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Game of August 18, 2011 at 21:41, 7 players
1. 544 pts Thuwal
2. 494 pts sunshine12
3. 377 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. iooqtuw   H4    48    48   quoit
 2. acdegik   G7    31    79   kidge
 3. aegmrsv  11E    44   123   greaves
 4. ?cfgiio  10J    38   161   folic
 5. lmoortu  H11    30   191   amort
 6. ?dhostz   M7    56   247   doziest
 7. aghiort   I2    39   286   aright
 8. abeenor   2G    74   360   anaerobe
 9. aennprs   O2    91   451   spanner
10. aeiinno   1D    26   477   inane
11. aeilrst  15H    77   554   tertials
12. aellnoy   3A    88   642   alonely
13. acdeimu   A2    42   684   camaieu
14. abeehjt   1J    57   741   hejab
15. defiluw   L4    36   777   wifed
16. dilopuy   4A    38   815   mopy
17. eilotuw   K5    28   843   low
18. eituuvx  I11    42   885   vex

Remaining tiles: dituuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5910 FileThuwal      3 15:48  -341  544     1.6228 sunshine12  4 17:11  -391  494 
  2.6228 Filesunshine12  4 17:11  -391  494     2.6447 GLOBEMAN    3  5:22  -720  165 
  3.5167 Filetonikay     0 16:33  -508  377            Group: novice
  4.4817 Filenaneru      3 14:15  -583  302     1.5910 Thuwal      3 15:48  -341  544 
  5.6447 FileGLOBEMAN    3  5:22  -720  165     2.5167 tonikay     0 16:33  -508  377 
  6.5804 Filenarisa      0  9:41  -738  147     3.5804 narisa      0  9:41  -738  147 
  7.4885 FileBiddy       1  2:31  -823   62            Group: not rated
                                             1.4817 naneru      3 14:15  -583  302 
                                             2.4885 Biddy       1  2:31  -823   62 

On 1st draw, QUOIT H4 48 --- QUOIT to play a throwing game similar to ringtoss [v]
Other moves: QUOIT H8 30, QUOIT H5 28, QUOIT H6 28, QUOIT H7 28, QUIT H5 26
QUOIT H4 48 Biddy, Thuwal

On 2nd draw, KIDGE G7 31 --- KIDGE brisk [adj]
Other moves: KADE G7 29, KADI G7 29, KAED G7 28, KAID G7 28, KED G7 28
KID G7 28 sunshine12
DOCK 6G 21 Thuwal
TICKED 8H 14 Biddy

On 3rd draw, GREAVES 11E 44 --- GREAVE a piece of armor for the leg [n] --- GREAVE to feel grief [v]
Other moves: AVERS H11 38, EGMAS H11 32, SMEAR H11 32, MAGES H11 31, MARGE H11 31
SAVER I7 24 Thuwal
MADS 9E 22 sunshine12

On 4th draw, FO(L)IC 10J 38 --- FOLIC a type of acid [n] --- FOLIC derived from folic acid [adj]
Other moves: FIGO(S) I3 34, FICI(N) 10J 32, FICO 10J 32, FICO(S) 10J 32, FOCI 10J 32
FO(L)IC 10J 38 sunshine12
FOG 10J 30 Thuwal
FIG(S) I3 26 tonikay

On 5th draw, AMORT H11 30 --- AMORT being without life [adj]
Other tops: AMOUR H11 30
Other moves: MOLTO 12A 23, MILOR M9 20, MOR I5 20, MOT I5 20, MUT I5 20
AMORT H11 30 Thuwal, naneru
MOT I5 20 tonikay
MOO 12C 13 sunshine12

On 6th draw, DOZI(E)ST M7 56 --- DOZY drowsy [adj]
Other moves: ZOS G13 47, ZIT(I)S M9 46, ZO(A) G13 45, ZO(S) G13 45, Z(A)S G13 45
ZOS G13 47 sunshine12, Thuwal, tonikay
ZO(O) 12C 24 naneru

On 7th draw, ARIGHT I2 39 --- ARIGHT rightly; correctly [adv]
Other moves: RIGHT I3 38, THORO 8K 36, TORAH L4 36, HOAR 8L 33, HOOT 8L 33
THORO 8K 36 Thuwal
HOOT 8L 33 sunshine12
HA G13 20 tonikay
TOGA 8L 18 naneru

On 8th draw, ANAEROBE 2G 74 --- ANAEROBE an organism that does not require oxygen to live [n]
Other moves: AEROBE N2 31, ENROBE N2 31, ABOON 8K 30, ABORE 8K 30, ENROBER 14B 30
ABOON 8K 30 Thuwal
BOON 8L 27 sunshine12
BONE 8L 27 tonikay
BORN 8L 27 naneru

On 9th draw, SPANNER O2 91 --- SPANNER one that spans [n]
Other moves: PANNERS 3A 73, SPANNER 3A 73, PANE 1L 40, PANS 1L 40, PARE 1L 40
SPANNER O2 91 naneru
PARE 1L 40 Thuwal
PANS 1L 40 tonikay, sunshine12

On 10th draw, INANE 1D 26 --- INANE empty space [n] --- INANE nonsensical [adj]
Other moves: NEAP 3L 24, AINE 1E 20, ANNO 1E 20, EINA 1E 20, NANE 1E 20
INANE 1D 26 naneru
NONE 1E 20 Thuwal
NONE L1 10 narisa
DAE 7M 4 tonikay
AN L13 4 sunshine12

On 11th draw, TERTIALS 15H 77 --- TERTIAL a flight feather of a bird's wing [n]
Other moves: SOTERIAL L1 76, REALIST 3A 70, RETAILS 3A 70, SALTIRE 3A 70, TAILERS 3A 70
LAST F5 17 Thuwal
TAILS F3 15 sunshine12
LOST L1 10 narisa
KITS 7G 8 tonikay
TASTIER 15E 7 naneru

On 12th draw, ALONELY 3A 88 --- ALONELY solitary [adv]
Other moves: ALLEY L4 36, ALLOY L4 36, LANELY 3B 36, LEANLY 3B 36, LONELY 3B 36
YON 1L 25 Thuwal
NAY 1J 23 sunshine12
YEA N4 19 tonikay
YEN 2B 14 narisa
ROYAL F11 10 naneru

On 13th draw, CAMAIEU A2 42 --- CAMAIEU a cameo [n]
Other moves: ACEDIA A3 36, CLAIMED B2 36, MADE 4A 36, AIMED 4A 34, MED J6 34
MADE 4A 36 sunshine12
MEAD A1 27 narisa, naneru, Thuwal
MAD 2A 23 tonikay

On 14th draw, HEJAB 1J 57 --- HEJAB a covering for a Muslim woman's head and face [n]
Other moves: HEJAB L4 50, HAJ 1J 45, JAB 1L 45, JOBE L1 42, HAJ L6 41
JAB 1L 45 Thuwal, tonikay
HAJ L6 41 sunshine12
JAR 14F 26 narisa

On 15th draw, WIFED L4 36 --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: JOWLED L1 34, LIEF B3 34, JOWED L1 32, DEFI 4C 30, FELID L4 30
WIFED L4 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WED 4C 26 tonikay
WEE I13 21 Thuwal
FIRE 14F 17 narisa

On 16th draw, MOPY 4A 38 --- MOPY dejected [adj]
Other moves: MODULI 4A 31, DIP K5 29, DOP K5 29, POL K5 27, YOD 4C 26
DOP K5 29 narisa
POL K5 27 tonikay
OP K4 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
YO G13 20 Thuwal

On 17th draw, LOW K5 28 --- LOW having relatively little upward extension [adj] --- LOW to utter the sound characteristic of cattle [v]
Other tops: LEW K5 28, TEW K5 28, TOW K5 28
Other moves: VOW I11 26, WETS 12J 26, LITU K5 25, TOLU K5 25, TEW 5C 23
LOW K5 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WEE I13 21 Thuwal
AWE 5A 17 tonikay
WORT 14F 17 naneru
WO F8 14 narisa

On 18th draw, VEX I11 42 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: TEX 5C 31, TEX B8 28, TIX B8 28, TUX B8 28, XI 9A 28
VEX I11 42 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, Thuwal
TUX B8 28 tonikay
AXE 5A 25 naneru

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