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Game of August 15, 2011 at 01:30, 6 players
1. 566 pts immy
2. 561 pts Zweep
3. 521 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaeeit   H3    64    64   taeniae
 2. acdehmv   5E    60   124   medevac
 3. ahknoqr   G7    36   160   khor
 4. deelott   6A    24   184   ettled
 5. acehlsx   A3    69   253   excels
 6. ?jnnopy   L2    41   294   joys
 7. eeeinrs  11F    76   370   eserine
 8. abdpstu   2J    40   410   bajus
 9. aehintv  H11    36   446   event
10. fghostu  12L    38   484   houf
11. gimnorw  N10    34   518   wrung
12. agioprt   1F    35   553   ragtop
13. bdefirs  13C    88   641   debriefs
14. adinnqu  10J    64   705   qi
15. eilortu  O12    26   731   foil
16. aeioptw   O5    38   769   tawpie
17. adgiimo  12A    31   800   amido
18. aginnor  15A    80   880   ignorant
19. ailnouy   N6    36   916   you

Remaining tiles: ailnuz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6323 Fileimmy        3 15:38  -350  566     1.6323 immy        3 15:38  -350  566 
  2.5604 FileZweep       3 16:14  -355  561     2.6223 iwhist      1 19:45  -395  521 
  3.6223 Fileiwhist      1 19:45  -395  521     3.6087 chammy      0 13:49  -719  197 
  4.6087 Filechammy      0 13:49  -719  197            Group: novice
  5.5821 FileFaeythe     0  3:02  -874   42     1.5604 Zweep       3 16:14  -355  561 
  6.  -  Filejunebug     0  1:23  -907    9     2.5821 Faeythe     0  3:02  -874   42 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  junebug     0  1:23  -907    9 

On 1st draw, TAE(N)IAE H3 64 --- TAENIA a headband worn in ancient Greece [n]
Other tops: TAE(N)IAE H2 64, TAE(N)IAE H4 64, TAE(N)IAE H6 64, TAE(N)IAE H7 64, TAE(N)IAE H8 64
Other moves: TAE(N)IAE H5 62, AE(R)ATE H3 12, AE(R)ATE H4 12, AE(R)ATE H7 12, AE(R)ATE H8 12
I(D)EATE H4 12 immy
I(R)ATE H4 10 iwhist
E(L)ITE H4 10 chammy
TEA(S)E H4 10 Zweep
(M)ATE H5 6 Faeythe

On 2nd draw, MEDEVAC 5E 60 --- MEDEVAC to evacuate the wounded from a battlefield by helicopter [v]
Other moves: HAMED G5 36, HAMED G7 36, AHEM G6 35, HAME G7 34, HAM G7 33
HAMED G7 36 immy, Faeythe
HADE G7 30 Zweep
ACHED 4H 22 iwhist
CHIMED 7F 21 chammy

On 3rd draw, KHOR G7 36 --- KHOR a ravine [n]
Other tops: KHAN G7 36
Other moves: KRONA 4A 32, NOAH 6C 32, KOHA 4C 31, NAH 6D 31, NOH 6D 31
KRONA 4A 32 immy
NAH 6D 31 Zweep
AH 6E 30 iwhist

On 4th draw, ETTLED 6A 24 --- ETTLE to intend [v]
Other tops: ELODEA 4C 24, LETTED 6A 24, LOTTED 6A 24
Other moves: ETTLED 4A 23, LETTED 4A 23, LOTTED 4A 23, TOLED 6B 23, TOTED 6B 23
TOTED 6B 23 iwhist
DE I7 21 immy, Zweep

On 5th draw, EXCELS A3 69 --- EXCEL to surpass others [v]
Other moves: EXHALES A1 54, EXHALES A6 54, EXHALE A1 51, EXHALE A6 48, HEXACTS 3C 46
HEXES A5 45 Zweep, iwhist
EXCELS A6 45 immy

On 6th draw, JOY(S) L2 41 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JO(H)NNY F9 39, JONTY C3 38, JOY(S) 11D 37, JO(L)TY C3 36, JO(N)TY C3 36
JO(H)NNY F9 39 Zweep
JOY F9 29 immy
JO(E)Y F9 29 iwhist

On 7th draw, ESERINE 11F 76 --- ESERINE a toxic alkaloid [n]
Other moves: CERESINE K5 70, TEENSIER C6 70, ESERINE I8 69, ETERNISE C5 60, EEVENS I3 31
VERS I5 23 iwhist
RINES 11C 22 immy
JINS 2L 22 Zweep

On 8th draw, BAJUS 2J 40 --- BAJU a short Malayan jacket [n]
Other tops: PUJAS 2J 40
Other moves: BAPU M1 38, TABU M1 34, TAPU M1 34, BAPUS 10J 33, ADJUST 2J 32
PADS 10J 28 immy
BADS 10J 28 Zweep
SPUD M11 22 iwhist

On 9th draw, EVENT H11 36 --- EVENT something that occurs [n] --- EVENT to ride in a horse-riding event [v]
Other tops: EVITE H11 36
Other moves: AHENT 10I 35, AHINT 10I 35, HIANT 10J 35, VAHINE 12A 34, HAEN 10J 32
HAVE 12L 32 Zweep
HATE 10J 32 immy, iwhist

On 10th draw, HOUF 12L 38 --- HOUF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: FOHS 12J 37, FOUGHT 12A 36, FOH 12J 35, FOUGHT 3C 34, FOUTHS 12A 34
HOGS 12L 28 Zweep
OH 10I 28 iwhist
SHOT 1H 27 immy

On 11th draw, WRUNG N10 34 --- WRING to twist so as to compress [v]
Other moves: INFORM O10 33, FROW O12 30, MIRO 10J 30, MORN 10J 30, MOW 1M 30
INFORM O10 33 immy, chammy
MOW 1M 30 iwhist
FORM O12 27 Zweep

On 12th draw, RAGTOP 1F 35 --- RAGTOP a convertible automobile [n]
Other moves: ATROPIN 14B 30, IGAPO O6 29, PAR 10J 29, PARGO O6 29, PIR 10J 29
FAIR O12 26 iwhist
PRAT 1H 24 immy
PI 10J 22 Zweep

On 13th draw, DEBRIEFS 13C 88 --- DEBRIEF to question after a mission [v]
Other moves: BRIEFED 13C 38, DEBRIEF 13C 36, FES I7 35, FIBRE O6 35, FIBRED 12A 35
BRIDE O6 29 chammy
FIRE O7 26 iwhist, Zweep
BRIDE 2B 24 immy

On 14th draw, QI 10J 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUINA 12A 59, QAID 12A 57, QUAD 12A 57, QUID 12A 57, QUIN 12A 53
QI 10J 64 immy, Zweep, iwhist

On 15th draw, FOIL O12 26 --- FOIL to prevent the success of [v]
Other tops: FOUL O12 26, FOUR O12 26
Other moves: LOURIE O5 23, OUTLIE O5 23, RUTILE O5 23, TOURIE O5 23, TROULE O5 23
FOIL O12 26 immy
FOUR O12 26 Zweep
TOILE O6 20 chammy
LORE O7 17 iwhist

On 16th draw, TAWPIE O5 38 --- TAWPIE a foolish young person [n]
Other moves: TEAPOT 3H 34, WIPE O7 32, W*P 3K 32, PIETA 12A 31, POTAE 14B 31
WIPE O7 32 Zweep
PAW 12B 29 immy, chammy
OWE O8 23 iwhist

On 17th draw, AMIDO 12A 31 --- AMIDO containing an amide united with an acid radical [adj]
Other tops: IMIDO 12A 31
Other moves: MAID 12A 29, DUMA M1 27, OGAM 12A 27, AMIDO 14A 26, DOM 3K 26
MIDI B1 26 chammy
MA N6 25 immy, iwhist, Zweep

On 18th draw, IGNORANT 15A 80 --- IGNORANT an ill-educated person [n] --- IGNORANT having no knowledge [adj]
Other moves: VANG I5 25, INVAR I3 24, ANON 3J 22, IRON 3J 22, ORATING C3 22
GOANNA A10 21 immy
GIN 1M 17 Zweep
AGON A12 15 iwhist
GRIP 8L 9 junebug

On 19th draw, YOU N6 36 --- YOU something identified with the person addressed [n] --- YOU the 2d person sing. or pl. pronoun [pron]
Other moves: YA N6 31, YO N6 31, YON 14F 31, LAY N4 29, NAY N4 29
YOU N6 36 Zweep, immy
YA N6 31 iwhist
LAY N4 29 chammy

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