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Game of August 17, 2011 at 14:24, 9 players
1. 500 pts iwhist
2. 488 pts margalang
3. 250 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aefikw   H4    36    36   wakfs
 2. abemops   I3    26    62   boma
 3. dehlsuy   J6    36    98   yules
 4. adhiloq   J2    35   133   qi
 5. denortx   G1    44   177   dextro
 6. eillnot   1A    27   204   lentoid
 7. ?ghirst   K1   104   308   tigrish
 8. adelmor   8A    83   391   earldoms
 9. adginsz   E5    40   431   sadding
10. aaeilov   C8    22   453   reavail
11. aeeoort   3C    24   477   retax
12. binopst  15C    44   521   spinto
13. abeehnr   1K    42   563   thebe
14. adeinnw  D10    36   599   weid
15. aefoorz   4A    52   651   zoea
16. eginouy  F10    42   693   yogi
17. aeinruu   N1    20   713   burnie
18. cjoprtu   B6    34   747   coapt
19. acefnrv   O5    40   787   faver

Remaining tiles: cjnnuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6281 Fileiwhist      1 18:40  -287  500     1.6281 iwhist      1 18:40  -287  500 
  2.6286 Filemargalang   1 22:52  -299  488     2.6286 margalang   1 22:52  -299  488 
  3.4493 Filecailah      0 14:17  -537  250            Group: novice
  4.5845 FileJennyB      0  6:11  -598  189     1.5845 JennyB      0  6:11  -598  189 
  5.5775 Filesandy914    1  4:02  -639  148     2.5775 sandy914    1  4:02  -639  148 
  6.5675 Filesiuyee      0  3:52  -679  108     3.5675 siuyee      0  3:52  -679  108 
  7.3531 Filearivle      0  5:27  -706   81     4.5691 worsie      0  2:12  -728   59 
  8.5691 Fileworsie      0  2:12  -728   59     5.5817 michele     0  1:57  -747   40 
  9.5817 Filemichele     0  1:57  -747   40            Group: not rated
                                             1.4493 cailah      0 14:17  -537  250 
                                             2.3531 arivle      0  5:27  -706   81 

On 1st draw, WAKF(S) H4 36 --- WAKF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: FAIKE(D) H4 32, FAIKE(S) H4 32, F(R)EAK H8 32, KAFI(R) H4 32, KAIF(S) H4 32
FAKE(R) H4 30 iwhist
F(L)AKE H4 30 margalang
WAKE H8 22 arivle

On 2nd draw, BOMA I3 26 --- BOMA a fenced enclosure [n]
Other tops: BEMA I3 26, EMBOWS 4D 26, PEBA I3 26, WEAMBS 4H 26
Other moves: ABAMPS 5F 24, ABAMPS 5H 24, EMBOW 4D 24, WEAMB 4H 24, WEMBS 4H 24
WOMBS 4H 24 arivle, margalang
MOPES I1 19 iwhist

On 3rd draw, YULES J6 36 --- YULE Christmas time [n]
Other moves: YEH J6 35, YELD J6 34, YULE J6 33, YES J6 32, YUS J6 32
YE J6 31 iwhist
HES J2 24 margalang
KAYS 6H 19 arivle

On 4th draw, QI J2 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QADIS 10F 35, QAIDS 10F 35
Other moves: HOI G5 32, HALOID K7 31, DOH K5 30, HALID K7 29, AHOLD K8 27
QAIDS 10F 35 margalang
HOLD K9 23 iwhist
LOAD 8J 6 arivle

On 5th draw, DEXTRO G1 44 --- DEXTRO turning to the right [adj]
Other moves: OXTER K8 37, EXON K4 35, EXO K4 31, DETOX I9 30, OXTERS 10E 29
OXEN K10 24 margalang
OX K8 20 iwhist
SEX 10J 10 arivle

On 6th draw, LENTOID 1A 27 --- LENTOID lens-shaped [adj] --- LENTOID something in the shape of a lens [n]
Other moves: INTO K2 24, TELLIN F6 24, TOLLIE F6 24, TELOI F6 23, TOILE F6 23
TOLL F6 20 iwhist
LITE K1 20 margalang, siuyee

On 7th draw, TIGR(I)SH K1 104 --- TIGRISH resembling a tiger [adj]
Other moves: T(I)GRISH K1 103, LIGHT(E)RS A1 95, SIGHT(E)R(S) 8A 92, R(E)SIGHT(S) 8A 83, SHRIG(H)T(S) 8A 83
LIGHT(E)RS A1 45 siuyee
THIRS(T) F6 26 iwhist
HITS K1 23 margalang

On 8th draw, EARLDOM(S) 8A 83 --- EARLDOM the rank of an earl [n]
Other moves: EARLDOM I9 68, EARLDOM G8 63, EARLDOMS 10C 63, MEAD 2B 29, TAMED 1K 27
TAMED 1K 27 siuyee, margalang
TAMER 1K 24 iwhist
AM 2A 18 cailah

On 9th draw, SADDING E5 40 --- SAD to express sadness [v]
Other moves: ADZING B8 37, SADZA B7 35, ZINGS 10F 35, ADZING E7 34, DAZING E8 34
DAZING E8 34 iwhist
LENTOIDS 1A 27 cailah
TANGS 1K 21 margalang

On 10th draw, REAVAIL C8 22 --- AVAIL to be of use or advantage to [v] --- REAVAIL to avail again [v]
Other moves: ALIVE D11 21, AVAIL D11 21, AVALE D11 21, LOAVE K9 20, OLIVER C3 20
OLIVE F11 19 margalang
OVAL K10 16 siuyee
NOVEL C1 16 iwhist
NOVELS 10E 11 cailah

On 11th draw, RETAX 3C 24 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: ART D11 19, EAT D11 19, IRE F1 18, ITA F1 18, ROOT D12 18
TREAT 1K 18 margalang, iwhist

On 12th draw, SPINTO 15C 44 --- SPINTO a singing voice that is lyric and dramatic [n]
Other moves: PISTON 15A 38, POSTIN 15A 38, BISON 15A 35, OPSIN 15A 35, POSIT 15A 35
POST 15A 32 sandy914, cailah, iwhist, margalang

On 13th draw, THEBE 1K 42 --- THEBE a monetary unit of Botswana [n]
Other moves: THANE 1K 36, THERE 1K 36, THRAE 1K 36, THREE 1K 36, BEENAH 14E 33
THEBE 1K 42 sandy914
THERE 1K 36 iwhist, margalang, JennyB
REHAB I9 19 cailah

On 14th draw, WEID D10 36 --- WEID a sudden illness [n]
Other tops: WAID D10 36, WAND D10 36, WEND D10 36, WIND D10 36
Other moves: WAD D10 33, WAIN D10 33, WEAN D10 33, WED D10 33, WINN D10 33
WAINED I9 26 JennyB
WINNED I9 26 iwhist
WIDEN I9 25 cailah
DEN 2M 21 sandy914
DAWN 14H 19 margalang

On 15th draw, ZOEA 4A 52 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZARF B7 44, FORZA K9 41, FORZE K9 41, BEZOAR N1 38, BOOZER N1 38
BOOZER N1 38 cailah, iwhist
ZOA B6 32 sandy914
ZEA B6 32 JennyB
ZOO 14H 25 margalang

On 16th draw, YOGI F10 42 --- YOGI a person who practices yoga [n]
Other moves: YONI F10 41, BUNGEY N1 40, YON F10 40, YOU F10 40, YO F10 39
ANY B8 34 margalang, JennyB
BUYING N1 32 iwhist
OY 5A 21 sandy914
YON I9 21 cailah

On 17th draw, BURNIE N1 20 --- BURNIE a brooklet [n]
Other tops: BUREAU N1 20
Other moves: AIN 5A 19, ANE 5A 19, ANI 5A 19, ARE 5A 19, AUE 5A 19
ANE 5A 19 margalang
BRUIN N1 14 JennyB
BRAIN N1 14 iwhist, cailah

On 18th draw, COAPT B6 34 --- COAPT to fit together and make fast [v]
Other moves: JUCO 14H 28, JOTA 6B 27, JURA 6B 27, POCO B3 25, RAPT B7 25
JOT 14H 21 iwhist, cailah, JennyB, margalang, worsie
JO 14H 18 michele

On 19th draw, FAVER O5 40 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: FAVER O6 38, FACER O5 37, FARCE O5 37, FAVE O5 37, FRANC O5 37
FAVER O5 40 iwhist
FAVER O6 38 worsie
FRANC O5 37 margalang
RAVEN O6 26 JennyB
FACE I9 24 cailah
FERN I9 22 michele

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