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Game of August 17, 2011 at 03:43, 7 players
1. 455 pts charmz
2. 430 pts gmills0
3. 367 pts babsbedi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdgins   H4    24    24   casing
 2. ?aeilou   4D    68    92   eusocial
 3. aefinpr   6A    67   159   panfries
 4. eflmott   7G    27   186   filemot
 5. abeiosw   8L    50   236   webs
 6. ?annruw   G9    65   301   undrawn
 7. enorrtt   O1    77   378   torrents
 8. ehnoort  14C    68   446   honewort
 9. aeeiluv  15A    32   478   viae
10. begisxy   A6    54   532   pyxies
11. aahklmt   6J    49   581   haka
12. adeimos  11E    90   671   sodamide
13. degoqtv  J10    31   702   qi
14. degiorv   2J    36   738   vigoro
15. aeijtuy  13B    42   780   taj
16. dilopuy  H13    39   819   doy
17. cdeiluz   N8    36   855   bezil
18. degiotu  O11    30   885   dogie
19. bdelptu  L10    22   907   belted

Remaining tiles: cpuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5761 Filecharmz      2 21:39  -452  455     1.6406 nderera     1  5:52  -787  120 
  2.4772 Filegmills0     3 18:54  -477  430            Group: novice
  3.5885 Filebabsbedi    1 14:42  -540  367     1.5761 charmz      2 21:39  -452  455 
  4.4758 Filenaneru      0  8:57  -701  206     2.5885 babsbedi    1 14:42  -540  367 
  5.6406 Filenderera     1  5:52  -787  120            Group: not rated
  6.4942 Filejohnny55    0  5:40  -812   95     1.4772 gmills0     3 18:54  -477  430 
  7.  -  Filenewfiegirl  0  3:25  -885   22     2.4758 naneru      0  8:57  -701  206 
                                             3.4942 johnny55    0  5:40  -812   95 
                                             4.  -  newfiegirl  0  3:25  -885   22 

On 1st draw, CASING H4 24 --- CASING a protective outer covering [n]
Other tops: CANIDS H4 24
Other moves: ASDIC H8 22, CADIS H4 22, CAIDS H4 22, CANGS H4 22, CANID H4 22
CASING H4 24 gmills0, charmz
CASING H3 20 johnny55
GAINS H4 16 newfiegirl
DISC H8 14 babsbedi

On 2nd draw, EU(S)OCIAL 4D 68 --- EUSOCIAL characterized by cooperative specialization of tasks, as in ant colonies [adj]
Other moves: (D)OULEIA G7 65, (D)OULEIA I7 65, EULO(G)IA G8 64, EULO(G)IA I8 64, EULO(G)IAS 6A 61
LOU(S)E G7 15 babsbedi
CO(S)IE 4H 12 charmz
CLOU(D) 4H 12 johnny55
CLO(S)E 4H 12 gmills0
SAIL 6H 6 newfiegirl

On 3rd draw, PANFRIES 6A 67 --- PANFRY to fry in a frying pan [v]
Other tops: FIREPANS 6A 67
Other moves: PIRANA 5E 31, FAINER I7 29, FAINE I7 28, FRAP 5B 28, PERFIN 3J 28
FRAP 5B 28 babsbedi
PILFER K2 22 gmills0
FARE 3J 21 charmz
PLAINER K3 18 johnny55

On 4th draw, FILEMOT 7G 27 --- FILEMOT a dull brown colour [n] --- FILEMOT of a brownish yellow color [adj]
Other tops: PELF A6 27
Other moves: MOTTLE 5J 24, POEM A6 24, POME A6 24, POTTLE A6 24, FILM 7G 23
POEM A6 24 babsbedi
PLOT A6 18 gmills0, johnny55, charmz

On 5th draw, WEBS 8L 50 --- WEB to provide with a web (an interlaced fabric or structure) [v]
Other tops: WABS 8L 50
Other moves: BOWS 8L 45, WAES 8L 44, WAIS 8L 44, WASE 8L 44, WISE 8L 44
BOWS N4 30 babsbedi
WABS N4 28 charmz
PAWS A6 27 gmills0, johnny55

On 6th draw, UN(D)RAWN G9 65 --- UNDRAW to draw open [v]
Other tops: UN(D)RAWN I9 65
Other moves: W(E)NA 6J 39, WAN 6J 37, WAR 6J 37, UNWRAP A1 36, UNWRAP(S) A1 36
PRAWN A6 30 babsbedi
PRAWN(S) A6 30 charmz
PAWN(S) A6 27 gmills0

On 7th draw, TORRENTS O1 77 --- TORRENT a rapid stream of water [n]
Other moves: PORTENT A6 30, REPORT A4 27, PERRON A6 24, PORTER A6 24, POTENT A6 24
REPORT A4 27 charmz
POTENT A6 24 gmills0
TOE H13 22 babsbedi

On 8th draw, HONEWORT 14C 68 --- HONEWORT a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: HOPER A4 42, HORNET 15D 39, THRONE 15C 39, HEN 6J 37, HER 6J 37
THRONE 15C 39 naneru
HORNET 15D 39 babsbedi
HONER 15E 24 charmz
NORTH 15G 24 gmills0

On 9th draw, VIAE 15A 32 --- VIA a way [n]
Other tops: ELUVIA 15J 32, UVAE 15A 32, VLEI 15A 32
Other moves: VEALE 13A 30, LEAVIER 3I 29, VALE 13B 28, VALI 13B 28, VEALIER 12A 28
PAVE A6 27 naneru, charmz, babsbedi
PLEA A6 18 gmills0

On 10th draw, PYXIES A6 54 --- PYXIE an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: SEXY 9K 53, PYXES A6 51, PYXIE A6 51, PYXIS A6 51, PIXY A6 48
PIXY A6 48 gmills0, charmz, naneru
PIXES A6 42 babsbedi

On 11th draw, HAKA 6J 49 --- HAKA a Maori ceremonial war-dance [n]
Other moves: HALAKHA C9 42, HAM 6J 41, KAMA 13B 39, MAK 6J 39, HAT 6J 37
BAHT N8 17 babsbedi
TALK K2 16 charmz
KEA F13 15 naneru
FLAK D6 12 gmills0

On 12th draw, SO(D)AMIDE 11E 90 --- SODAMIDE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: SODAMI(D)ES 11A 72, AMIDASE 13C 49, DISCASING H1 39, DISME 13A 35, MISDO 13A 34
MEDIAS K9 33 babsbedi
DISARM 12C 24 naneru
DIM 3B 16 charmz
MATED M5 10 nderera
NODES C6 8 gmills0

On 13th draw, QI J10 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: TOGED 3C 29, GODET 10J 26, DOVE 12L 24, VETOED L10 24, DOTAGE 13D 23
QI J10 31 babsbedi, gmills0, charmz, nderera

On 14th draw, VIGORO 2J 36 --- VIGORO a ball game played by women [n]
Other moves: BODGIER N8 30, DERV 12L 30, EVIRATED M2 28, GEOID 3C 28, VIRAGO 13D 27
REVIED L10 24 gmills0
END 15F 23 nderera
IDE B8 22 naneru
FIVER D6 15 babsbedi
EVER L11 14 charmz

On 15th draw, TAJ 13B 42 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: AIERY 12D 37, JEAT 13A 37, ANY 15F 35, NYE 15G 35, TOY H13 35
JAY 3B 31 naneru
JOY M1 26 gmills0, nderera
JEE F13 21 charmz

On 16th draw, DOY H13 39 --- DOY dear, a loved one (Scots) [n]
Other tops: PYOID 3C 39
Other moves: LOY H13 35, DOPY 12L 34, DEPLOY L10 32, DULY 12L 30, NY 15G 30
OY H14 30 nderera
YIP 3B 20 charmz
YELP L10 18 gmills0

On 17th draw, BEZIL N8 36 --- BEZIL a slanted surface [n]
Other moves: BIZE N8 35, BEZ N8 34, BIZ N8 34, ZEL 5B 31, COZE M1 30
BIZE N8 35 gmills0, charmz

On 18th draw, DOGIE O11 30 --- DOGIE a stray calf [n]
Other moves: TOGED 3C 29, TOGED O11 29, GEOID 3C 28, TOGUE O11 26, IDE B8 22
TOGED O11 29 charmz
TEED L10 10 gmills0

On 19th draw, BELTED L10 22 --- BELT to fasten with a belt (a strap or band worn around the waist) [v]
Other tops: BEPELT L10 22, PELTED L10 22
Other moves: DEPUTE L10 20, LUD 3K 20, PER 3M 20, PLEB 3A 20, PUB 1K 20
BELTED L10 22 gmills0
BLUE 3A 14 charmz

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