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Game of August 18, 2011 at 07:14, 6 players
1. 537 pts charmz
2. 489 pts spellcheck
3. 408 pts kellybelly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefmnst   H4    28    28   fames
 2. acdeoru   8C    62    90   caroused
 3. abeilor   E5    90   180   borrelia
 4. ?aentty   J1    71   251   tyranted
 5. ?ddestu  13B    79   330   adusted
 6. eeiooqt   G3    26   356   qi
 7. dehinoo   F4    39   395   doh
 8. aeijlrv  D12    48   443   juve
 9. aeknprs   C4    72   515   pranckes
10. abnopry   1J    45   560   trypan
11. egilruw  H10    33   593   wilder
12. aeeelwx   D1    44   637   wexe
13. abgistz   B6    64   701   za
14. aeilnrt  14H    70   771   elaterin
15. aeglnot   L7    70   841   elongate
16. bgiiost  B10    36   877   botas
17. ghiimnu   O8   203  1080   inhuming
18. cfgiouv   A7    38  1118   fico
19. giioouv   I7    29  1147   vego

Remaining tiles: iiou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5806 Filecharmz      2 17:48  -610  537     1.7256 kellybelly  2  8:31  -739  408 
  2.4620 Filespellcheck  1 16:03  -658  489            Group: intermediate
  3.7256 Filekellybelly  2  8:31  -739  408     1.6123 Faeythe     0  0:24 -1126   21 
  4.5493 Filejimbo       0  4:09 -1046  101            Group: novice
  5.6123 FileFaeythe     0  0:24 -1126   21     1.5806 charmz      2 17:48  -610  537 
  6.4817 Filenaneru      0  1:48 -1127   20     2.5493 jimbo       0  4:09 -1046  101 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4620 spellcheck  1 16:03  -658  489 
                                             2.4817 naneru      0  1:48 -1127   20 

On 1st draw, FAMES H4 28 --- FAME to make famous [v]
Other moves: FASTEN H4 26, FANES H4 24, FATES H4 24, FEAST H4 24, FEATS H4 24
FAMES H4 28 spellcheck, charmz
FASTEN H3 20 naneru

On 2nd draw, CAROUSED 8C 62 --- CAROUSE to engage in a carousal [v]
Other moves: CARED I3 29, CEDAR G3 27, CEDAR I3 27, CODER G3 27, OARED I3 25
FORCED 4H 24 charmz
CREAM 6D 11 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, BORRELIA E5 90 --- BORRELIA a coiled spirochete [n]
FABLER 4H 22 spellcheck, charmz

On 4th draw, TY(R)ANTED J1 71 --- TYRANT to play the oppressor [v]
Other moves: NATTE(R)Y 9I 67, DAN(C)ETTY J8 65, LATENT(L)Y 10E 64, (D)ANCETTY C5 64, TENAC(I)TY C4 63
AYE D11 24 charmz
FATTY 4H 22 spellcheck

On 5th draw, (A)DUSTED 13B 79 --- ADUST to scorch [v]
Other moves: STUDDE(D) 13E 72, STUDDE(N) 13E 72, STUDD(I)E 13E 72, STUDD(L)E 13E 72, STU(D)DED 13E 72
DUST(E)D 1G 27 spellcheck
D(E)EDS 13A 23 charmz

On 6th draw, QI G3 26 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 14A 24, Q(A)T B12 22, TOETOE 1G 21, TOETOE 1J 21, BETAINE 5E 18
QI 14A 24 charmz
Q(A)T B12 22 spellcheck

On 7th draw, DOH F4 39 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other tops: HIDDEN H10 39, HODDEN H10 39, HODDIN H10 39
Other moves: DHOOTIE 1F 36, HINTED 1G 36, HOODED H10 36, HOOTED 1G 36, HIDED H11 33
HOODED H10 36 spellcheck
DOTH 1H 24 charmz

On 8th draw, JUVE D12 48 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other moves: EVEJAR I6 43, JILTER 1G 42, JURA D12 42, JURE D12 42, AVIDER H10 33
JURA D12 42 kellybelly
JILTER 1G 42 charmz
JET 1H 30 spellcheck

On 9th draw, PRANCKES C4 72 --- PRANCKE to pleat [v]
Other moves: TAKERS 1J 45, KAP(A)S B10 40, RESPEAK 15C 39, SPEAKER 15B 39, KAN(A)E B10 36
TAKERS 1J 45 kellybelly
SPEAKER 15B 39 spellcheck
SKATER 1G 33 charmz

On 10th draw, TRYPAN 1J 45 --- TRYPAN as in trypan blue, a blue dye obtained from tolidine [adj]
Other tops: PANTRY 1G 45
Other moves: PAN(A)RY B10 44, BOY(A)R B10 42, BARYTON 1F 39, BOTANY 1H 36, TARBOY 1J 36
ROPEY 15A 30 spellcheck, charmz
YA B10 28 kellybelly

On 11th draw, WILDER H10 33 --- WILDER to cause to stray [v]
Other moves: WIDER H11 30, WILE D1 30, WIRE D1 30, WE B10 28, EWER I6 27
WE 2N 22 kellybelly
WILE 15A 21 charmz
WIRE 15A 21 spellcheck

On 12th draw, WEXE D1 44 --- WEXE to wax [v]
Other tops: AXE 2M 44
Other moves: WEXE 15A 42, WEXE I7 41, AX 2M 40, EX 2M 40, W(R)AXLE 3I 38
AXE 2M 44 kellybelly, charmz
AXLE 15A 33 spellcheck

On 13th draw, ZA B6 64 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: BWAZIS 1C 60, TIZWAS 1A 54, ZIBETS 15A 51, BIZES 15A 48, ZIBET 15A 48
ZA B6 64 kellybelly
SIZE 15A 39 charmz, spellcheck

On 14th draw, ELATERIN 14H 70 --- ELATERIN a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: ENTAILER 14H 70
Other moves: INERTIAL 11H 66, LAWNIER 1B 30, TAWNIER 1B 30, TINWARE 1A 30, AWNIER 1C 27
TRAWL 1A 24 spellcheck
TAILER A7 24 kellybelly
WATER 1D 24 charmz

On 15th draw, ELONGATE L7 70 --- ELONGATE to lengthen [v]
Other moves: TALWEG 1A 30, GELANT A7 28, GELATO A7 28, LENO 15L 28, ENGAOL A7 27
LENO 15L 28 kellybelly
WAGON 1D 27 charmz
GLOW 1A 24 jimbo
GENT O12 21 Faeythe
GONE 15A 15 spellcheck

On 16th draw, BOT(A)S B10 36 --- BOTA a leather bottle [n]
Other moves: BIGOTS A7 35, BING O12 30, BIOTINS O9 30, BITING O10 30, BONG O12 30
BIGOTS A7 35 jimbo
BING O12 30 kellybelly
BONG O12 30 charmz
TOSING O10 24 spellcheck

On 17th draw, INHUMING O8 203 --- INHUME to bury [v]
Other moves: HING O12 36, HUNG O12 36, HIM M7 33, HIM A7 30, HUM A7 30
HUNG O12 36 kellybelly
MINING O10 30 spellcheck
HUG A7 27 charmz

On 18th draw, FICO A7 38 --- FICO something of little worth [n]
Other moves: FIGO A7 35, FUGIO N6 31, VEGO I7 29, FIG A7 27, FOG A7 27
FIGO A7 35 charmz
FOG A7 27 kellybelly
FIG A7 27 jimbo
FIVE 2A 20 spellcheck

On 19th draw, VEGO I7 29 --- VEGO a vegetarian [n]
Other moves: VEG I7 23, WIVING 10H 21, GIO N8 18, GOO N8 18, VIG N6 18
GOO N8 18 kellybelly
GIVE 2A 16 spellcheck, charmz
VINO 10J 15 jimbo

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