 33 --- WIT to know [v]
Other tops: WANE 12A 33, WENA 12A 33, WETA 12A 33
Other moves: CAW 14A 31, AWE 14B 29, CANE 12A 29, CATE 12A 29, WANE 14A 28
WANE 12A 33 PIThompson
WET 14A 24 Grace_Tjie
WAT 14A 24 worsie
WEN 14A 24 Andy1990
WHAT B12 20 magictwig
THAW B12 20 ding

On 6th draw, IHRAM 15K 44 --- IHRAM the dress worn of Muslim pilgrims [n]
Other moves: HARIM 15K 38, HUMAN 15K 38, HAM 14A 33, HIM 14A 33, HINAU 15K 32
HUMAN 15K 38 PIThompson, magictwig
HAM 14A 33 Grace_Tjie, worsie
HARM 11J 23 Andy1990
MENU J9 6 ding

On 7th draw, WINGBEAT 12H 80 --- WINGBEAT a flap of a wing [n]
Other moves: B(L)EATING 9G 77, BEATING 7B 73, BEATING 7E 72, BEATING I2 64, BANTENG E5 40
GAB 14A 29 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson
BAG 14A 28 worsie
BEGAR M11 16 Andy1990
BATING 9J 14 magictwig
BAR M13 10 ding

On 8th draw, NEONATAL N6 62 --- NEONATAL pertaining to neon [adj] --- NEONATE a newborn child [adj]
Other moves: LENTANDO F4 61, NEONAT(A)L 8B 58, NEON(A)TAL 8D 58, EAN 14A 21, EAT 14A 21
TAN 14A 21 Grace_Tjie
LAT 14A 21 PIThompson
TALENT O7 18 worsie, Andy1990
LANE 9B 12 magictwig
TENOR M11 10 ding

On 9th draw, PROINED O1 88 --- PROINE to prune [v]
Other moves: POINDER O1 87, PROINED M1 81, POINDER M1 77, PROINED G2 64, PROINED I2 64
PRONE O4 40 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson
PROD 8L 30 Andy1990, ding
DROP 8L 27 worsie, magictwig

On 10th draw, PYCNONS E5 56 --- PYCNON a small musical interval [n]
Other moves: SYNCOM M2 44, COPY M5 31, MOPY M5 31, YOMP M5 30, COMP M5 29
COPY M5 31 PIThompson
MOYS K7 19 Andy1990
PONY E8 18 worsie, Oasthouse1
OS 14A 16 Grace_Tjie
P*MS 15C 15 magictwig
SNAP 10L 6 ding

On 11th draw, GREENY 8A 33 --- GREENY somewhat green [adj]
Other tops: GYRENE 8A 33, REDENY 8A 33
Other moves: GEYER M3 28, GREYER 2J 28, GERUND 8A 27, GYRED 7H 25, UEY N1 25
GREENY 8A 33 magictwig, Oasthouse1, Andy1990, sandy914
EDGER M3 24 PIThompson
GREEN 8A 21 Grace_Tjie
GEE F4 17 worsie

On 12th draw, SIX 14A 42 --- SIX a number [n]
Other tops: SAX 14A 42
Other moves: AX 14B 40, XIS 14A 35, IXIAS M3 34, XI 14A 30, IXORA B5 28
SAX 14A 42 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson, worsie, Andy1990
AXED 7L 20 magictwig
XI I7 18 sandy914
PIX 5E 12 Oasthouse1
S(A)(L)LOWED H7 10 ding

On 13th draw, COAT 7E 22 --- COAT to cover with a coat (an outer garment) [v]
Other tops: CART 7E 22, DOUAR M3 22, TARDO M5 22
Other moves: ROAD M7 20, TOAD M7 20, OUD N1 19, ARDOUR 2J 18, OUTDARE C2 18
ADO 15C 17 PIThompson
ADO N2 17 Grace_Tjie
TOR M5 12 magictwig
TRAP 5B 6 Andy1990
TRY 6C 6 worsie

On 14th draw, BROMIZE C2 60 --- BROMIZE to treat with bromine or a bromide [v]
Other moves: BROUZE C3 54, MOZ M5 50, ZO M7 46, ZOMBI M5 41, ZOMBIE C3 40
MOZ M5 50 PIThompson
ZO M7 46 ding, sandy914
ZO M8 26 worsie
ZO N3 24 Grace_Tjie
ZED 7M 23 Andy1990
ZOO 8L 22 magictwig

On 15th draw, JIVY 6B 33 --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: SAV D4 32, SOV D4 32, JUS B4 29, AVOS 15C 28, JUBAS 2A 28
JIVY 6B 33 PIThompson, magictwig
JOBS 2A 26 Andy1990
JA B1 26 sandy914
JAB 2A 24 worsie
JO B4 22 Grace_Tjie
JABS L10 13 ding

On 16th draw, RUBIED 2A 26 --- RUBY to tint with the color of a ruby (a deep-red precious stone) [v]
Other tops: ABRADE 2B 26, RIBAUD 2A 26
Other moves: AARTI 11K 24, ABIDER 2B 22, ABRAID 2B 22, AIDER M3 22, AUBADE 2A 22
ABRADE 2B 26 worsie
AIDER M3 22 PIThompson
ABIDE 2B 20 ding
RABID 2A 16 magictwig
ED N2 13 Grace_Tjie
BRIDE 2C 12 Andy1990

On 17th draw, TRAVE A1 36 --- TRAVE a frame for confining a horse [n]
Other moves: ERUV A1 33, AVIATE 1F 30, TAVA 1E 26, URVA A1 24, AVIATE I2 22
TRAVE A1 36 Andy1990, magictwig, worsie, PIThompson
AVE 1F 21 Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, FACIAS 1E 41 --- FACIA an architectural band [n]
Other tops: FASCIA 1E 41
Other moves: FACIA 1E 38, FASCI 1E 38, FICUS 1E 38, FISC 1E 35, FACIAS K5 32
FACIAS 1E 41 PIThompson
FASCIA M1 25 magictwig
FICUS I3 23 worsie
IFS 1F 21 Andy1990
OF 4C 10 Grace_Tjie
COATS 7E 8 ding

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