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Game of August 15, 2011 at 22:08, 8 players
1. 523 pts Thuwal
2. 514 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 415 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeflps   H4    28    28   falsed
 2. eemnttu   6D    68    96   temulent
 3. deilott   E2    68   164   toileted
 4. abeeoqs   D4    52   216   qats
 5. aaefhru   2B    38   254   furth
 6. ?aemnno   K4    86   340   antinome
 7. addioru   1F    26   366   addio
 8. eegnorv   1A    38   404   vego
 9. acekptz   L1    50   454   zeta
10. ?eeiopy   1L    45   499   zyme
11. eeilnor   M3    75   574   eloiner
12. aabijrv   8J    63   637   injera
13. achiprv  J10    34   671   harp
14. begilot   O3    64   735   obligate
15. acikrsx  13J    42   777   pickax
16. enosuvw   N6    36   813   wero
17. aginopr   C7    88   901   pignora
18. biinsuu  O13    30   931   xis
19. bcnsuwy  14I    40   971   wyn
20. bcirsuv  12C    26   997   rubric

Remaining tiles: suv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5876 FileThuwal      4 21:18  -474  523     1.6427 GLOBEMAN    5 20:42  -483  514 
  2.6427 FileGLOBEMAN    5 20:42  -483  514     2.6350 immy        1  5:47  -855  142 
  3.5163 Filetonikay     3 24:10  -582  415     3.6285 sunshine12  2  4:24  -909   88 
  4.5135 Filelorispr     1 11:33  -767  230            Group: novice
  5.6350 Fileimmy        1  5:47  -855  142     1.5876 Thuwal      4 21:18  -474  523 
  6.6285 Filesunshine12  2  4:24  -909   88     2.5163 tonikay     3 24:10  -582  415 
  7.4851 FileBiddy       0  5:24  -917   80     3.5135 lorispr     1 11:33  -767  230 
  8.4411 FileChiliB.     1  3:43  -924   73            Group: not rated
                                             1.4851 Biddy       0  5:24  -917   80 
                                             2.4411 ChiliB.     1  3:43  -924   73 

On 1st draw, FALSED H4 28 --- FALSE to deceive [v]
Other tops: FLAPS H4 28
Other moves: FADES H4 26, PELFS H4 26, FALSE H4 24, FALSED H7 24, FEALS H4 24
FLAPS H4 28 GLOBEMAN, Thuwal, ChiliB., immy, tonikay

On 2nd draw, TEMULENT 6D 68 --- TEMULENT pertaining to temulence [adj]
Other moves: FUMETTE 4H 24, NEUME G5 24, EMEU G4 21, FUMET 4H 20, EMEU G7 19
FUMET 4H 20 immy
MEET G5 18 tonikay
UNMET I1 17 Thuwal
MUTATE 5E 16 Biddy
MELT 6F 12 ChiliB.

On 3rd draw, TOILETED E2 68 --- TOILET to dress and groom oneself [v]
Other moves: TOILETED 8B 60, TOILETED 8D 60, TOLUIDE G3 28, FLITTED 4H 22, LIDO 5C 22
TIDE 5C 22 Thuwal
LODE 7C 15 tonikay
DOTTED 9C 11 ChiliB.

On 4th draw, QATS D4 52 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT D4 48, BOATS D3 26, BOETS D3 26, QATS K4 26, ABASE 5H 24
QATS D4 52 GLOBEMAN, tonikay, Thuwal
QAT D4 48 immy
QI 4D 22 ChiliB.

On 5th draw, FURTH 2B 38 --- FURTH forth [adv]
Other moves: EARTH 2B 32, HAFTER 2B 28, SHEAF 7H 28, AFEAR 5H 27, FAH F8 25
FURTH 2B 38 Thuwal
FATHER K4 24 Biddy, immy
FAR F1 14 tonikay

On 6th draw, ANT(I)NOME K4 86 --- ANTINOME one that is opposite to another [n]
Other moves: AN(E)MONE 1F 82, A(G)NOMEN 1F 82, ANEMON(E) 1F 79, AN(E)MONE D9 71, A(G)NOMEN D9 71
NOME 1A 33 Thuwal, lorispr
ANEMON(E) 1F 29 Biddy
MEN 1A 22 immy
MAN 3A 19 tonikay

On 7th draw, ADDIO 1F 26 --- ADDIO good-bye [interj]
Other moves: INROAD 8J 24, AROID 1F 23, AUDIO 1F 23, DEODAR I5 23, DORAD L9 23
ADO 1F 17 Thuwal
DID L9 15 tonikay
DO 1A 14 lorispr

On 8th draw, VEGO 1A 38 --- VEGO a vegetarian [n]
Other moves: VENGE L1 34, VERGE L1 34, REGO 1A 29, VEG 1A 29, GENE 1A 28
REVENGE 11E 22 lorispr
ROVE J11 11 tonikay
GOVERN 9J 11 Biddy

On 9th draw, ZETA L1 50 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: PACKET 2J 50
Other moves: ZACK 4J 38, ZAP J9 37, ZEP J9 37, ZAKAT 4J 36, KEPT L1 34
ZACK 4J 38 lorispr
ZAP J9 37 tonikay, GLOBEMAN
ZAP 4J 28 Thuwal

On 10th draw, ZY(M)E 1L 45 --- ZYME a ferment [n]
Other moves: PEEOY 2J 42, PEEOY(S) 2J 42, ZEP(S) 1L 42, ZIP(S) 1L 42, PEE(O)Y 2J 40
ZIP(S) 1L 42 lorispr
TOY 3L 12 tonikay
PEE(K) 2K 10 Thuwal

On 11th draw, ELOINER M3 75 --- ELOINER one that eloins [n]
Other moves: ELOINER C7 72, ELOINER D9 69, ELOINER F9 64, ELOINER G9 63, ELOINER I9 63
LONER J9 17 lorispr, Thuwal
RILE L9 16 tonikay

On 12th draw, INJERA 8J 63 --- INJERA a type of Ethiopian bread [n]
Other moves: AJIVA F9 34, AJIVA L11 34, AJIVA D9 33, JAB J9 33, AJAR J8 32
JAB J9 33 tonikay, Thuwal

On 13th draw, HARP J10 34 --- HARP to play on a harp (a type of stringed musical instrument) [v]
Other moves: HAP J10 33, HAIR J10 32, ARCHIVE 11E 30, HA J10 30, CHARPIE 11E 28
HARP J11 20 tonikay
RACH L11 20 Thuwal

On 14th draw, OBLIGATE O3 64 --- OBLIGATE to oblige [v]
Other moves: OBLIGER 12D 24, BEGET I3 23, OB 2I 22, BEE 2J 21, OBLIGE D9 21
BEGOT G8 17 tonikay
POLE 13J 12 Thuwal

On 15th draw, PICKAX 13J 42 --- PICKAX to use a pickax (a tool for breaking hard surfaces) [v]
Other moves: SAICK 14J 38, CARKS 14F 31, RAX F8 31, SAX F8 31, SIX F8 31
OX J1 25 Thuwal
SAX 14J 24 tonikay

On 16th draw, WERO N6 36 --- WERO a ritual challenge issued to a visitor to a marae (Maori) [n]
Other tops: EXON O12 36, OXEN O12 36, OXES O12 36, WORE N6 36
Other moves: REWS N8 31, ROWS N8 31, OWSE 2I 30, REW N8 30, ROW N8 30
OXEN O12 36 Thuwal
SWAN N11 14 tonikay

On 17th draw, PIGNORA C7 88 --- PIGNUS property held as security for a debt [n]
Other moves: PORANGI C7 86, PORANGI G8 71, PIGNORA G8 70, AXON O12 36, AIRSTOPS 7A 25
AXON O12 36 GLOBEMAN, Thuwal
OX O12 10 tonikay

On 18th draw, XIS O13 30 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: BI 14N 25, BURINS 12A 22, AHIS F1 21, BINS 14G 20, BUNS 14G 20
XIS O13 30 tonikay, lorispr, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BURNS 12A 20 Thuwal

On 19th draw, WYN 14I 40 --- WYN a rune denoting bliss [n]
Other tops: BUYS 14H 40
Other moves: BYS 14I 39, BUSY 14G 38, SWY 14H 38, BUY 14H 37, NYS 14I 37
BUYS 14H 40 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
NY 2I 28 Thuwal
BUNS 14G 20 lorispr
BUY B13 20 tonikay

On 20th draw, RUBRIC 12C 26 --- RUBRIC a part of a manuscript or book that appears in red [n]
Other moves: CRAB N11 24, CURBS 12A 24, SCAB N11 24, VIRUS 12A 24, CAB N12 22
CURBS 12A 24 Thuwal
CURS 12A 18 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
GUV C1 14 lorispr
RIB D13 10 tonikay

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