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Game of August 18, 2011 at 06:30, 6 players
1. 553 pts jimbo
2. 397 pts naneru
3. 393 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?emrstt   H3    72    72   smatter
 2. agillns   4H    74   146   mallings
 3. beenost  10B    76   222   beentos
 4. abeforu  11C    31   253   feuar
 5. deilsty   O2    86   339   distyles
 6. aehinov   3C    45   384   evanish
 7. ?adfiix   M3    54   438   infixed
 8. aeeeppr   L8    35   473   peeper
 9. eginorz   6D    90   563   rozeting
10. abijktu   5B    44   607   jauk
11. acdioqr   7A    32   639   cardio
12. abdehou   8A    43   682   hae
13. acdiotu  13H    22   704   daturic
14. enootvy   K8    26   730   onto
15. ablmouy  H12    27   757   odyl
16. aimorww   2A    23   780   wow
17. abeinqr   1A    32   812   ane
18. abgiouv  N11    24   836   vocab

Remaining tiles: gimqru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5465 Filejimbo       2 18:47  -283  553     1.5465 jimbo       2 18:47  -283  553 
  2.4788 Filenaneru      2 20:10  -439  397     2.5799 charmz      1  6:18  -724  112 
  3.4605 Filespellcheck  0 17:15  -443  393            Group: not rated
  4.3943 Filestrykyster  1 17:44  -526  310     1.4788 naneru      2 20:10  -439  397 
  5.3681 Filedenbay      0 12:17  -635  201     2.4605 spellcheck  0 17:15  -443  393 
  6.5799 Filecharmz      1  6:18  -724  112     3.3943 strykyster  1 17:44  -526  310 
                                             4.3681 denbay      0 12:17  -635  201 

On 1st draw, SM(A)TTER H3 72 --- SMATTER to speak with little knowledge [v]
Other tops: METR(I)ST H4 72, M(A)TTERS H4 72, M(U)TTERS H4 72
Other moves: METR(I)ST H2 68, METR(I)ST H3 68, METR(I)ST H6 68, METR(I)ST H7 68, M(A)TTERS H2 68
M(A)TTERS H4 72 jimbo
M(A)TTERS H4 22 spellcheck
M(A)STER H4 20 naneru
ME(A)TS H4 18 strykyster

On 2nd draw, MALLINGS 4H 74 --- MALLING the practice of shopping at malls (large buildings with many shops) [n]
SMALLING 4G 72 jimbo
SIGNAL 10H 20 naneru
MAILS 4H 14 strykyster
SNAILS 3H 14 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, BEENTOS 10B 76 --- BEENTO (W Africa) someone who was educated in England [n]
Other moves: BONESET 10D 72, BONESETS 3A 72, BEENTOS G8 68, BONESET G8 68, ENGOBES N2 32
SNOBS O4 21 jimbo
STONES O4 18 spellcheck
BETS O1 18 naneru, strykyster

On 4th draw, FEUAR 11C 31 --- FEUAR one granted land under Scottish feudal law [n]
Other moves: AFRO 11B 29, ORFE 11B 29, AFRO 9B 28, BEFORE C9 28, FABS O1 27
FOBS O1 27 strykyster, spellcheck
SABRE O4 21 jimbo
BROSE O1 21 naneru

On 5th draw, DISTYLES O2 86 --- DISTYLE a portico with two columns [n]
Other tops: STYLISED O4 86
Other moves: DISTYLE 12G 78, DISTYLES 3A 76, DISTYLE O2 33, SNIDELY M3 32, DEFTLY C9 30
STYLISED O4 86 jimbo
STYLED O4 30 spellcheck
DYES O1 24 naneru
TYES O1 21 strykyster

On 6th draw, EVANISH 3C 45 --- EVANISH to vanish [v]
Other moves: HAINED 2J 36, HONIED 2J 36, VAHINES 3B 28, HAVEN N8 26, HAVENS 3C 26
HALVE K2 22 spellcheck
HATE 6F 15 jimbo
LOVE K4 14 strykyster
HEAVE 8K 12 naneru

On 7th draw, INFIX(E)D M3 54 --- INFIX to implant [v]
Other moves: INFIX M3 46, INF(I)X M3 44, (E)NFIX M3 44, (I)NFIX M3 44, (U)NFIX M3 44
FIXIT 6D 31 naneru, jimbo
FLAX K3 28 denbay
V(E)X D3 24 spellcheck

On 8th draw, PEEPER L8 35 --- PEEPER one that peeps [n]
Other moves: PAPER L6 34, PAPE L6 33, PAPER L8 33, PEEPE L8 33, PAP L6 29
PEEPER L8 35 naneru
PAVER D1 26 spellcheck
LAPPER K4 20 jimbo
RAVE D1 16 denbay
HARE I3 10 strykyster

On 9th draw, ROZETING 6D 90 --- ROZET to rosin [v]
Other moves: ROZETING 7D 70, GENIZOT 6B 41, NOTARIZE F8 37, ZINEB B6 36, LOZEN J4 34
ZITE 6F 33 naneru
ZIT 6F 32 jimbo
GRAZE E1 30 denbay
ZIP 11J 28 spellcheck
Z(A)G 5G 19 strykyster

On 10th draw, JAUK 5B 44 --- JAUK to dawdle [v]
Other moves: JAK 5C 42, TAJ 5C 40, JAK 9A 38, JAK 2E 35, BAJRI 13I 34
JAK 12F 32 naneru
JOB E5 24 spellcheck, strykyster
JAP 11J 24 jimbo
PIT 11L 5 denbay

On 11th draw, CARDIO 7A 32 --- CARDIO short for cardiovascular, as in cardio exercises [adj]
Other moves: RADIO 7B 29, QI N1 28, QADI L1 27, CORRIDA 13I 26, QADI 7B 26
QI N1 28 naneru
CRAP 11I 16 denbay
JAR B5 12 strykyster
QI G2 11 spellcheck, jimbo

On 12th draw, HAE 8A 43 --- HAE to have [v]
Other moves: BOHEA K10 39, HA 8A 38, HE 8A 38, HOAED K10 35, OBEAH K11 34
HAE 8A 43 naneru
ACHE A6 27 spellcheck, strykyster
HOARD 13I 26 jimbo
BREAD 13K 16 denbay

On 13th draw, DATURIC 13H 22 --- DATURA a flowering plant [adj] --- DATURIC relating to datura [adj]
Other tops: AUTO K10 22, CAIRD 13I 22, COURD 13I 22
Other moves: DOT K10 21, DUO K10 21, ODA K11 21, OUD K10 21, TOD K10 21
ATOPIC 11I 20 jimbo
TOPIC 11J 18 spellcheck
CLAG K3 14 denbay
RAID 13L 10 strykyster

On 14th draw, ONTO K8 26 --- ONTO to a position upon [prep]
Other moves: TOYON 14G 24, EYOT 14H 23, YO K10 23, ENOLOGY K1 22, GOONY K6 22
DEV H13 21 jimbo
DYE H13 21 spellcheck
DOY H13 21 charmz
COY N13 16 denbay
TYE J13 14 strykyster
YON 2A 14 naneru

On 15th draw, ODYL H12 27 --- ODYL a mystical pervasive force [n]
Other moves: BUTYL J11 25, BOMA 12G 24, MATY J11 24, BAY 12G 23, BLAY 14F 23
BLAY 14F 23 charmz
DAY H13 21 spellcheck, jimbo, naneru
MOB 2E 21 strykyster
COY N13 16 denbay

On 16th draw, WOW 2A 23 --- WOW to excite to enthusiastic approval [v]
Other tops: WAW 2A 23
Other moves: MAW 2A 21, MOW 2A 21, AW J10 20, CWM N13 20, WARM 2I 20
WOW 2A 23 charmz
AWRY 14E 18 jimbo
COW N13 16 denbay
CAW N13 16 spellcheck
ZOO F6 12 strykyster

On 17th draw, ANE 1A 32 --- ANE one [n]
Other moves: AB 1A 31, BRACE N10 30, QI N1 28, AI 1A 23, AN 1A 23
ANE 1A 32 strykyster
AB 1A 31 naneru, charmz
BRACE N10 30 spellcheck
QI N1 28 jimbo
CAB N13 14 denbay

On 18th draw, VOCAB N11 24 --- VOCAB a vocabulary [n]
Other tops: GUACO N10 24
Other moves: BRAINED 9G 22, ABUT J10 20, AVO 2I 20, BAG 2E 19, BIG 2E 19
BOA 2E 17 strykyster
COB N13 14 charmz
BLOG K3 14 spellcheck
CAB N13 14 denbay, jimbo
BLAG K3 14 naneru

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