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Game of August 17, 2011 at 02:59, 4 players
1. 113 pts newfiegirl
2. 90 pts nderera
3. 80 pts ceosickey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ajnprt   H4    42    42   japan
 2. aeemnoq   I4    29    71   amene
 3. deegrss   5E    44   115   degames
 4. eefimor   4A    35   150   formee
 5. ?diiirx   A4    45   195   fixed
 6. aeillnn   K1    58   253   nainsell
 7. adiilrt   B6    27   280   iliad
 8. defostu   A1    63   343   suffixed
 9. diopsty   2D    68   411   dystopia
10. aekortz   1G    75   486   azo
11. anostuu   L1    34   520   unto
12. aborrtw   C9    38   558   barrow
13. ahiirty   8K    36   594   lyart
14. cehistw   O8   107   701   twitches
15. beeklru   N2    46   747   rebuker
16. aghilou  14I    38   785   ghoulie
17. acinort  12H    80   865   cratonic
18. aeeitvv  12A    32   897   vervet

Remaining tiles: agioq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.  -  Filenewfiegirl  0  7:26  -784  113     1.6404 nderera     1  1:45  -807   90 
  2.6404 Filenderera     1  1:45  -807   90     2.6641 ceosickey   0  3:19  -817   80 
  3.6641 Fileceosickey   0  3:19  -817   80            Group: novice
  4.5870 Filebabsbedi    0  3:44  -818   79     1.5870 babsbedi    0  3:44  -818   79 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  newfiegirl  0  7:26  -784  113 

On 1st draw, JAP(A)N H4 42 --- JAPAN to coat with a glossy, black lacquer [v]
Other tops: JAP(E)R H4 42, JARP(S) H4 42, J(A)PAN H4 42
Other moves: J(U)RANT H4 40, JANT(Y) H4 38, JART(A) H4 38, JA(U)NT H4 38, J(A)RTA H4 38

On 2nd draw, AMENE I4 29 --- AMENE pleasant [adj]
Other moves: AMEN I4 26, OMEN I4 26, MANE I3 24, MANO I3 24, MONA I3 24

On 3rd draw, DEGAMES 5E 44 --- DEGAME a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: JAEGERS 4H 30, JAEGER 4H 28, JAGERS 4H 28, DEERS J6 27, DEGS J6 26

On 4th draw, FORMEE 4A 35 --- FORMEE having the arms narrow at the center and expanding toward the ends -- used of a heraldic cross [adj]
Other moves: FORMEE J1 34, MOPER 6F 34, FERMI 4A 31, FORME 4A 31, GOFER G5 31

On 5th draw, FIX(E)D A4 45 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other moves: FIXI(T) A4 42, FIX(E)R A4 42, EDI(T)RIX J5 34, REDI(D) J4 33, REDI(P) J4 33

On 6th draw, NAINSELL K1 58 --- NAINSELL a Scots Highlander [n]
Other moves: ALIEN J2 26, ILEAL B6 24, INANE B6 24, LIEN J3 23, LEAL 3B 22

On 7th draw, ILIAD B6 27 --- ILIAD a long poem [n]
Other tops: INDART 1J 27
Other moves: IRIDAL B6 26, INLAID 1J 24, ELIAD J5 23, IRID B6 22, ALDRIN 1F 21

On 8th draw, SUFFIX(E)D A1 63 --- SUFFIX to add as a suffix (a form affixed to the end of a root word) [v]
Other moves: FROSTED C3 50, FONDEST 1I 39, FONDUES 1I 39, DEFROST C1 37, FASTED 2J 36

On 9th draw, DYSTOPIA 2D 68 --- DYSTOPIA a wretched place [n]
Other moves: PIONY 1H 42, SPINY 1H 42, POINTY 1H 36, POYNTS 1H 36, STONY 1H 36

On 10th draw, AZO 1G 75 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZO 1H 70, KOAN 1H 48, NERTZ 4K 48, NERTZ 1K 45, OAK 1F 43

On 11th draw, UNTO L1 34 --- UNTO to [prep]
Other moves: SOU L2 27, JANNS 4H 26, ANT L1 24, ONS L1 24, UNS L1 24

On 12th draw, BARROW C9 38 --- BARROW a hand propelled cart [n]
Other moves: BOWAT C9 36, ARROW M3 33, BARRO C9 30, BOART C9 30, TOWBAR C9 30
ABORT C10 17 newfiegirl

On 13th draw, LYART 8K 36 --- LYART streaked with gray [adj]
Other tops: LATHY 8K 36
Other moves: HAY B13 33, YAH B13 33, HARRY 12A 30, TAWHIRI 14A 30, YIRTH 12A 30
LATHY 8K 36 nderera
HAY B13 33 newfiegirl

On 14th draw, TWITCHES O8 107 --- TWITCH to move or pull with a sudden motion [v]
Other moves: SWITCHER N1 98, TWITCHES O5 67, SWITCH 15C 66, SWITHE 15C 60, WISHT 15A 57
WISH 15A 54 nderera

On 15th draw, REBUKER N2 46 --- REBUKER one that rebukes [n]
Other moves: KEBELE 14J 44, BAULKER M7 34, BURKER 12A 30, KERB 12A 30, KERERU 12A 30

On 16th draw, GHOULIE 14I 38 --- GHOULIE a demon [n]
Other moves: HOAGIE 14J 36, AHI N13 29, HAG B13 29, HOG B13 29, HA N10 28
HAG B13 29 babsbedi
HI N10 28 ceosickey
AH N13 25 newfiegirl

On 17th draw, CRATONIC 12H 80 --- CRATON a part of the earth's crust [adj] --- CRATONIC relating to a craton [adj]
Other moves: CARROTIN 12A 78, NARCOTIC 12H 76, CAROTIN G7 74, CORTINA G7 74, CRIANT 15G 40
COIN 15H 28 newfiegirl, babsbedi
CANTOR G7 22 ceosickey

On 18th draw, VERVET 12A 32 --- VERVET an African monkey [n]
Other moves: VIAE 15H 31, VARVE 12A 30, VERVE 12A 30, GAVE G5 29, VAV G7 29
VERVE 12A 30 ceosickey
VET O1 22 babsbedi
AT 11K 10 newfiegirl

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