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Game of August 16, 2011 at 23:18, 4 players
1. 497 pts sandy914
2. 406 pts tonikay
3. 273 pts Lucylulu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aghnost   H4    28    28   hogans
 2. aaelnqu   9H    26    54   squeal
 3. ?acgttv   5E    40    94   gavotte
 4. acdmnry   8L    47   141   yard
 5. filnosu   7B    64   205   fusional
 6. abdelms   L1    40   245   bemads
 7. diorsvw   1I    39   284   wosbird
 8. eejnrty   8A    37   321   jet
 9. aeehipw   2F    42   363   wheep
10. ?ceinux   4A    44   407   xenium
11. eimnott   A1    39   446   minx
12. cdeinry   3I    40   486   dermic
13. aeeelnt   D7    80   566   selenate
14. ailootu  10I    22   588   ita
15. aelnruy   O6    63   651   underlay
16. aeorrvz  C10    49   700   razer
17. bgikopv  E10    39   739   vig
18. bfiikop  14B    36   775   preif
19. bckooot  N12    33   808   bock

Remaining tiles: ioooot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5788 Filesandy914    1 21:32  -311  497     1.5788 sandy914    1 21:32  -311  497 
  2.5171 Filetonikay     0 20:07  -402  406     2.5171 tonikay     0 20:07  -402  406 
  3.5889 FileLucylulu    1  6:49  -535  273     3.5889 Lucylulu    1  6:49  -535  273 
  4.4297 Filepickrose    0  6:26  -664  144            Group: not rated
                                             1.4297 pickrose    0  6:26  -664  144 

On 1st draw, HOGANS H4 28 --- HOGAN a Navaho Indian dwelling [n]
Other tops: THONGS H3 28
Other moves: GNASH H8 26, HANGS H4 26, HOGAN H4 26, HONGS H4 26, SANGH H8 26
GHAST H4 22 sandy914
GHOST H4 22 tonikay

On 2nd draw, SQUEAL 9H 26 --- SQUEAL to utter a sharp, shrill cry [v]
Other tops: LASQUE 9F 26, QUEANS 9C 26, QUENAS 9C 26
Other moves: QUENA G2 25, AQUAE 7H 24, QUEAN 8D 24, AQUA 7H 23, AQUAE I1 22
EQUALS 9C 17 sandy914
QUALE 7F 16 pickrose
LEAN G7 14 tonikay

On 3rd draw, GAVOTT(E) 5E 40 --- GAVOTTE to dance a gavot [v]
Other moves: VAC(S) N6 31, VAG(S) N6 30, VAT(S) N6 29, VACAT(E) L8 28, VACA(N)T L8 28
TAG(S) 8L 20 sandy914
VOCA(L) 5G 18 pickrose
TAG 8L 10 tonikay

On 4th draw, YARD 8L 47 --- YARD to put in a yard (a tract of ground adjacent to a building) [v]
Other moves: MANY 8L 45, MARY 8L 45, YARN 8L 44, MARC 8L 42, MAND 8L 39
MARY 8L 45 sandy914
CRAY 4C 26 tonikay
LARDY M9 18 pickrose

On 5th draw, FUSIONAL 7B 64 --- FUSION the act of melting together [adj] --- FUSIONAL relating to fusion [adj]
Other moves: FILOS L1 35, FINOS L1 35, FOILS L1 35, FOINS L1 35, FOULS L1 35
FILOS L1 35 tonikay
FINS L2 25 sandy914
QIS I9 12 pickrose

On 6th draw, BEMADS L1 40 --- BEMAD to madden [v]
Other moves: MEDALS 10J 39, BEMAD L1 38, MEDAL 10J 38, BALMS L1 35, BEAMS L1 35
MELDS L1 33 tonikay
MAS 8A 22 sandy914
FADES B7 11 pickrose

On 7th draw, WOSBIRD 1I 39 --- WOSBIRD a variant of whore's bird [n]
Other moves: VIEWS 2J 38, VIG 6F 35, VIERS 2J 32, VORS N6 31, DOW M2 30
BROW 1L 27 pickrose
BOWS 1L 27 sandy914
BODS 1L 21 tonikay

On 8th draw, JET 8A 37 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: RENEY 2F 36, TREY 2G 33, JETE 2F 32, TRYE 10J 27, TREY 10K 26
JET I3 23 tonikay, sandy914
JURY C6 18 pickrose

On 9th draw, WHEEP 2F 42 --- WHEEP to give a prolonged whistle [v]
Other moves: HAW 10J 41, HEW 10J 41, HAP 10J 39, HEP 10J 39, PHEW 2G 38
AWE 9A 29 tonikay
WAP 10L 26 sandy914

On 10th draw, XENIU(M) 4A 44 --- XENIUM a present or offering [n]
Other moves: NIXER(S) N4 43, XENI(A) 4A 40, IXI(A) M1 38, I(L)EX M1 38, SEXIN(G) D7 38
EX M3 35 Lucylulu, sandy914
(A)X M3 31 tonikay
MIX 3L 24 pickrose

On 11th draw, MINX A1 39 --- MINX a pert girl [n]
Other moves: ITEM 10I 33, SENTIMO D7 32, EMIT 3A 31, OMIT 3A 31, OMEN 9A 28
MINX A1 39 Lucylulu, sandy914
MO 3B 16 tonikay

On 12th draw, DERMIC 3I 40 --- DERMIC pertaining to the skin [adj] --- DERMIS a layer of the skin [adj]
Other moves: CALENDRY M7 34, IRED 10I 31, DREY 10K 28, NYED 3A 28, DYER B2 27
YE 9B 19 Lucylulu
IN 10I 19 sandy914
FENDY B7 16 tonikay

On 13th draw, SELENATE D7 80 --- SELENATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: SENATE D7 26, ANELE 9A 25, NEELE 10J 24, RECANTER N1 24, RECENTER N1 24
ATE 9A 23 Lucylulu
RACE N1 12 sandy914
FELT B7 9 tonikay

On 14th draw, ITA 10I 22 --- ITA the miriti palm [n]
Other moves: AGIO 6G 20, RICTAL N1 20, RUCOLA N1 20, IT 10I 19, AITU C10 18
QUAIL I9 15 Lucylulu
AT B1 12 sandy914
LOTE 14A 8 tonikay

On 15th draw, UNDERLAY O6 63 --- UNDERLAY to place under [v]
Other moves: YAG 6F 35, LEERY 14B 32, YEARN E11 32, LAYER E10 31, RELAY C10 31
RELAY C10 31 sandy914
AYE C13 21 Lucylulu
RUNE 11K 14 tonikay

On 16th draw, RAZER C10 49 --- RAZER one that razes [n]
Other moves: RAZE C10 45, ZERO C12 43, UNDERLAYER O6 42, ZOEA N12 42, ZEA C12 41
ZOA N12 40 sandy914
ZA C12 37 tonikay, Lucylulu

On 17th draw, VIG E10 39 --- VIG short form of vigorish, a charge paid to a bookie on a bet [n]
Other moves: BIG E10 36, GIP E10 36, PIG E10 36, KIP B13 31, KOB B13 31
KIP N13 27 sandy914, Lucylulu
KI D3 6 tonikay

On 18th draw, PREIF 14B 36 --- PREIF a proof [n]
Other moves: KIF B13 33, KIP B13 31, KOB B13 31, KOP B13 31, BOK B13 29
KIF N13 29 Lucylulu
FOP B13 28 tonikay
KIP N13 27 sandy914

On 19th draw, BOCK N12 33 --- BOCK a dark beer [n] --- BOCK to belch [v]
Other moves: KOBO N12 31, BOKO N12 29, BOOK N12 29, KOB N12 29, BOOKY 13K 28
BOOKY 13K 28 tonikay, sandy914
COOKY 13K 28 Lucylulu

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