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Game of August 15, 2011 at 10:45, 10 players
1. 523 pts piyaya
2. 514 pts yab
3. 457 pts danmarcy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acilnsu   H2    74    74   uncials
 2. adegkln   5E    48   122   knaidel
 3. deeioov   6B    25   147   dovie
 4. aaefgos   6J    31   178   fags
 5. ?ehjrrt   M1    30   208   hejras
 6. aipstuw   1L    48   256   whap
 7. aiinrst   D6    74   330   vitrains
 8. eeginru   O1    86   416   pureeing
 9. ?elooor   B3    60   476   woodlore
10. amnortu   A8    43   519   matron
11. aadostt   I8    63   582   tostada
12. beimouz  H12   109   691   zimb
13. eegiiop  J12    38   729   peg
14. eefitvw  E11    28   757   fete
15. beruwxy  F14    50   807   xu
16. deiinor  10G    65   872   resinoid
17. abiluwy   A1    49   921   blay
18. ehiotuy  12H    42   963   zaptieh
19. ceoquwy   C2    31   994   yew

Remaining tiles: coquv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5999 Filepiyaya      4 19:23  -471  523     1.7279 kellybelly  1  7:36  -691  303 
  2.6816 Fileyab         4 22:58  -480  514            Group: intermediate
  3.6108 Filedanmarcy    4 17:28  -537  457     1.6816 yab         4 22:58  -480  514 
  4.5003 Filedragons11   3 21:12  -591  403     2.6108 danmarcy    4 17:28  -537  457 
  5.4873 Filemarigold    0 20:29  -649  345            Group: novice
  6.3866 Filestrykyster  1 18:22  -672  322     1.5999 piyaya      4 19:23  -471  523 
  7.7279 Filekellybelly  1  7:36  -691  303     2.5003 dragons11   3 21:12  -591  403 
  8.5706 Filecharmz      2 11:02  -741  253     3.5706 charmz      2 11:02  -741  253 
  9.  -  Filemc53        0  2:44  -966   28     4.5846 Faeythe     0  3:01  -971   23 
 10.5846 FileFaeythe     0  3:01  -971   23            Group: not rated
                                             1.4873 marigold    0 20:29  -649  345 
                                             2.3866 strykyster  1 18:22  -672  322 
                                             3.  -  mc53        0  2:44  -966   28 

On 1st draw, UNCIALS H2 74 --- UNCIAL a style of writing [n]
Other moves: UNCIALS H3 70, UNCIALS H4 70, UNCIALS H6 70, UNCIALS H7 70, UNCIALS H8 70
CLANS H4 20 piyaya, marigold
SCAIL H8 16 dragons11
NAILS H4 12 Faeythe
LUNAS H6 10 strykyster

On 2nd draw, KNAIDEL 5E 48 --- KNAIDEL in Jewish cookery, a dumpling [n]
Other moves: CLANKED 4H 28, CALKED 4H 26, KLUDGE 2F 26, KNEAD G5 26, CAKED 4H 24
CLANKED 4H 28 piyaya
DUNK 2G 19 dragons11
LACKED 4F 13 marigold
DANGLE 3F 11 Faeythe
KANE 6G 10 strykyster

On 3rd draw, DOVIE 6B 25 --- DOVIE stupid [adj]
Other tops: COOEED 4H 25
Other moves: DOVIE 6J 24, COOED 4H 23, DEVEIN 3C 22, NEVOID 3H 22, COOEE 4H 21
DEVEIN 3C 22 marigold
DOVE 6J 21 piyaya, yab
VIDE J2 16 dragons11
LOVED 7H 10 strykyster

On 4th draw, FAGS 6J 31 --- FAG to make weary by hard work [v]
Other tops: FOGS 6J 31
Other moves: CAFES 4H 30, FAAS 6J 30, FAG 6J 30, FOES 6J 30, FOG 6J 30
FOGS 6J 31 piyaya
FOES 6J 30 yab
EF 7B 21 strykyster

On 5th draw, HEJR(A)S M1 30 --- HEJRA the flight of Mohammed from Mecca [n]
Other tops: JEH(A)D B2 30
Other moves: H(A)JES M2 28, JEH(U)S M2 28, JE(N)NET F2 28, TR(A)SHER M3 28, JE(U)NE F2 27
H(A)JES M2 28 kellybelly
H(A)J 7M 25 marigold
JETS M3 22 dragons11
EH 7B 21 piyaya, strykyster
J(A)RS M3 20 danmarcy
J(O)SHER M4 20 yab

On 6th draw, WHAP 1L 48 --- WHAP to strike forcibly [v]
Other tops: WHIP 1L 48, WHUP 1L 48
Other moves: WASHUP 1J 45, PSHAW 1K 42, WHAT 1L 42, WHIT 1L 42, APHIS 1K 39
WHIP 1L 48 piyaya, kellybelly
WHAP 1L 48 strykyster, danmarcy, dragons11
WASHUP 1J 45 yab
SHIP 1L 30 marigold

On 7th draw, VITRAINS D6 74 --- VITRAIN the material in the vitreous layers of banded bituminous coal [n]
Other moves: DISTRAIN B6 61, KIRTANS E5 22, VITRAIN D6 22, AIRNS 4A 19, AIRTS 4A 19
ANA N1 19 kellybelly
ERA 2M 14 piyaya, danmarcy
JA 3M 9 yab, dragons11
STRAINS 8B 8 marigold
KITS E5 8 strykyster

On 8th draw, PUREEING O1 86 --- PUREE to reduce to a thick pulp by cooking and sieving [v]
Other moves: SEIGNEUR 8H 80, SEIGNEUR 13D 62, GREEN 2J 29, GENTRIES 8A 27, ERING 7B 24
GREEN 2J 29 piyaya, kellybelly, danmarcy
RINE 7C 18 dragons11
GENT 8A 15 yab, marigold
PRE O1 5 strykyster

On 9th draw, (W)OODLORE B3 60 --- WOODLORE knowledge of the forest [n]
Other tops: (J)ORDELOO B3 60
Other moves: ONLOO(K)ER 12C 57, ROOTLE(S)S 8A 21, ROOTLE(T)S 8A 21, (F)OOTLERS 8A 21, (T)OOTLERS 8A 21
LOOTER 8A 18 kellybelly, dragons11, danmarcy
ROOTLE 8A 18 piyaya
LOO(S)E C11 16 yab
RELO(A)D B1 12 marigold
DROOLE(D) B6 9 strykyster

On 10th draw, MATRON A8 43 --- MATRON a married woman of established social position [n]
Other moves: MANOR A8 40, MANTO A8 40, MARON A8 40, MORAT A8 40, MUTON A8 40
MATRON A8 43 yab
MANOR A8 40 kellybelly
ATOM A1 35 danmarcy
ROAM A1 35 dragons11
MOAT A1 25 marigold
MOOT 8A 18 piyaya
(W)ANT 3B 6 strykyster

On 11th draw, TOSTADA I8 63 --- TOSTADA a tortilla fried in deep fat [n]
Other moves: TOSTADAS 8F 60, TOADS A1 32, DOATS A1 27, TOAD A1 27, TOAST A1 24
TOADS A1 32 kellybelly, danmarcy, yab, piyaya
TOAST A1 24 marigold
SOD 14A 17 strykyster
SAD 14A 17 dragons11, charmz

On 12th draw, ZIMB H12 109 --- ZIMB an Ethiopian insect [n]
Other moves: ZEBU H12 103, ZOBU H12 103, BIZE H12 75, MOZE H12 75, ZAMBO 12H 56
BIZE H12 75 yab
ZOOM 4A 50 danmarcy
ZO H12 45 piyaya
ZO H14 44 kellybelly, strykyster
MAZE 14H 35 marigold, dragons11, charmz

On 13th draw, PEG J12 38 --- PEG to fasten with a peg (a wooden pin) [v]
Other moves: GEEP J12 33, OGEE J11 33, PEE J12 32, GEE J12 30, OPE J11 25
PEG J12 38 yab, charmz, piyaya, dragons11
PE J14 23 strykyster, kellybelly, danmarcy
PEGS 10F 13 marigold

On 14th draw, FETE E11 28 --- FETE to honor with a celebration [v]
Other tops: WOVE 4A 28
Other moves: VIEW C1 27, WEFT B12 27, FET E11 26, FEW B12 25, FEW C2 25
WOVE 4A 28 yab, danmarcy
IF E10 22 kellybelly
FIVE 11C 20 charmz
WIFE 11C 20 strykyster
SWIFT 10I 19 marigold
WIDE 13G 12 dragons11, piyaya

On 15th draw, XU F14 50 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: BOXY 4A 38, WEX C2 37, YEX C2 37, WEX B12 33, YEX B12 33
XU F14 50 yab, danmarcy
WEX C2 37 charmz, piyaya
EX 14E 25 marigold
WOX 4A 17 dragons11
SEX 10I 12 strykyster

On 16th draw, RESINOID 10G 65 --- RESINOID a resinous substance [n]
Other moves: DOEN C11 26, DOER C11 26, ROED C11 25, DOE C11 24, ONCER 4F 21
GROINED L6 20 yab
DONE B12 15 danmarcy
NERD B12 14 marigold
DONE 4A 14 charmz
SNORED 10I 13 strykyster
OD A3 11 piyaya
DO 7K 10 dragons11

On 17th draw, BLAY A1 49 --- BLAY a small fish [n]
Other tops: BLAW A1 49
Other moves: BIALY A1 42, MATRONLY A8 39, BLOWY L8 32, OILWAY L10 32, MATRONAL A8 30
BLAY A1 49 danmarcy, piyaya, dragons11, charmz
BIALY M9 26 yab
BAWL B12 24 marigold
BOWL L9 18 strykyster

On 18th draw, ZAPTIEH 12H 42 --- ZAPTIEH a turkish policeman [n]
Other moves: YETI 11K 31, YITE 11K 31, HIDEOUT 13G 30, HOOEY L8 30, HOOTY L8 30
HOOTY L8 30 piyaya
HOY B12 25 danmarcy
HOOTY L9 22 charmz
YOUTH L9 22 yab
HIT M9 10 mc53
HUT 2G 6 strykyster

On 19th draw, YEW C2 31 --- YEW an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: WYE B12 28, YOWE B12 27, WEY B12 25, YEW B12 25, YOW B12 25
QUEY 2G 24 dragons11, yab
QI M9 21 charmz, strykyster, piyaya, marigold, danmarcy
HEW N12 18 mc53

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