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Game of August 17, 2011 at 12:54, 9 players
1. 649 pts PIThompson
2. 585 pts jeff
3. 553 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeimrtt   H3    74    74   emitter
 2. afiklsu   3C    32   106   flakies
 3. aeinopy   4A    48   154   paeony
 4. eilorsw  10B    74   228   lowries
 5. ehinrux   A4    54   282   phenix
 6. ?deilpu   8H    83   365   epulides
 7. ?belnrt   2H    91   456   reblent
 8. aaehosu   1L    45   501   hose
 9. acfgnoo   B6    31   532   fan
10. acgimor   O4    63   595   orgasmic
11. aiioruz   9C    50   645   zoa
12. egnortw   5C    36   681   gone
13. adeiiot   C9    30   711   zooid
14. aeoqrtu  12A    48   759   quite
15. aanortw   8D    26   785   wot
16. adenrvy   L7    80   865   vineyard
17. adeijsv  15H    65   930   jives
18. aabgrtu  12G    62   992   rutabaga

Remaining tiles: acdiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7588 FilePIThompson  6 12:35  -343  649     1.7588 PIThompson  6 12:35  -343  649 
  2.6966 Filejeff        6 14:45  -407  585            Group: intermediate
  3.6285 Fileiwhist      5 21:39  -439  553     1.6966 jeff        6 14:45  -407  585 
  4.5804 Filecharmz      2 22:21  -444  548     2.6285 iwhist      5 21:39  -439  553 
  5.4550 Fileginalee     3 21:50  -547  445     3.6280 margalang   2  9:56  -647  345 
  6.6280 Filemargalang   2  9:56  -647  345            Group: novice
  7.5548 Filebriz2408    1 13:08  -701  291     1.5804 charmz      2 22:21  -444  548 
  8.5689 Fileworsie      1  7:06  -802  190     2.5548 briz2408    1 13:08  -701  291 
  9.4479 Filecailah      0  6:27  -878  114     3.5689 worsie      1  7:06  -802  190 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4550 ginalee     3 21:50  -547  445 
                                             2.4479 cailah      0  6:27  -878  114 

On 1st draw, EMITTER H3 74 --- EMITTER one that emits [n]
Other moves: EMITTER H2 70, EMITTER H4 70, EMITTER H6 70, EMITTER H7 70, EMITTER H8 70
RETIME H8 22 ginalee
MITRE H4 20 PIThompson
MERIT H4 20 iwhist, charmz
TERMITE H8 20 jeff

On 2nd draw, FLAKIES 3C 32 --- FLAKY a fit of temper [n]
Other moves: KUFIS I1 31, KULFIS 10C 31, ALSIKE 3C 30, KUFIS 10D 30, FISK 10F 29
FISK 10F 29 PIThompson
SIK 10H 27 jeff
KAS 10F 27 charmz
FAS G3 25 briz2408
MILKS 4H 22 iwhist
SKAIL 10H 21 cailah
KITS 6F 18 ginalee

On 3rd draw, PAEONY 4A 48 --- PAEONY a showy flower [n]
Other moves: PEONY 4B 40, YONI 4C 34, PYIN 4B 32, PAEON 4A 31, POLYNIA D1 30
PAEONY 4A 48 PIThompson
YELP D1 26 ginalee
MOPEY 4H 26 iwhist
POLEY D1 26 charmz
PALY D1 24 briz2408
PEAN 4B 23 jeff
SYNE I3 18 cailah
PANE E2 12 worsie

On 4th draw, LOWRIES 10B 74 --- LOWRY a small parrot [n]
Other moves: OWLERIES 8B 62, OWLERIES 8E 62, OWLERS 2I 36, OWLIER 2I 36, PLOWERS A4 36
PLOWERS A4 36 PIThompson, jeff, iwhist
SWIPER A1 33 ginalee, cailah, worsie
WOE 5C 30 charmz
WISP A1 27 briz2408

On 5th draw, PHENIX A4 54 --- PHENIX a mythical bird [n]
Other moves: REX 2H 39, HERN 5B 34, HEX 5B 34, XI 5D 34, RUNE 5C 33
XI 5D 34 PIThompson
MIXER 4H 30 jeff
EXIT 6E 27 ginalee, briz2408
WEX D10 26 charmz
TUX 6H 26 worsie
OXEN C10 22 iwhist
XI G5 20 cailah

On 6th draw, EPULIDE(S) 8H 83 --- EPULIS a tumor of the gums [n]
Other moves: UP(F)IELD 2I 82, UP(P)ILED 2I 82, P(R)ELUDI 2G 77, EUPLOID(S) C6 74, EUPLOID(Y) C6 74
(S)PIE 5C 36 PIThompson
P(A)WED D8 26 worsie
PL(O)WED D7 24 briz2408
UPWI(N)D D8 24 jeff
WIPED D10 22 charmz
POLED C9 22 cailah
MIL(L)ED 4H 18 iwhist
PRIED E9 16 ginalee

On 7th draw, REBL(E)NT 2H 91 --- REBLEND to blend again [v]
Other moves: R(E)BLENT 2H 90, RENT(A)BLE N1 80, BR(A)NTLE(S) O1 77, BR(A)NTLE 2G 76, RENT(A)BLE N7 72
R(O)TE 5C 30 PIThompson
N(O)TE 5C 30 worsie
B(O)WEL D8 24 briz2408
BE(E)T 11C 23 charmz
BONER C9 20 jeff
RENT 2H 19 iwhist
BL(U)NT K7 12 ginalee

On 8th draw, HOSE 1L 45 --- HOSE stockings or socks [n] --- HOSE to spray with water [v]
Other tops: HAES 1L 45, HOAS 1L 45, HOES 1L 45, HUES 1L 45, HUSO 1L 45
Other moves: HOUSER 9C 35, HAUSE 5A 33, AAH B4 32, HAO B6 31, HAS B6 31
HOSE 1L 45 PIThompson
HOES 1L 45 ginalee, briz2408
HUES 1L 45 charmz
HOAS 1L 45 worsie
HAS B6 31 iwhist, jeff

On 9th draw, FAN B6 31 --- FAN to cool or refresh with a fan (a device for putting air into motion) [v]
Other tops: FON B6 31
Other moves: FRAG 9G 30, FROG 9G 30, AFRO 9F 28, FA B6 28, CLANG K1 26
FAN B6 31 jeff
FON B6 31 iwhist
FROG 9G 30 PIThompson
FRAG 9G 30 margalang
WOOF D10 20 charmz
FRANC E9 20 briz2408
WAGON D10 18 worsie
FANG E2 16 ginalee

On 10th draw, ORGA(S)MIC O4 63 --- ORGASM the climax of sexual excitement [adj] --- ORGASM to experience an orgasm (the climax of sexual excitement) [adj] --- ORGASMIC pertaining to orgasm [adj]
Other moves: CLAMOR K1 30, CLAIM K1 28, CLOAM K1 28, MOA 5C 27, MOI 5C 27
MOI 5C 27 PIThompson
MOA 5C 27 charmz
MOA 9C 22 margalang
MO 3L 21 jeff, iwhist
CRAM E9 16 briz2408
MOW D8 11 ginalee

On 11th draw, ZOA 9C 50 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: ZOA 5C 48, ZA 9C 47, ZO 9C 47, ROZIT 6D 34, WAZIR D10 34
ZOA 9C 50 PIThompson, iwhist, jeff
ZOA 5C 48 charmz
ZA 9C 47 margalang
ZO 9C 47 briz2408
ZIT 6F 32 ginalee

On 12th draw, GONE 5C 36 --- GO to move along [v] --- GONE departed [adj]
Other tops: TEWING 5E 36
Other moves: NOTE 5C 33, RONE 5C 33, ROTE 5C 33, TONE 5C 33, EWT 5C 30
WOE 5C 30 PIThompson
ONE 11C 30 jeff, iwhist, charmz
W*G 8D 27 margalang
WANTON E2 18 ginalee
ZOO C9 12 briz2408

On 13th draw, ZOOID C9 30 --- ZOOID an organic cell or body capable of independent movement [n]
Other tops: ATE 11C 30
Other moves: ZOOEA C9 28, DOAT 11A 25, OAT 11B 23, TED 11D 23, DOWIE D8 22
ZOOID C9 30 PIThompson
ATE 11C 30 jeff
OE 11C 20 margalang, iwhist
OWED D9 16 charmz
ZOA C9 12 ginalee

On 14th draw, QUITE 12A 48 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v] --- QUITE to the fullest extent [adv]
Other tops: QUIET 12A 48, QUIRE 12A 48, QUIRT 12A 48
Other moves: QUIT 12A 46, QAT B12 38, TOQUET 6H 35, TOQUE 6H 34, QUARTER E7 32
QUIET 12A 48 PIThompson, jeff, margalang, ginalee
QUITE 12A 48 iwhist
QUIRT 12A 48 charmz

On 15th draw, WOT 8D 26 --- WOT to know [v]
Other tops: WON 8D 26
Other moves: WO 8D 25, WO 3L 24, TWA 8D 20, TWO 8D 20, WAITRON L6 20
WON 8D 26 jeff, PIThompson, margalang, iwhist
LAWN K8 14 charmz

On 16th draw, VINEYARD L7 80 --- VINEYARD an area planted with grapevines [n]
Other moves: DAVY F12 35, DEVA F12 32, ANY 3K 31, ARY 3K 31, DAY F12 31
ANY 3K 31 jeff
AYE 3K 28 PIThompson
H(E)AVY L1 26 ginalee, iwhist
YE 3L 24 charmz, margalang

On 17th draw, JIVES 15H 65 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JADED 14J 60, JADES 15H 59, JEDIS 15H 59, JADES 14J 58, JEDIS 14J 58
JIVES 15H 65 ginalee, jeff, iwhist
JADED 14J 60 PIThompson, charmz
JADES 15H 59 margalang

On 18th draw, RUTABAGA 12G 62 --- RUTABAGA a plant having a thick, edible root [n]
Other moves: QUAG A12 42, QUAT A12 39, TABU K10 30, ABA K10 28, BAA K11 28
QUAG A12 42 PIThompson, jeff, margalang, charmz, iwhist
BRAY 11I 18 ginalee

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