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Game of August 15, 2011 at 20:36, 8 players
1. 665 pts PIThompson
2. 460 pts naomiari
3. 431 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. defghip   H4    28    28   fidge
 2. aemrsuv   9C    26    54   mauves
 3. acdenrt   I9    77   131   tranced
 4. ?eegint  15E    83   214   teending
 5. abdelot   6H    66   280   deadbolt
 6. abeknop   8A    60   340   peak
 7. aeiootw  14E    31   371   awe
 8. aeiprux  14I    50   421   ex
 9. adenoor   O4    80   501   ratooned
10. eiiortv  13C    34   535   rivet
11. ?ailoru   K4    82   617   ordalium
12. bcegotz  N10    41   658   begot
13. ainpssw  B10    47   705   wasps
14. cfijnor   7C    46   751   join
15. chmnruy   L1    42   793   yuch
16. aefimno   1G    42   835   omnify
17. alorstu   2A    70   905   rotulas
18. ehinqry   D1    54   959   query
19. hiiilnz  13L    30   989   zho

Remaining tiles: iiiln

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7577 FilePIThompson  8 15:46  -324  665     1.7577 PIThompson  8 15:46  -324  665 
  2.5704 Filenaomiari    2 19:34  -529  460            Group: novice
  3.5147 Filetonikay     0 23:06  -558  431     1.5704 naomiari    2 19:34  -529  460 
  4.5106 Filemagictwig   2 15:35  -611  378     2.5147 tonikay     0 23:06  -558  431 
  5.4305 Filepickrose    1 12:27  -622  367     3.5106 magictwig   2 15:35  -611  378 
  6.4832 FileBiddy       2 16:18  -718  271     4.5851 Faeythe     0  0:57  -959   30 
  7.4369 FileChiliB.     1  6:29  -880  109            Group: not rated
  8.5851 FileFaeythe     0  0:57  -959   30     1.4305 pickrose    1 12:27  -622  367 
                                             2.4832 Biddy       2 16:18  -718  271 
                                             3.4369 ChiliB.     1  6:29  -880  109 

On 1st draw, FIDGE H4 28 --- FIDGE to fidget [v]
Other moves: FIDGE H8 22, FIDGE H5 20, FIDGE H6 20, FIDGE H7 20, PEGH H5 20
FIDGE H4 28 PIThompson
HIDE H5 16 naomiari
HIP H6 16 tonikay

On 2nd draw, MAUVES 9C 26 --- MAUVE a purple colour [n]
Other tops: MURVAS 9C 26
Other moves: AMUSIVE 5D 24, FAUVES 4H 24, MISAVER 5G 24, ERUVS 9D 23, VUMS 9E 23
VUMS 9E 23 PIThompson
MARES 9D 19 naomiari
RAVES I1 19 tonikay
VAGUES 7F 12 pickrose

On 3rd draw, TRANCED I9 77 --- TRANCE to put into a trance (a semiconscious state) [v]
ACED 8A 36 PIThompson
DEAN 8A 25 naomiari
TRANCED D7 22 Biddy
MACED C9 20 pickrose
FA 4H 5 tonikay

On 4th draw, TEE(N)DING 15E 83 --- TEEND to kindle [v]
Other tops: INGE(S)TED 15B 83, TEENDI(N)G 15E 83, (S)IGNETED 15B 83, (S)TEEDING 15E 83
Other moves: E(X)IGEANT 11D 82, GENITI(V)E 5E 82, GENITU(R)E E4 82, GE(M)INATE 11D 82, INTE(R)AGE 11D 82
ED(I)TING 15H 27 PIThompson
TINGED 15D 27 pickrose
G(L)INTED 15C 24 Biddy
G(R)EED 15E 18 naomiari, tonikay

On 5th draw, DEADBOLT 6H 66 --- DEADBOLT a lock for a door [n]
Other tops: DEADBOLT 6E 66
Other moves: GLOBATED 7H 64, DOAB 8A 41, ALBEDO 14B 37, ABED 8A 36, BEAD 8A 36
BEAD 8A 36 naomiari
BLED 8A 36 PIThompson
BLADE 14C 23 tonikay
BLOATED 6B 18 Biddy
BLAND 12F 9 magictwig

On 6th draw, PEAK 8A 60 --- PEAK to reach a maximum [v]
Other tops: BEAK 8A 60, BOAK 8A 60
Other moves: BANKET O1 51, KNAP 8A 50, KNOB 8A 50, KNOP 8A 50, KOAP 8A 50
BOAK 8A 60 PIThompson
BAKEN D8 28 pickrose
TAKEN O6 27 naomiari, tonikay
TOKEN O6 27 magictwig

On 7th draw, AWE 14E 31 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: EWT 14E 31
Other moves: TAWTIE O3 30, TAW 14D 29, TEW 14D 29, WAIT 10B 29, AW 14E 28
AWE 14E 31 PIThompson
TWITE O6 24 naomiari
TWO O6 18 pickrose
TOW O6 18 magictwig
TOWED K2 18 Biddy
WADE K4 16 tonikay

On 8th draw, EX 14I 50 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: XI J14 50
Other moves: EXTIRP O4 48, PRETAX O3 48, EXTRA O4 39, RETAX O4 39, AX 7L 38
XI J14 50 naomiari, PIThompson
PRETAX O3 48 magictwig, pickrose
PIX G3 29 tonikay

On 9th draw, RATOONED O4 80 --- RATOON to sprout from a root planted the previous year [v]
Other moves: ENAMORADO C6 76, ADORNED K5 36, OARED 13C 31, OREAD 13C 31, DOONA 5J 29
TORNADO O6 27 Biddy
DONOR 13C 27 PIThompson
ADORE 13B 21 tonikay
TRADE O6 18 pickrose
TREND O6 18 naomiari

On 10th draw, RIVET 13C 34 --- RIVET to fasten with a type of metal bolt [v]
Other moves: VOTER 13C 31, REV 13E 29, VIER 10B 29, TROVE 13B 28, VIRION K10 28
RIVET 13C 34 PIThompson
TROVE 13B 28 tonikay, magictwig
ROVE 13C 26 naomiari

On 11th draw, ORDALIU(M) K4 82 --- ORDALIUM resolving a disputed question by divination [n]
Other moves: POL(Y)URIA A8 80, OURALI(S) N8 77, PLIO(S)AUR A8 77, U(N)ILOBAR L1 72, BIO(V)ULAR L6 70
FRAIL 4H 16 magictwig
(T)AIL 7C 14 tonikay
ROU(T) B10 13 PIThompson
ROB L4 10 pickrose
KA(S) D8 6 naomiari

On 12th draw, BEGOT N10 41 --- BEGET to cause to exist [v]
Other moves: COZE L1 40, COBZA 11E 36, COZE 7C 35, BOOZER 4J 34, COZ 7C 34
COZE L1 40 PIThompson
BOOZER 4J 34 magictwig, pickrose
COZ J2 31 naomiari
ZO L3 26 tonikay

On 13th draw, WASPS B10 47 --- WASP a stinging insect [n]
Other tops: WISPS B10 47
Other moves: PAWS M11 39, WAPS M11 38, PAW M11 35, SWAPS B10 35, WAP M11 34
WASP L1 34 PIThompson
WAS M11 26 tonikay
SUPS E8 23 naomiari
POWS 4J 18 pickrose
SWIPE B4 12 magictwig
SOPS 4J 12 Biddy

On 14th draw, JOIN 7C 46 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other moves: JOR 7C 45, JO 7C 44, JOIN L1 42, COIF L1 34, CONF L1 34
JOIN 7C 46 magictwig
JOR 7C 45 tonikay
JOIN L1 42 PIThompson
COJOIN M3 32 Biddy
JOE B6 26 naomiari
JOIN 4J 22 pickrose

On 15th draw, YUCH L1 42 --- YUCH expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: CHROMY M3 38, MUCH L1 38, CHUM L1 36, HYMN L1 36, HYMN L10 33
YUCH L1 42 PIThompson
HOMY 4J 24 ChiliB.
MY I3 18 naomiari
HORN 4J 14 pickrose
HOKA D6 11 tonikay
CHAR(M) 11G 9 Biddy, magictwig

On 16th draw, OMNIFY 1G 42 --- OMNIFY to make universal [v]
Other tops: INFAMY 1G 42
Other moves: FOAMY 1H 39, FAME M11 38, FEM O13 31, ANOMY 1H 30, FANE M11 30
INFAMY 1G 42 ChiliB., Biddy
FOAMY 1H 39 PIThompson
FAME M11 38 tonikay
FEM O13 31 naomiari
MEANY 1H 30 magictwig
MONEY 1H 30 Faeythe, pickrose

On 17th draw, ROTULAS 2A 70 --- ROTULA the knee-cap [n]
Other tops: TORULAS 2A 70
Other moves: TRISULA E5 39, ROSULA M9 32, ROTULA M9 32, TORULA M9 32, LOTAS M9 28
STAG 12K 19 tonikay
SLUG 12K 19 PIThompson
SLAG 12K 19 magictwig
STAR 2D 8 naomiari
SAG 12L 8 ChiliB.

On 18th draw, QUERY D1 54 --- QUERY to question [v]
Other tops: QUEYN D1 54
Other moves: QUEY D1 52, QUERN D1 48, QUINE D1 48, QUIRE D1 48, QUIN D1 46
QUEYN D1 54 PIThompson
QUERY D1 54 magictwig, pickrose, Biddy
QI 6E 28 tonikay, naomiari
QI D12 22 ChiliB.

On 19th draw, ZHO 13L 30 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZING L12 28, ZIG 12L 26, HIN O13 25, ZOL 13M 24, HI M13 22
ZHO 13L 30 PIThompson, naomiari
ZING L12 28 magictwig
ZO 13M 22 tonikay
ZIP A6 14 pickrose
ZED 11M 13 ChiliB.
ZIG L13 13 Biddy

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