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Game of August 16, 2011 at 14:57, 9 players
1. 572 pts una
2. 547 pts margalang
3. 501 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaaefl   H4    24    24   favela
 2. deejnor   G7    43    67   rejon
 3. aeeikmr  11E    52   119   mankier
 4. abensst  H11    30   149   kanes
 5. einprrs  14A    74   223   prerinse
 6. ?adnrty   5D    94   317   intraday
 7. ehimrsu  13G    89   406   inhumers
 8. abdinot   C8    78   484   obtained
 9. afgotuv   8A    36   520   goof
10. aaeettu  A11    24   544   taupe
11. beiioos  12K    33   577   oboes
12. aceghin  14J    40   617   hag
13. ccdeipt   O6    36   653   depicts
14. aeglltu   J1    63   716   glutaeal
15. deiotuz  F10    62   778   za
16. deioovw   4A    36   814   woodie
17. eilnvvx   1E    51   865   vexing
18. ciiotvy  15L    29   894   otic
19. ilquvwy   1E    26   920   vexingly

Remaining tiles: iquvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6561 Fileuna         2 16:43  -348  572     1.6561 una         2 16:43  -348  572 
  2.6242 Filemargalang   2 22:15  -373  547     2.6242 margalang   2 22:15  -373  547 
  3.6273 Filesunshine12  3 25:31  -419  501     3.6273 sunshine12  3 25:31  -419  501 
  4.5942 Filejonb5       0 24:35  -437  483     4.6378 immy        0  6:00  -695  225 
  5.5561 Filesabs        3 20:23  -438  482     5.6641 ceosickey   0  0:27  -895   25 
  6.4633 Fileleobill     0 12:55  -680  240            Group: novice
  7.6378 Fileimmy        0  6:00  -695  225     1.5942 jonb5       0 24:35  -437  483 
  8.6641 Fileceosickey   0  0:27  -895   25     2.5561 sabs        3 20:23  -438  482 
  9.3394 FileLosh        0  4:16  -895   25            Group: not rated
                                             1.4633 leobill     0 12:55  -680  240 
                                             2.3394 Losh        0  4:16  -895   25 

On 1st draw, FA(V)ELA H4 24 --- FAVELA a slum area [n]
Other tops: AFLA(M)E H3 24, FAE(C)AL H4 24
Other moves: FAE(N)A H4 22, FALA(J) H4 22, FAL(S)E H4 22, FA(B)LE H4 22, FA(N)AL H4 22
FA(V)ELA H4 24 sabs
FLEA(S) H4 22 una, sunshine12
FEAL(S) H4 22 immy
FAL(S)E H4 22 margalang
FLA(K)E H4 22 jonb5

On 2nd draw, REJON G7 43 --- REJON a bullfighting lance [n]
Other moves: JEED G9 37, JEER G9 36, JEON G9 36, JEE G9 35, JOE G9 35
JEED G9 37 margalang, sunshine12
JEER G9 36 una, immy, jonb5
JOE G9 35 sabs

On 3rd draw, MANKIER 11E 52 --- MANKY filthy [adj]
Other moves: KERMA F10 41, KAIM F10 38, KAME F10 38, KAMI F10 38, KAM F10 37
KAME F10 38 jonb5, immy
KAM F10 37 margalang
KIR F10 35 una
MAKER I9 30 sunshine12
MEEK F10 28 sabs

On 4th draw, KANES H11 30 --- KANE a tax paid in produce or livestock [n]
Other tops: KANTS H11 30, KENTS H11 30, KESTS H11 30, KETAS H11 30
Other moves: BASEST 10J 28, BASNET 10J 28, BASNET 12A 28, BASSET 10J 28, BASSET 12A 28
KANES H11 30 sunshine12
KENTS H11 30 margalang
BEASTS 10J 28 una
BEANS 10J 27 immy
BASSET F10 26 jonb5
BEAT 12C 18 sabs
BAN 12D 16 leobill

On 5th draw, PRERINSE 14A 74 --- PRERINSE a rinsing beforehand [n] --- PRERINSE to rinse beforehand [v]
Other tops: REPINERS 14G 74
Other moves: PRERINSE 14F 68, RIPENERS J8 68, PRERINSE J4 64, REPINERS 14C 64, REPINERS J6 64
PENIS 10J 27 immy
PARIES F10 26 jonb5
SPINE 12A 20 una, sabs
FINER 4H 16 leobill
JAP 9G 15 margalang, sunshine12
PRISES 15E 8 Losh

On 6th draw, (I)NTRADAY 5D 94 --- INTRADAY occurring within a single day [adj]
Other tops: D(O)NATARY 5E 94, TANYARD(S) 5D 94
Other moves: TYRAN(N)ED C8 80, TYRAN(T)ED C8 80, TYRA(N)NED C8 80, (T)YRANTED C8 80, AR(O)YNTED C8 74
YAP(S) A12 36 immy
YARD 10J 31 jonb5
NA(P)PY A11 30 leobill
YAD 10J 30 margalang
TR(I)PY A11 30 sabs
(A)DAPT A11 27 una
JAY 9G 17 sunshine12
D(I)RTY K9 8 Losh

On 7th draw, INHUMERS 13G 89 --- INHUMER one that inhumes [n]
Other moves: HEURISM 10I 77, RHENIUMS E2 63, RHIMES I9 42, HEMPS A11 39, HEPS A12 39
HIPS A12 39 immy, margalang
HUMPS A11 39 una, leobill
HEMS 6J 35 sunshine12
MESH 4A 32 jonb5
MESH 6J 30 sabs
SHRINE E1 9 Losh

On 8th draw, OBTAINED C8 78 --- OBTAIN to gain possession of [v]
Other moves: BANDITOS N6 69, BANDIT 6J 32, BONITA 6J 31, ADOPT A11 30, BAITH I9 30
ADOPT A11 30 leobill, una
BAD 6J 27 sabs
*B* 12K 25 sunshine12
BOAT 10J 24 margalang
BOND 4K 21 jonb5

On 9th draw, GOOF 8A 36 --- GOOF to blunder [v]
Other moves: FUGATO 10J 35, FAGOT 10J 34, FOUAT 10J 33, FARO D12 32, F*TS* N10 32
GOOF 8A 36 sabs, sunshine12
FOG 10J 30 jonb5, margalang
FAG 10J 30 una

On 10th draw, TAUPE A11 24 --- TAUPE a dark grey colour [n]
Other tops: ETAPE A11 24
Other moves: ATUA 12K 21, TAPA A12 21, TAPE A12 21, TAPU A12 21, TEPA A12 21
TAUPE A11 24 sabs
TAPE A12 21 margalang, leobill
TEAT 6J 15 una
TATE 10J 12 jonb5
FAT 4H 11 sunshine12

On 11th draw, OBOES 12K 33 --- OBOE a woodwind instrument [n]
Other moves: BOOSE 6J 30, (V)IBES 6H 30, OBOE 12K 29, (V)IBE 6H 29, BOOSES N10 28
BOOSE 6J 30 sunshine12
BOOS 6J 27 una
BOIS 12L 26 margalang
BOS 6J 26 jonb5
BE 6J 25 sabs
BOO B6 11 leobill

On 12th draw, HAG 14J 40 --- HAG to hack [v]
Other moves: ACHINGS O6 39, CHANGES O6 39, GANCHES O6 39, HAE 14J 38, HAEING 6J 38
CHANGES O6 39 sabs, margalang, leobill, sunshine12
ACHINGS O6 39 una
HANG 4J 26 jonb5

On 13th draw, DEPICTS O6 36 --- DEPICT to portray [v]
Other moves: DEPICT 6J 33, PECT(I)C D1 28, EDICTS O7 27, EPICS O8 27, CEDIS O8 24
DEPICTS O6 36 una, sunshine12
DICES O8 24 jonb5
PAD F10 22 margalang
PIECES N8 12 sabs

On 14th draw, GLUTAEAL J1 63 --- GLUTAEAL pertaining to the hip muscle [adj]
Other moves: FETAL 4H 26, GALLED 6J 26, GULLED 6J 26, GALLET N2 25, GULLET N2 25
GALLED 6J 26 una
GLUTE N2 21 jonb5
GATE 6J 21 sabs
GAL F10 15 margalang
JAG 9G 13 sunshine12
GAUGE A5 7 leobill

On 15th draw, ZA F10 62 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: ZO 10F 62
Other moves: TOUZED N2 44, TOUZED 4J 41, ZIG 1H 39, TOUZE N2 37, TOZIE N2 37
ZA F10 62 margalang, una
ZIG 1H 39 sabs, sunshine12, jonb5
Z(I)T D4 22 leobill

On 16th draw, WOODIE 4A 36 --- WOODIE a wood-panelled station wagon [n]
Other moves: OWED 15L 35, WOODIE N2 31, VOGIE 1H 30, WODGE 1G 30, WOODIE N1 29
VOGIE 1H 30 margalang
OW 10I 28 jonb5
WOOD 4A 28 sabs
GOODIE 1J 27 una
VOW N5 21 sunshine12
VOTE F3 9 leobill

On 17th draw, VEXING 1E 51 --- VEX to annoy [v] --- VEXING the act of vexing [n]
Other moves: ILEX 12C 45, EXING 1F 39, EX I2 36, EX 12E 32, VIEW A1 30
EX I2 36 sunshine12
VIEW A1 30 margalang, una, sabs
EX 5A 23 jonb5

On 18th draw, OTIC 15L 29 --- OTIC pertaining to the ear [adj]
Other tops: TYRO D12 29
Other moves: OY 10I 28, VICINITY E1 28, Y*D I3 26, IVY 12C 25, ICY 12C 23
IVY 12C 25 una
OY 3B 22 margalang, jonb5
TOY N5 18 sunshine12

On 19th draw, VEXINGLY 1E 26 --- VEXINGLY in a vexing manner [adv]
Other tops: Y*D I3 26
Other moves: IVY 12C 25, QUIP 8L 25, VLY 3E 22, IWI I9 18, QI N5 18
QUIP 8L 25 ceosickey
QI N5 18 una
QUID 6L 16 sabs, margalang
QI I10 11 sunshine12

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