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Game of August 18, 2011 at 05:46, 7 players
1. 358 pts strykyster
2. 226 pts Waterste
3. 176 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adefhsu   H4    34    34   fashed
 2. adegknu   4F    30    64   unfaked
 3. aceimst   K4    98   162   emicates
 4. egilnrt   I4    77   239   altering
 5. ?bdfhor   8K    39   278   abhor
 6. aejlnrs   M8    34   312   hejras
 7. abdfiln  L12    32   344   find
 8. aeeistw   O1    86   430   sweatier
 9. abegmno   N6    41   471   gnomae
10. enooprv  15F    39   510   provend
11. dioorty   J9    38   548   ryot
12. ?cgilou   7A    68   616   guilloche
13. abdelow  O10    63   679   bowled
14. aeiqtvx   6A    53   732   ax
15. ?eenouy   A3    39   771   lynage
16. aeiiorv   E5    36   807   rilievo
17. aiipqtu   D3    26   833   qua
18. ailoptz  D11    56   889   plotz

Remaining tiles: aiiotu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.3921 Filestrykyster  0 15:55  -531  358     1.5834 JennyB      0  3:38  -801   88 
  2.  -  FileWaterste    0 14:58  -663  226     2.5458 jimbo       0  2:10  -850   39 
  3.4603 Filespellcheck  0  9:56  -713  176     3.5897 babsbedi    0  1:51  -866   23 
  4.5834 FileJennyB      0  3:38  -801   88            Group: not rated
  5.4788 Filenaneru      0  3:55  -815   74     1.3921 strykyster  0 15:55  -531  358 
  6.5458 Filejimbo       0  2:10  -850   39     2.  -  Waterste    0 14:58  -663  226 
  7.5897 Filebabsbedi    0  1:51  -866   23     3.4603 spellcheck  0  9:56  -713  176 
                                             4.4788 naneru      0  3:55  -815   74 

On 1st draw, FASHED H4 34 --- FASH to bother or annoy [v]
Other tops: SHADUF H3 34, SHADUF H7 34
Other moves: FASHED H7 30, HAUFS H4 30, SHEAF H8 30, FASHED H3 28, FASHED H8 28
SHADE H5 18 strykyster

On 2nd draw, UNFAKED 4F 30 --- FAKE to contrive and present as genuine [adj] --- UNFAKED not faked [adj]
Other moves: FUNKED 4H 28, KAED G5 27, FAKED 4H 26, GENUA G3 24, KENAF 4D 24
FAKED 4H 26 strykyster
ASKED 6G 12 Waterste

On 3rd draw, EMICATES K4 98 --- EMICATE to sparkle [v]
Other moves: EMICATES 8H 89, ACMITES G6 85, ETACISM G7 78, ETACISM I7 78, MICATES G8 71
MACES 5K 29 strykyster
SKIM J3 16 Waterste

On 4th draw, ALTERING I4 77 --- ALTER to make different [v]
Other moves: RINGLETS 11D 68, TINGLERS 11D 68, TRINGLES 11D 68, RINGLET G8 66, RINGLET I8 66

On 5th draw, ABHOR 8K 39 --- ABHOR to loathe [v]
Other moves: (A)BHOR H11 38, ABHO(R) 8K 36, ABH(O)R 8K 36, ABOH(M) 8K 36, AB(M)HO 8K 36
ABOR(T) 8K 27 strykyster

On 6th draw, HEJRAS M8 34 --- HEJRA the flight of Mohammed from Mecca [n]
Other moves: JAUNSE F2 31, JAK J2 30, JEON N6 27, JEST 6F 27, JANES 5B 26
JOES N7 13 strykyster
ALURES F2 10 Waterste

On 7th draw, FIND L12 32 --- FIND to come upon after a search [v]
Other tops: FAND L12 32
Other moves: BALD L12 28, BAND L12 28, BIND L12 28, FAB L12 28, FAIL L12 28
FAD 12L 14 strykyster
BUND F3 11 Waterste

On 8th draw, SWEATIER O1 86 --- SWEATY covered with perspiration [adj]
Other moves: SWEATIEST 6A 72, TAWERIES O4 62, WASTERIE O3 62, WEARIEST O5 62, SWEATED 15F 33
WAISTED 15F 33 Waterste
DEWS 15L 24 strykyster

On 9th draw, GNOMAE N6 41 --- GNOME a fabled little person [n]
Other moves: AMONG H11 36, BEGNAW 2J 36, BADMEN 15J 33, BEDAMN 15J 33, BONDAGE 15I 33
DEMO 15L 21 strykyster
DOME 15L 21 Waterste

On 10th draw, PROVEND 15F 39 --- PROVEND provisions [n]
Other moves: P**V* O11 38, PROVE O11 38, PROVED 15G 36, OVERDO 15H 30, PORNO O11 29
PROVED 15G 36 Waterste
DOVE 15L 24 strykyster

On 11th draw, RYOT J9 38 --- RYOT a tenant farmer in India [n]
Other moves: DIRTY O11 34, DORTY O11 34, YIRD J10 34, Y*D J10 33, YOD J10 33
TODDY L1 18 spellcheck
JAY 10M 13 strykyster
DROOP F11 10 Waterste

On 12th draw, GUIL(L)OCHE 7A 68 --- GUILLOCHE [n]
Other tops: GUI(L)LOCHE 7A 68
Other moves: GILCU(P) O10 41, OCULI O11 33, (S)COUG O11 32, OCUL(I) O11 30, OCU(L)I O11 30
CL(A)W 2L 16 strykyster
CLING G1 13 spellcheck
LOU 14D 11 Waterste

On 13th draw, BOWLED O10 63 --- BOWL to make a delivery of a ball [v]
Other moves: DWALE O11 43, OWLED O11 42, WODGE A4 42, BOWED O11 41, AL(L)OWED E5 40
BADGE A4 36 spellcheck
LODGE A4 24 Waterste
GABLE A7 24 strykyster

On 14th draw, AX 6A 53 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: QUIXOTE F3 39, VITEX 3B 39, QUATE B6 36, QUIET B6 36, QUITE B6 36
QUITE B6 36 spellcheck, strykyster
QUIET B6 36 Waterste

On 15th draw, (L)YNAGE A3 39 --- LYNAGE ancestry [n]
Other moves: (B)UOYAGE A2 33, E(S)(L)OYNE E5 32, (P)O(L)YENE E5 32, (V)OYAGE A3 30, ONY N2 29
YEW 2M 18 strykyster
YOW 2M 18 JennyB
ONLY D5 11 spellcheck
(Q)UEENS 1J 6 Waterste

On 16th draw, RI(L)IEVO E5 36 --- RILIEVO the projection of figures or forms from a flat background [n]
Other moves: REAVOW 2J 28, VIREO 14B 26, RAVIOLI D2 22, VARIOLE D2 22, VIRAGOS 11E 22
(L)OVER 3A 14 JennyB, strykyster
VA(L)OR E5 14 naneru
VIAL D4 14 spellcheck

On 17th draw, QUA D3 26 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other tops: APT N2 26
Other moves: QUA B1 25, QUAI 14E 25, QUAT 14E 25, QUEP 9C 25, QAID L1 24
QUA B1 25 naneru
QUID L1 24 jimbo
QATS 1L 23 spellcheck
QUIPS 1K 17 JennyB
PE 14N 8 strykyster

On 18th draw, PLOTZ D11 56 --- PLOTZ to be overwhelmed by an emotion [v]
Other moves: TOPAZ D11 54, ZAP D11 39, ZIP D11 39, ZATI D11 37, ZILA D11 37
ZAP D11 39 JennyB
ZOA D11 35 naneru
ZO D11 33 strykyster
ZIPS 1L 25 spellcheck
ZA B2 23 babsbedi
PI E2 15 jimbo

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