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Game of August 16, 2011 at 01:14, 7 players
1. 574 pts jeff
2. 497 pts immy
3. 229 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaegkop   H8    34    34   gopak
 2. ?eeqrru  11E   114   148   remarque
 3. abdiotx   I8    50   198   ixora
 4. aaadent  M10    32   230   adnate
 5. ?cdehii   N4    85   315   ceilidh
 6. aeirstv   O8    98   413   taivers
 7. cdgrsuy  15H    42   455   scryde
 8. aehnstz   O1    81   536   sazhen
 9. beeilou   G9    27   563   bum
10. afglmot   M3    33   596   golf
11. eeimnty   J4    37   633   enmity
12. aejnopr   L2    41   674   jar
13. aelnotu   E5    66   740   outlearn
14. dfimnor   8A    33   773   infold
15. abelmow   D1    36   809   weamb
16. eilnopu   F3    32   841   unipod
17. egllort   1A    30   871   glower
18. elostvw  12A    34   905   wovens

Remaining tiles: eiiltt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6970 Filejeff        3 12:45  -331  574     1.6970 jeff        3 12:45  -331  574 
  2.6352 Fileimmy        1 13:16  -408  497     2.6352 immy        1 13:16  -408  497 
  3.5829 Filenarisa      0  7:21  -676  229     3.6531 dannyboy    1  3:05  -796  109 
  4.5156 Filetonikay     0 10:08  -698  207            Group: novice
  5.4316 Filepickrose    1  6:03  -786  119     1.5829 narisa      0  7:21  -676  229 
  6.6531 Filedannyboy    1  3:05  -796  109     2.5156 tonikay     0 10:08  -698  207 
  7.  -  FileSnook       0  4:07  -837   68            Group: not rated
                                             1.4316 pickrose    1  6:03  -786  119 
                                             2.  -  Snook       0  4:07  -837   68 

On 1st draw, GOPAK H8 34 --- GOPAK a folk dance [n]
Other moves: APEAK H8 32, GOPAK H4 28, POAKA H4 28, POAKE H4 28, APEAK H4 24
APEAK H8 32 jeff
PEAK H5 20 immy
POKE H5 20 narisa
POKE H6 20 tonikay

On 2nd draw, RE(M)ARQUE 11E 114 --- REMARQUE a mark made in the margin of an engraved plate [n]
Other moves: QUA(V)ERER 11F 82, REQU(I)RE I4 76, PERR(U)QUE 10H 72, PERRUQ(U)E 10H 70, (S)QUARER 11E 60
(S)QUARER 11E 60 jeff
QUEER(S) 13C 42 immy
P(I)QUE 10H 35 tonikay
QUA 11F 12 narisa

On 3rd draw, IXORA I8 50 --- IXORA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: TEABOX L10 46, BOX I7 43, BORAX I9 42, TIX I7 39, OXID M8 38
BOX I7 43 jeff, tonikay
XI 12L 36 narisa
TAXI 12L 28 immy

On 4th draw, ADNATE M10 32 --- ADNATE joined to another part or organ [adj]
Other moves: DANT M11 28, DATA M11 28, DATE M11 28, DEAN M11 28, DENT M11 28
DENT M11 28 immy, jeff
DEN 12D 12 narisa, tonikay

On 5th draw, CEI(L)IDH N4 85 --- CEILIDH a night of song,story and dancing [n]
Other moves: CHI(V)IED J2 75, CHI(V)IED N4 75, CHI(M)ERID E6 63, CE(P)HEID 15I 48, DEHI(S)CE 15G 45
HEED 15L 36 narisa, immy, jeff, tonikay

On 6th draw, TAIVERS O8 98 --- TAIVER to wander aimlessly [v]
Other moves: EVIRATES 15G 86, TAIVERS 13B 85, VERITAS 13B 85, VERITAS J2 74, EVIRATES 5H 72
STRIVE 15H 39 jeff
STARVE 15H 39 immy
VEST 15L 33 narisa
RAVES 13D 22 tonikay

On 7th draw, SCRYDE 15H 42 --- SCRY to engage in crystal gazing [v]
Other moves: CRUDY J5 31, CURDY J5 31, GU(M)S G9 31, DURGY J5 30, GUY 10D 30
GUY 10D 30 immy
YUGS 13E 23 tonikay
SUD 13I 19 narisa, jeff

On 8th draw, SAZHEN O1 81 --- SAZHEN a Russian measure approx. 2 metres [n]
Other moves: ZANTES 12A 54, ZANTE 12A 50, TANHS O1 49, ZANTES 13C 45, EATH O1 44
HAZES 12B 38 immy, jeff
HAZES F8 37 narisa
HEN 12D 16 tonikay

On 9th draw, BU(M) G9 27 --- BUM of little value; worthless [adj] --- BUM to live idly [v]
Other moves: BEECH 4K 24, BELCH 4K 24, BETES 14K 24, BITES 14K 24, BITOS 14K 24
BELCH 4K 24 narisa
LOB 10D 23 immy, jeff

On 10th draw, GOLF M3 33 --- GOLF to play golf (a type of ball game) [v]
Other tops: ALOFT M2 33, OFLAG M4 33
Other moves: FLAM M2 31, FOAM M2 31, LOFT M3 31, FLOTA M2 30, GOAF M2 30
FLAM M2 31 jeff
FAG J6 20 immy

On 11th draw, ENMITY J4 37 --- ENMITY hostility [n]
Other moves: MINY J6 35, MITY J6 35, MEINEY J4 33, MEINY J5 32, MINTY J5 32
MINY J6 35 immy
MOCH 4L 22 jeff

On 12th draw, JAR L2 41 --- JAR to vibrate from an impact [v]
Other moves: PEAR L1 39, JAPER 12B 32, JAPE 10B 31, NEAR L1 31, PAR L2 31
JAR L2 41 jeff
JAPER 12B 32 immy

On 13th draw, OUTLEARN E5 66 --- OUTLEARN to surpass in learning [v]
Other moves: LUTEA 1H 30, AUNE K5 23, EANED L11 20, ELUANTS 1I 20, LUNATES 1I 20
TALES 1K 18 jeff
NATES 1K 18 pickrose
TUNA 1I 17 Snook
LOTE 12B 10 immy

On 14th draw, INFOLD 8A 33 --- INFOLD to fold inwards [v]
Other moves: INFORM F1 31, FIORD D1 29, FROND D1 29, FIRM F3 27, FORM F3 27
INFORM F1 31 jeff
DOM F4 24 immy
FOIL 8B 8 pickrose

On 15th draw, WEAMB D1 36 --- WEAMB the womb [n]
Other moves: BELOW D1 31, EMBOW D1 31, BEMAD F4 30, BOWEL D1 28, FLAMBE C8 28
ELBOW D1 27 dannyboy
BLAW 1J 22 jeff
NOW B8 14 immy
WON B6 14 pickrose

On 16th draw, UNIPOD F3 32 --- UNIPOD a one-legged support [n]
Other tops: UNIPED F3 32
Other moves: LOPED F4 31, PLEON C2 31, OPED F5 30, PEON C3 29, LINEUP 2A 28
PLOW 1A 27 jeff, pickrose, dannyboy, Snook
ENOW 1A 21 immy

On 17th draw, GLOWER 1A 30 --- GLOWER to scowl [v]
Other moves: GROWL 1A 27, TROWEL 1A 27, WORTLE 1D 27, FROGLET C8 24, GLOW 1A 24
GLOWER 1A 30 jeff, pickrose, dannyboy, immy
GROW 1A 24 Snook

On 18th draw, WOVENS 12A 34 --- WOVEN a woven fabric [n]
Other moves: TEWS 13E 33, TOWS 13E 33, LOW G5 31, SOW G5 31, TWOS 13E 30
WOVENS 12A 34 jeff
LOWEST 13A 27 immy
OWES 2B 25 dannyboy
LOWEST B1 22 pickrose

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