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Game of August 15, 2011 at 12:17, 8 players
1. 568 pts musdrive
2. 532 pts una
3. 418 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ehhrsy   H3    36    36   hythes
 2. bemopsv   G2    29    65   mobes
 3. aafirtu   F2    34    99   afar
 4. abeenoo   E4    29   128   bane
 5. adeeiiv   8A    38   166   eaved
 6. ?aeipwy   D7    33   199   weepily
 7. deelnrv   B7    78   277   lavender
 8. aelnops  15A    93   370   espanol
 9. agiooru   C7    23   393   ova
10. aegmqrt  14F    28   421   marge
11. deinrst  11D    86   507   inditers
12. eiioqtu   J6    37   544   quoter
13. aijooru   K3    33   577   roji
14. aciiltu   4J    22   599   toluic
15. acginow   O1    39   638   wiccan
16. adfklot  13J    27   665   folk
17. dginotz  15J    88   753   dozing
18. giottux   N1    41   794   ox
19. giiirtu   8J    24   818   outrig

Remaining tiles: aiittu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7140 Filemusdrive    7 15:35  -250  568     1.7140 musdrive    7 15:35  -250  568 
  2.6501 Fileuna         6 16:32  -286  532            Group: intermediate
  3.6219 Fileiwhist      3 21:33  -400  418     1.6501 una         6 16:32  -286  532 
  4.6239 Filemargalang   2 24:24  -406  412     2.6219 iwhist      3 21:33  -400  418 
  5.5677 Fileworsie      2 18:03  -431  387     3.6239 margalang   2 24:24  -406  412 
  6.5030 Filedragons11   2 21:58  -475  343            Group: novice
  7.5717 Filecharmz      1 14:55  -560  258     1.5677 worsie      2 18:03  -431  387 
  8.5531 Filebriz2408    2  6:05  -635  183     2.5030 dragons11   2 21:58  -475  343 
                                             3.5717 charmz      1 14:55  -560  258 
                                             4.5531 briz2408    2  6:05  -635  183 

On 1st draw, HY(T)HES H3 36 --- HYTHE a small port [n]
Other tops: HY(T)HES H4 36
Other moves: HY(T)HE H4 34, H(A)SHY H4 34, H(A)SHY H8 34, H(U)SHY H4 34, H(U)SHY H8 34
HER(E)SY H4 30 una, briz2408
HE(A)RSY H4 30 margalang
SHE(R)RY H7 30 worsie
SHER(R)Y H3 30 charmz
H(A)YERS H4 30 iwhist
H(A)RSH H4 28 musdrive

On 2nd draw, MOBES G2 29 --- MOBE a mobile phone [n]
Other tops: POMES G2 29
Other moves: POMBES G7 27, MOVES G7 26, MOVES I7 26, MYOPES 4G 26, OBES G3 26
MOBES G2 29 una
MYOPES 4G 26 iwhist
MOVES G7 26 margalang
MOPEY 4D 24 briz2408
SOME G5 24 musdrive
SOME G2 21 charmz
(T)OMBS 5H 16 worsie

On 3rd draw, AFAR F2 34 --- AFAR a great distance [n]
Other moves: TUFA F1 32, AFAR F4 30, AFT I6 27, FAR F3 25, FAT F3 25
AFAR F2 34 musdrive
AFAR F4 30 una
F*RT F5 22 iwhist, charmz
FAIR F5 22 margalang
FIT F5 21 briz2408
SHIFT 6G 19 worsie
SHAFT 6G 19 dragons11

On 4th draw, BANE E4 29 --- BANE to kill with poison [v]
Other moves: BAN E4 27, BANE I1 27, BENE I1 27, BONE I1 27, NEE I3 27
BANE E4 29 musdrive, iwhist, dragons11, charmz, una, briz2408
NOB I7 14 margalang, worsie

On 5th draw, EAVED 8A 38 --- EAVE the lower projecting edge of a roof [adj] --- EAVED having eaves [adj]
Other tops: IVIED 8A 38
Other moves: DIVA I7 21, DIVE I7 21, DIVI I7 21, SHAVED 6G 21, ADVISEE 8D 20
IVIED 8A 38 briz2408
EAVED 8A 38 una
SHAVED 6G 21 dragons11, margalang
DIVE I7 21 charmz
DIVA I7 21 musdrive
EVADE 8B 18 worsie, iwhist

On 6th draw, WEEPI(L)Y D7 33 --- WEEPILY
Other moves: VIEW(L)Y C8 30, AWEA(R)Y B5 27, WEA(R)Y B6 26, WEEPI(E) D7 25, WE(E)PIE D7 25
SH(O)WY 6G 21 margalang
SHAPE(L)Y 6G 20 musdrive
WEEPY D7 18 una, iwhist
YA I6 18 charmz
SHAW 6G 18 dragons11
WAVEY C6 16 worsie

On 7th draw, LAVENDER B7 78 --- LAVENDER to sprinkle with a type of perfume [v]
Other moves: DENE C11 24, LEND C11 23, DELIVER 11A 22, DEN C11 22, LIVENED 11C 22
LAVENDER B7 28 musdrive
LIVERED 11C 22 una
REVILED 11A 22 margalang
VERY 13A 20 worsie, charmz
VEALED B6 20 briz2408, dragons11
DIVER 11C 18 iwhist

On 8th draw, ESPANOL 15A 93 --- ESPANOL a native of Spain [n]
Other moves: NOPALES I7 69, ESPANOL G8 63, ASLOPE 15A 40, ASPEN 15A 37, PSOAE 15A 37
ASPEN 15A 37 una, charmz, dragons11
OPEN A12 31 musdrive, iwhist
POL A13 21 margalang
PAN A13 21 briz2408
LAVENDERS B7 13 worsie

On 9th draw, OVA C7 23 --- OVUM the female reproductive cell of animals [n]
Other moves: NASHI 6E 20, GAIR 14F 18, GARI 14F 18, GAUR 14F 18, GAR 14F 17
GAIR 14F 18 musdrive
GAR 14F 17 una, margalang
SHAG 6G 12 dragons11
GO F14 7 worsie, iwhist
SUGAR 8H 7 charmz

On 10th draw, MARGE 14F 28 --- MARGE a margin [n]
Other moves: MATER 14F 27, MAGE 14F 25, MARG 14F 25, MEGA 14F 25, TAM I5 25
MARGE 14F 28 musdrive, una
MART 14F 24 margalang
META 14F 24 iwhist
GEM 14F 19 worsie
AT E10 12 dragons11
SMART 8H 8 charmz

On 11th draw, INDITERS 11D 86 --- INDITER one that indites [n]
Other moves: TINDERS K8 75, INSERTED J8 61, SINTERED J8 61, TRENDIES J8 61, RIDENT 15J 29
DINERS 15J 27 una
RINSED 15J 26 worsie
TINDERS K8 25 musdrive
DINERS K9 23 margalang
RIDES K10 21 iwhist
DINES K10 21 charmz
SET I5 17 dragons11

On 12th draw, QUOTER J6 37 --- QUOTER one that quotes [n]
Other moves: TOQUE 12K 32, TOQUE 13J 30, TOQUE I7 30, TOQUE 15J 26, QI 10G 24
QUOTER J6 37 dragons11, musdrive, worsie
QI 10G 24 una, iwhist, charmz
QUIT G9 23 margalang

On 13th draw, ROJI K3 33 --- ROJI a Japanese garden design [n]
Other moves: JAI K4 31, OUIJA 12K 28, OUIJA 13J 26, RIOJA 13J 26, ROJI 13J 24
ROJI K3 33 musdrive
RAJ 15J 20 worsie
QUAIR 6J 16 dragons11
JAM 2E 12 iwhist, una, margalang

On 14th draw, TOLUIC 4J 22 --- TOLUIC pertaining to any of four isomeric acids derived from toluene [adj]
Other tops: ILIAC 12K 22
Other moves: CETYL 13A 20, LACTAM 2B 20, COITAL 4J 18, COUTIL 4J 18, ICTAL 12K 18
CRIT 3J 12 musdrive
JILT 5K 11 worsie, iwhist
JAIL 5K 11 margalang
JUT 5K 10 dragons11
OTIC 8J 7 una

On 15th draw, WICCAN O1 39 --- WICCAN one who practices witchcraft [n]
Other moves: CAWING O4 36, COWING O4 36, WICCA O1 36, ANGICO 15J 35, COGNAC O4 33
CAWING O4 36 worsie, musdrive, iwhist, dragons11
COWING O4 36 una
WING 13J 21 margalang

On 16th draw, FOLK 13J 27 --- FOLK a people or tribe [n]
Other tops: FLAK 13J 27
Other moves: DEFY 13A 22, DOAT 13G 22, OKA 10F 22, FADO 13J 21, FLOAT 13J 21
FLAK 13J 27 una, iwhist, worsie
FOLK 13J 27 margalang
DEFY 13A 22 musdrive
FATS K8 16 dragons11

On 17th draw, DOZING 15J 88 --- DOZE to sleep lightly [v] --- DOZING the act of napping [n]
Other moves: TOZING 15J 84, OOZING 8J 78, TOUZING M2 36, DOTING 15J 34, ZIG 15J 30
DOZING 15J 88 musdrive, una
ZING 15J 30 worsie
ZO 15J 26 margalang
ZIN 6M 14 dragons11
ZIG G10 13 iwhist

On 18th draw, OX N1 41 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OX 10F 25, TIX 12G 25, OX 12H 22, TUX M3 20, XI 10G 20
OX N1 41 iwhist, musdrive, margalang
XI 10G 20 una
TUX M3 20 dragons11
XI 2N 18 worsie

On 19th draw, OUTRIG 8J 24 --- OUTRIG to equip (a boat) with outriggers (projections having floats) [v]
Other moves: JIG 5K 16, GU 13G 13, GITE 10G 12, LUZ L13 12, TUGRIK M8 12
GU 13G 13 musdrive, una
GROW 1L 10 worsie, margalang
TIRE 10G 10 iwhist
UG E1 9 dragons11

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