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Game of August 17, 2011 at 00:48, 5 players
1. 613 pts jeff
2. 423 pts Faeythe
3. 341 pts naneru

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adinotv   H4    26    26   viand
 2. ?elprvw   5D    28    54   preview
 3. aeimrsy   9B    74   128   rimayes
 4. ?aiiort   D8    72   200   imitator
 5. ehilmoo  15A   167   367   heirloom
 6. eflnost  11A    72   439   flettons
 7. abdgqru   8A    47   486   qadi
 8. aelnnrx   6E    52   538   ex
 9. adeettu   4A    38   576   tatued
10. aceeino   4J    27   603   aeonic
11. aceijlr   A1    39   642   jilter
12. abeegos   K3    44   686   besee
13. bfiprsy   8K    47   733   spiry
14. adhkoru  14F    47   780   khud
15. abfottz   N6    42   822   bortz
16. aefgltu   L8    26   848   pageful
17. acegntu  10C    32   880   tinge
18. acginor  O10    47   927   arcing

Remaining tiles: anoouw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6971 Filejeff        3 15:22  -314  613     1.6971 jeff        3 15:22  -314  613 
  2.6012 FileFaeythe     1 17:34  -504  423     2.6012 Faeythe     1 17:34  -504  423 
  3.4728 Filenaneru      0 20:20  -586  341     3.6086 chammy      0  3:04  -867   60 
  4.  -  Filejuanitarol  0  5:39  -794  133            Group: not rated
  5.6086 Filechammy      0  3:04  -867   60     1.4728 naneru      0 20:20  -586  341 
                                             2.  -  juanitarol  0  5:39  -794  133 

On 1st draw, VIAND H4 26 --- VIAND an article of food [n]
Other moves: AVOID H8 22, DAVIT H4 22, DIVAN H4 22, DIVOT H4 22, VIAND H8 22
VIAND H4 26 jeff
DINT H6 10 naneru

On 2nd draw, PREVI(E)W 5D 28 --- PREVIEW to view or exhibit in advance [v]
Other tops: PR(E)VIEW 5D 28, P(U)RVIEW 5D 28
Other moves: W(H)ARVE 6F 27, PERV(S) 9D 22, PLEW(S) 9D 22, PREV(A)IL 5C 22, REVI(E)W 5E 22
(S)PEW 9H 20 jeff
WE(A)R I6 18 Faeythe
(A)WE I8 11 naneru

On 3rd draw, RIMAYES 9B 74 --- RIMAYE a bergschrund, a crevasse formed where a glacier or snowfield moves away from a mountain wall [n]
Other moves: MIDYEARS 8F 65, SEMINARY 7D 65, MISERY K3 52, SMEARY K5 52, SAMEY K5 50
SMEARY K5 52 jeff, Faeythe
WEARY J5 13 naneru

On 4th draw, IMITA(T)OR D8 72 --- IMITATOR one that imitates [n]
Other tops: IMI(T)ATOR D8 72
Other moves: TIMARIO(T) D7 70, (T)IMARIOT D7 70, TRI(F)ORIA B8 68, (S)ARTORII B7 68, TRI(F)ORIA B4 61
(S)TAIR K5 36 jeff, Faeythe
MATI(E)R D9 14 naneru

On 5th draw, HEIRLOOM 15A 167 --- HEIRLOOM an inherited possession [n]
Other moves: HEIRLOOM B6 73, HOMIE 8A 38, HOMO 4A 34, HELO 4A 30, RHIME 15D 30
HOMO 4A 34 jeff
MOOR 15A 18 naneru
MO 8A 14 Faeythe

On 6th draw, FLETTONS 11A 72 --- FLETTON a type of brick [n]
Other tops: FLE(T)TONS 13A 72, FONTLETS 11A 72, FON(T)LETS 13A 72
Other moves: TEFLONS 14G 68, SOFTEN K5 48, FELTS K1 46, FENTS K1 46, FLOES K1 46
SOFTEN K5 48 jeff
OF 14A 25 Faeythe
WELT J5 9 juanitarol
SO 8A 8 naneru

On 7th draw, QADI 8A 47 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: BURQA 14G 44, QUAI 8A 43, QUAD 4C 41, QUA 6B 36, QUA 4C 34
QUAD 4C 41 jeff
QUA(T) 13A 24 juanitarol
QI C8 22 naneru, Faeythe

On 8th draw, EX 6E 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: EXO 14B 33, LANX 14G 33, PREVI(E)WER 5D 32, ANNEXE F2 31, AXLE 6A 31
EX 6E 52 jeff, Faeythe
EXO 14B 33 naneru
WAXER J5 17 juanitarol

On 9th draw, TATUED 4A 38 --- TATU to mark the skin [v]
Other moves: PREVI(E)WED 5D 34, DUET 4C 31, ADEPT D2 26, APT D4 20, TOAD 14C 20
PREVI(E)WED 5D 34 jeff
DATE 14G 14 Faeythe
DAW J3 7 juanitarol

On 10th draw, AEONIC 4J 27 --- AEONIC eternal [adj]
Other moves: ACETIN A1 24, ANETIC A1 24, CENTAI A1 24, COATEE A1 24, ENATIC A1 24
OCEAN 4J 19 jeff
CENT A1 18 juanitarol
COAT A1 18 naneru, Faeythe

On 11th draw, JILTER A1 39 --- JILTER one that jilts [n]
Other moves: PREVI(E)WER 5D 38, JACARE B1 34, JEAT A1 33, JILT A1 33, JA 3B 31
JEAT A1 33 naneru
JA 3B 31 jeff
CLERIC O4 30 Faeythe
JAW J3 13 juanitarol

On 12th draw, BESEE K3 44 --- BESEE to look to [v]
Other tops: OBESE K2 44
Other moves: BEES K2 42, GEESE K2 42, OBES K2 42, OGEES K1 42, AGES K2 40
GEESE K2 42 jeff
CAGES O4 24 naneru, chammy
JOGS 1A 13 juanitarol

On 13th draw, SPIRY 8K 47 --- SPIRY tall, slender, and tapering [adj]
Other moves: CRISPY O4 39, CYPRIS O4 39, SYBO 14A 37, PRICY O1 36, SPICY O1 36
SPIRY 8K 47 jeff
CRISPY O4 39 Faeythe
PRICY O1 36 chammy
CRIBS O4 27 naneru
FIST C1 14 juanitarol

On 14th draw, KHUD 14F 47 --- KHUD a ravine [n]
Other moves: KHOR 14F 46, KOHA 14F 46, KOURA 14F 43, HOARD 14F 40, KOA 14F 39
DRACK O1 36 Faeythe, naneru
KO 14F 34 jeff
KOND M2 18 juanitarol

On 15th draw, BORTZ N6 42 --- BORTZ diamond fragments [n]
Other moves: ZARF N6 36, BONZA M2 32, FIZ M7 29, OF B1 29, BIZ M7 27
ZARF N6 36 jeff
FIZ M7 29 Faeythe

On 16th draw, PAGEFUL L8 26 --- PAGEFUL as much as a page can hold [n]
Other moves: EF 14A 25, TEGULA 13H 25, FAA B2 24, FEDEX F2 24, GLACE O1 24
EF 14A 25 jeff
GLACE O1 24 naneru
FAULT 13H 21 Faeythe

On 17th draw, TINGE 10C 32 --- TINGE to apply a trace of color to [v]
Other moves: CANGUE 13H 31, TING 10C 28, NEANIC M4 27, INCAGE 2A 22, AGIN M6 21
ACUTE O10 19 jeff
ACE O10 17 Faeythe
ANT O10 15 naneru

On 18th draw, ARCING O10 47 --- ARC to make an electric discharge [v] --- ARCING an electrical discharge [n]
Other moves: ANGICO O10 44, ORGIAC O10 44, AGONIC O10 41, ANIONIC M3 41, OARING O10 35
ORIGAN O10 35 naneru
ON B1 17 jeff

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