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Game of August 17, 2011 at 01:32, 4 players
1. 604 pts jeff
2. 493 pts Lucylulu
3. 352 pts naneru

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adimort   H7    24    24   diatom
 2. abdemns  11E   102   126   abdomens
 3. aelstty  13H    82   208   stylate
 4. ?boruuv  N10    32   240   voyeur
 5. ?aprswy   L4    88   328   spurways
 6. eiiorst   M1    76   404   riotise
 7. ceeklno   7A    67   471   enlocked
 8. adfhpru   A4    42   513   fadeur
 9. aghilou  15L    33   546   hora
10. abceiil   1H    42   588   calibre
11. deefgno   O1    72   660   defog
12. aeegiuw  10J    32   692   wey
13. aehilnu  12C    34   726   lehaim
14. aeioqrx  13A    43   769   orixa
15. eeintuv   C2    74   843   veinulet
16. eginnqt   4A    28   871   feinting
17. gjnopuz  A12    69   940   zoon
18. gijpqru   F2    35   975   quip

Remaining tiles: gijr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6972 Filejeff        3  9:44  -371  604     1.6972 jeff        3  9:44  -371  604 
  2.5898 FileLucylulu    4 18:00  -482  493     2.6086 chammy      0  0:54  -943   32 
  3.4735 Filenaneru      2 13:18  -623  352            Group: novice
  4.6086 Filechammy      0  0:54  -943   32     1.5898 Lucylulu    4 18:00  -482  493 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4735 naneru      2 13:18  -623  352 

On 1st draw, DIATOM H7 24 --- DIATOM any of a class of algae [n]
Other moves: DIATOM H4 22, DIRAM H8 22, MARID H4 22, DIATOM H3 20, DIATOM H8 20
ADMIT H4 18 naneru
DRAM H7 14 jeff

On 2nd draw, ABDOMENS 11E 102 --- ABDOMEN the body cavity containing the viscera [n]
Other moves: BEDAMNS 13B 86, BEDAMNS G9 84, BEDAMNS I9 84, BEDAMNS G4 77, BEADSMAN 9B 68
MANED G9 28 jeff
BAND I6 21 naneru

On 3rd draw, STYLATE 13H 82 --- STYLATE bearing a stylet [adj]
Other tops: STATELY 13H 82
Other moves: STATELY G3 81, STYLATE G3 72, STYLATE I3 72, LAYETTES J8 71, STYLATE G1 69
YEAST 10J 35 Lucylulu
STATELY 13H 32 chammy
YEAST 12A 26 jeff
TASTY L9 16 naneru

On 4th draw, VO(Y)EUR N10 32 --- VOYEUR one who is sexually gratified by looking at sexual objects or acts [n]
Other moves: B(E)VER N10 30, T(A)BOUR 10H 30, VO(M)ER N10 30, VO(T)ER N10 30, VO(W)ER N10 30
BO(O)R 10J 24 Lucylulu
V(E)RB 12B 20 jeff
SOAR(S) L11 8 naneru

On 5th draw, SP(U)RWAYS L4 88 --- SPURWAY a bridle road [n]
Other moves: SPYWAR(E)S L4 82, PAR(K)WAYS 9C 76, SPYWAR(E) G1 70, SPYWAR(E) I1 70, W(H)IPRAYS 8F 69
PRAY(E)RS 15I 45 naneru
WARY 15L 42 jeff, Lucylulu

On 6th draw, RIOTISE M1 76 --- RIOTISE riot [n]
Other moves: RIOTISE G3 69, RIOTISE I3 69, RIOTISE G1 63, RIOTISE I1 63, RIOTISES 4E 59
SWIRE 8K 24 jeff
STORE M3 22 Lucylulu
TRIERS 15J 21 naneru

On 7th draw, ENLOCKED 7A 67 --- ENLOCK to lock up [v]
Other moves: CONKER 1H 39, CORK 15L 39, KERN 15L 39, KERO 15L 39, KORE 15L 39
CORK 15L 39 jeff
CLERK 15K 36 Lucylulu, naneru

On 8th draw, FADEUR A4 42 --- FADEUR dullness [n]
Other moves: FADER A4 39, FARED A4 39, FRAP 1L 39, HARED A4 39, HARP 15L 39
HARP 15L 39 jeff
FRAP 1L 39 naneru, Lucylulu

On 9th draw, HORA 15L 33 --- HORA an Israeli dance [n]
Other tops: HARL 15L 33, HARO 15L 33, HORI 15L 33, HURL 15L 33
Other moves: GLIOMA 12D 32, HAY 10J 32, HOY 10J 32, AHING B4 29, LAITH 10E 28
HORA 15L 33 jeff
HURL 15L 33 naneru, Lucylulu

On 10th draw, CALIBRE 1H 42 --- CALIBRE the diameter of a gun barrel [n]
Other moves: CABRIE 1J 39, CALIBER 1G 36, CABLER 1H 33, CRAB 1L 33, CRIB 1L 33
CRAB 1L 33 naneru, Lucylulu, jeff

On 11th draw, DEFOG O1 72 --- DEFOG to remove fog from [v]
Other moves: DONG O1 63, DEF O1 60, DOF O1 60, DOGE O1 60, DONEE O1 60
DONG O1 63 jeff
FENCED E4 24 naneru
FOND 12B 19 Lucylulu

On 12th draw, WEY 10J 32 --- WEY a measure or weight for dry goods [n]
Other tops: WAY 10J 32
Other moves: TAW 10H 31, TEW 10H 31, AWING B4 29, WEEING B3 27, WENGE B5 26
WAY 10J 32 Lucylulu, jeff
WAGE 12C 23 naneru

On 13th draw, LEHAIM 12C 34 --- LEHAIM a traditional Jewish toast [n]
Other moves: HADE G9 27, HIDE G9 27, HEAPING 5I 26, HELPING 5I 26, INHALE 12A 26
INHALE 12A 26 jeff
HALE 12C 20 Lucylulu

On 14th draw, ORIXA 13A 43 --- ORIXA a Yoruba deity [n]
Other moves: AX 8C 36, IXORA 13A 36, OX 8C 36, OX I8 36, FAQIR 4A 34
AX 8C 36 jeff
REX B3 24 Lucylulu

On 15th draw, VEINULET C2 74 --- VEINULET a small vein [n]
Other moves: VOTE A12 33, NEVE N5 26, NEVI N5 26, EVINCE E3 22, VEINLET C3 22
VOTE A12 33 jeff
NAVE 9G 18 Lucylulu

On 16th draw, FEINTING 4A 28 --- FEINT to make a deceptive movement [v]
Other moves: QAT 9G 23, TENON D4 23, INVENT 2A 22, GONE A12 21, NEG N5 21
GONE A12 21 jeff
AGE 9H 12 Lucylulu

On 17th draw, ZOON A12 69 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n] --- ZOON to zoom [v]
Other moves: JONG A12 60, POGO A12 30, PONG A12 30, PUTZ E2 30, AZO 9H 28
ZOON A12 69 Lucylulu
JONG A12 60 jeff

On 18th draw, QUIP F2 35 --- QUIP to make witty remarks [v]
Other moves: QI 3F 26, JAP 9G 23, JAG 9G 21, PUJA 9E 21, RAJ 9K 21
QUIP F2 35 jeff, Lucylulu, naneru

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