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Game of August 14, 2011 at 21:46, 11 players
1. 640 pts immy
2. 472 pts worsie
3. 444 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eghhnop   H4    26    26   phone
 2. adiirsx   H1    45    71   diaphones
 3. ckmoryz   3C    60   131   coryza
 4. ?cekqsy   2D    44   175   yak
 5. ?iinors   1H    77   252   derision
 6. deiruuw   4D    30   282   we
 7. aaegilt   7E    61   343   agential
 8. aegiotu   9A    61   404   agouties
 9. dehilrw   A8    45   449   rawhide
10. adeintv  15A   134   583   deviant
11. beffist  H11    78   661   biffs
12. aellrtv   8J    37   698   travel
13. ablnors   I3    39   737   loast
14. bdeeino   O1    63   800   nonedible
15. almmntu   N4    30   830   mam
16. cepqrtu   K5    64   894   quarter
17. aglnotu  12G    31   925   gitano
18. cenopru  14H    28   953   frounce

Remaining tiles: ejlpux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6316 Fileimmy        4 12:23  -313  640     1.6316 immy        4 12:23  -313  640 
  2.5670 Fileworsie      3 21:40  -481  472     2.6301 sunshine12  3 10:44  -509  444 
  3.6301 Filesunshine12  3 10:44  -509  444     3.6980 susieq8182  2 14:09  -583  370 
  4.5099 Filemagictwig   3 21:35  -514  439            Group: novice
  5.6980 Filesusieq8182  2 14:09  -583  370     1.5670 worsie      3 21:40  -481  472 
  6.3578 Filekp10        0  8:15  -663  290     2.5099 magictwig   3 21:35  -514  439 
  7.3441 Fileding        1 20:50  -671  282     3.5821 Faeythe     0  0:23  -907   46 
  8.  -  Filesuitable    0 16:20  -719  234     4.5389 jimbo       0  2:34  -923   30 
  9.4317 Filepickrose    0  7:29  -850  103            Group: not rated
 10.5821 FileFaeythe     0  0:23  -907   46     1.3578 kp10        0  8:15  -663  290 
 11.5389 Filejimbo       0  2:34  -923   30     2.3441 ding        1 20:50  -671  282 
                                             3.  -  suitable    0 16:20  -719  234 
                                             4.4317 pickrose    0  7:29  -850  103 

On 1st draw, PHONE H4 26 --- PHONE to telephone [v]
Other tops: HOGEN H4 26, PHEON H4 26
Other moves: PHOH H5 24, PHOH H6 24, PHOH H7 24, PHOH H8 24, HOGH H5 22
PHONE H4 26 worsie, magictwig, immy
HOPE H8 18 ding

On 2nd draw, DIAPHONES H1 45 --- DIAPHONE a low-pitched foghorn [n]
Other moves: DIAPHONE H1 42, SPADIX 4G 32, IXIAS I2 31, PRAXIS 4H 30, IXIA I2 28
PRAXIS 4H 30 immy
AX I5 23 worsie
AXES 8F 11 magictwig
DEX 8G 11 ding

On 3rd draw, CORYZA 3C 60 --- CORYZA a head cold [n]
Other moves: ZO G3 46, YOCK G3 43, MOCK G3 39, OOZY 6H 36, ZOIC 2F 35
ZO G3 46 Faeythe, immy
OOZY 6H 36 worsie
ZOOM 6F 35 magictwig
ZOO 6G 12 ding

On 4th draw, Y(A)K 2D 44 --- YAK to chatter [v]
Other tops: CHEQ(U)Y 5G 44, Y(O)K 2D 44, Y(U)K 2D 44
Other moves: S(U)K 2D 38, (L)EK 2D 38, (N)EK 2D 38, (Z)EK 2D 38, CH(O)KEYS 5G 36
S(O) I3 27 immy
YOKES D2 24 ding
KY F2 19 suitable
COSY D2 18 kp10
SNE(A)KY 7G 14 magictwig

On 5th draw, D(E)RISION 1H 77 --- DERISION the act of deriding [n]
Other tops: DORISIN(G) 1H 77
Other moves: IRONSI(D)E 8A 74, SIRONI(S)E 8A 74, SIRONI(Z)E 8A 74, SORI(C)INE 8A 74, (S)IRONISE 8A 74
SO I3 29 immy, worsie
SHORIN(G) 5G 18 jimbo
SHIN(E)R 5G 16 magictwig
PRISON 4H 16 suitable
YO(U)RS D2 14 kp10

On 6th draw, WE 4D 30 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: WIDER G6 25, WIDE G6 24, WIRED G6 24, WUDU G6 24, YOWED D2 24
WE 4D 30 immy, sunshine12
WE 2N 22 susieq8182
YOW D2 18 worsie
WEIRD G8 18 suitable
OWED N1 16 ding
WORE 6G 9 kp10
WIDER 8E 9 magictwig

On 7th draw, AGENTIAL 7E 61 --- AGENT one who is authorized to act for another [adj] --- AGENT to act for another with authority [adj] --- AGENTIAL pertaining to an agent [adj]
Other tops: ALGINATE 7D 61
Other moves: LEA I3 35, LEI I3 35, LIE I3 35, LAIGH 5D 34, LAITH 5D 32
GALA 5B 26 susieq8182
GET 5C 24 immy
APE 4G 16 sunshine12
HEAL 5H 14 magictwig
GLOAT 6F 12 jimbo, worsie
OGLE N1 10 ding
SEAT L1 8 kp10

On 8th draw, AGOUTIES 9A 61 --- AGOUTY a burrowing rodent [n]
Other moves: AGOUTI 8A 29, TEGU 5C 28, OPIATE 4G 27, EGO 5D 26, GEAT 5C 26
AGOUTI 8A 29 susieq8182
GET 5C 24 immy
ZOA G3 21 sunshine12
AGUE 8L 21 suitable
AGILE L4 14 worsie
STAGE L1 12 magictwig
NOTE O1 5 kp10

On 9th draw, RAWHIDE A8 45 --- RAWHIDE to beat with a type of whip [v]
Other tops: WHALED A7 45
Other moves: HAWED A8 42, HEW 5C 40, WHALER A7 39, DREW 5B 38, HIDER 8K 38
WHALED A7 45 immy, worsie, magictwig
RAWHIDE A8 45 susieq8182
HAW A8 27 sunshine12
WADE A8 24 kp10
HARD A8 24 suitable
DRAW K5 16 ding

On 10th draw, DEVIANT 15A 134 --- DEVIANT one who deviates from the norm [n]
Other moves: DATIVE 15A 81, DAVEN 15A 78, DAVIT 15A 78, DIVAN 15A 78, DIVALENT L3 76
DEVIANT 15A 84 immy, susieq8182
DAVEN 15A 78 sunshine12
DIVE 15A 75 kp10
RAWHIDED A8 48 worsie
AVID 8L 30 suitable
DIVED 13A 20 magictwig
OVEN N1 14 ding

On 11th draw, BIFFS H11 78 --- BIFF to hit [v]
Other moves: FIBS H12 75, FIEFS H11 72, FIFES H11 72, TEFFS H11 72, TIFFS H11 72
FIBS H12 75 sunshine12, immy, suitable
FITS H12 69 kp10, worsie, magictwig
BIFFS 8K 49 susieq8182
BEAST K5 14 ding

On 12th draw, TRAVEL 8J 37 --- TRAVEL to go from one place to another [v]
Other moves: LEA I3 35, EARTH 5D 32, LAVER 8K 32, RAVEL 8K 32, TAVER 8K 32
TRAVEL 8J 37 susieq8182
RAVEL 8K 32 immy
LAVER 8K 32 worsie
BRAVE 11H 20 pickrose
TRAVEL K5 18 magictwig, suitable
APE 4G 16 sunshine12
VEAL K5 14 kp10
ALERT K7 10 ding

On 13th draw, LOAST I3 39 --- LOSE to misplace or be deprived of [v]
Other moves: BOARS 6J 32, BOLAR 5B 30, BOLAS 5B 30, BOAR 6J 29, BOAS 6J 29
BOARS 6J 32 sunshine12
BOLAS 5B 30 susieq8182
SO I3 29 immy
WORN 10A 18 worsie
TABOR E9 14 ding
SABRE N4 13 suitable
BARS 11H 12 kp10
FLABS 13H 11 pickrose
FLAB 13H 10 magictwig

On 14th draw, NONEDIBLE O1 63 --- NONEDIBLE [n]
Other moves: BEARDIE K5 40, BEEDI 5B 34, BONED 5A 34, OBIED 5A 34, BEDE 5C 32
FOINED 13H 22 susieq8182
NIBBED 11F 22 worsie
BIDE I10 21 immy
BODE I10 21 sunshine12
BEEF 14E 21 magictwig
HAND 5H 16 kp10
BIND 11H 14 pickrose, ding

On 15th draw, MAM N4 30 --- MAM mother [n]
Other moves: MALT 5B 28, HAMMAL 5H 26, LAM 5D 26, MULTUM D8 26, NAM N4 26
MAM N4 30 immy, sunshine12, worsie
LAM 5D 26 susieq8182
BLAM 11H 16 pickrose
ME B14 16 ding
LAMB 11E 16 magictwig
DAMN 13A 14 kp10

On 16th draw, QUARTER K5 64 --- QUARTER to divide into four equal parts [v]
Other moves: CROQUET C7 42, PICQUET 12G 40, QUEP 6B 39, CLAQUER L6 36, LACQUER L7 36
QUARTER K5 64 sunshine12, ding, magictwig
CROQUET C7 42 immy
QUIP 12F 15 worsie
TRUCE E9 14 pickrose
QUA E13 12 kp10

On 17th draw, GITANO 12G 31 --- GITANO a Spanish gypsy [n]
Other moves: ANGLO 12J 29, NOTAL 12K 29, UNGOT 12J 29, GAULT 5A 28, GNAT 12J 27
FLAGON 13H 22 immy
FLAUNT 13H 20 worsie
AGO G11 18 sunshine12
QUOAD 5K 15 ding, magictwig
GLOB 11E 14 pickrose

On 18th draw, FROUNCE 14H 28 --- FROUNCE to wrinkle or frown [v]
Other tops: CROUPON C7 28
Other moves: CEP M3 25, PEC M3 25, PEAN J10 24, PEAR J10 24, PUCER D8 24
PEAR J10 24 immy, magictwig
REGO B7 16 sunshine12
QUOAD 5K 15 worsie
ROPE 13L 14 pickrose
TOPER E9 14 ding

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